
The Voidbringer

A young man named Fable along with the rest of his classmates wakes up face to face with the god of gambling and the god of games. The gods inform the classmates that they died and are now being given a second chance at life in a new world lorded over by the gods, but there's a catch... The students are told that they will be given random Skills, Bloodlines, Physiques, and Weapons... The gods say that if they accept these gifts, the students will be required to fight in this new world, slay monsters that threaten the peace, and restore stability to the world.

Lv1_Author · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Fate Bloodheart


Name: Fable Bloodheart

Species: Homunculus

Cultivation: Mortal

Skill: Void Covenant [Unique]

- Fate Bloodheart [Slime]

Bloodline: Voidbringer [Unique]

Physique: Fallen war-god

Soul Armament: Light and Dark Unicorn horns

"So that's how the Void Covenant works..." Fable said in a daze

"Yes master," said the girl dressed in a maid outfit

"But why are you dressed in a maid outfit?" He asked

The maid smiled. "Because I am your maid master" She said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh, it looks like I can see your status as well..." Fable muttered when he saw a new screen.


Name: Fate Bloodheart

Species: Voidbringer Slime

Cultivation: Mortal

Skill: Morph [Epic]

Bloodline: Ancient Slime [Epic]

Physique: Battle Maid

Soul Armament: N/A

"So you're a Voidbringer slime?" Fable asked the girl

"Yes master" 

"And your name is Fate Bloodheart?"

"Yes master, you're the one who gave It to me." The girl named Fate answered happily

"Is your morph skill how you turned into this form?" Fable asked curiously

Fate hesitated for a moment. "Yes, it lets me transition from my slime form into this form"

Fable nodded in understanding. "What does the Ancient Slime bloodline do?"

Fate thought for a moment. "It lets me control slime with extreme precision, here let me demonstrate."

Fate held out her hand for a moment before a ball of slime appeared in her hands and then she pinched the ball with her thumb and index finger before pulling them back.

When she pulled her fingers back a small string could be seen held between the two. As Fate kept pulling the string out the ball of slime got smaller and smaller until it was a pile of string.

Fate looked at her master with a wide smile on her face. "If I use aura I could turn these strings of slime into a deadly weapon, but I would need a cultivation technique first."

Fable stared at the strings with a pondering look before he pulled out the manual for the path of the Blood Tryant and tossed it to her.

Fate's eyes widened in surprise as she grabbed the manual tossed to her, and it widened even more when she read the techniques inside it.

Fable, standing just in front of her, was looking at her curiously. He had a lot of questions on his mind, but one particular one stood out the most.

"Hey Fate, how do you know how to read?" He asked curiously

Fate looked up at him with sparkling eyes. "I gained knowledge through your blood when you used it to form the covenant."

Fable nodded in understanding. "Then what do slimes eat?"

Fate paused for a moment. "Normal slimes can eat anything, but since I am now a Voidbringer slime I will require blood, the stronger the being the blood comes from the stronger I will get."

Fable paused for a moment in consideration. "Then would my blood work? I don't know if Voidbringers can suck each other's blood though..."

When she heard the question her eyes widened in surprise and a hint of joy. "Yes master, Voidbringers can drink each other's blood, it will actually be more beneficial to drink your blood than someone else's of the same range due to your bloodline's superiority."

Fable nodded in understanding, slowly realizing how Voidbringers worked. "How often do you need to feed on my blood then?"

Fate stared at Fable for a minute somewhat in a daze. "Well... I could probably sustain myself if I drank your blood once a week, but to be in top condition it would be best to drink it once a day."

Fable smiled at her which made her subconsciously smile back. "Then do you want to drink it right now?"

Fate didn't even answer his question as she immediately jumped on him and sunk her teeth into his neck. Though Fable was initially surprised by her sudden actions he just watched her bite into his neck.

Though... once Fable saw her neck right next to him he suddenly felt the urge to bite it and suck her blood, and due to his weakness towards beautiful women he couldn't resist the urge and sunk his teeth into the beautiful maid's neck.

Though he was consumed with the desire to drink blood, it did not stop him from thinking rationally. He could feel everything that was happening, he could feel the blood being sucked out of his body in a weirdly pleasurable feeling while he was replenishing himself by drinking blood from Fate whose blood he thought tasted exquisite.

The feeding session continued for half an hour before both of them pulled back from one another, and both had a dazed look in their eyes as though they were trying to remember where they were.

Fable recovered from his dazed state first with a small smile on his face as he remembered the taste of Fate's blood.

When Fate recovered she blushed slightly before immediately hurrying off to start cultivating the Blood Tyrants technique to fully utilize her master's blood, and when Fable realized what she planned he realized he could feel more blood aura inside him so he decided to cultivate as well.

Due to the excess blood aura, and the high quality of it since it came directly from the source, Fable was able to advance through the first fifth of the Low-Copper stage while Fate was able to from her Aura core with the blood aura.

When the two finished digesting the blood aura they sat on the ground facing each other. Fable was looking at Fate with squinted eyes as if trying to decide something while Fate couldn't stop herself from fidgeting in front of the scrutinizing gaze of her master.

Suddenly Fable spoke up. "Okay, it's decided."

Fate looked at him curiously. "What's decided?"

Fable had a small smile on his face. "What you're the main job gonna be my dear maid."

"But isn't my main job being your maid?" She asked curiously.

Fate laughed. "Well, that's true too, but no your main job is going to be to protect me."

"But master, your cultivation is currently stronger than mine, how am I supposed to protect you?"

Fable just laughed again. "I don't need you to protect me from cultivators Fate, I need you to protect me from beautiful women."

Fate stared at Fable blankly. "Why do you need protection from beautiful women, and how am I supposed to help with that?"

Fable stared at her mischievously. "Well, since only beautiful women can scare off beautiful women I will be having you pretend to be my wife Fate."

Fate froze for a second before blushing a deep red, she couldn't even find any words to say, and she could only make one small quiet noise.

"Wa-wa HUH?"