
Guess who's back?

*Theo's POV*

I turn to Keylee who stares at Stiles. We tied him up in a chair in the basement.

'Right, I wanna give him a chance to let Void in willingly, if he doesn't, I'm planning to pretend like I'm gonna hurt you. I think it might trigger Void to do everything he can to break through.'

That's a lie. I think Stiles will let him in willingly but I can't tell her that or she'll know he cares for her. Keylee nods. 'Right. Sounds fine. What about your parents though? Won't they come home?'

'No, they are on a cruise.' I lie.

I look at Keylee with a questioning look and hold the rope out. She seems to get it and holds her hands out so I can tie them up. After that she sits down on another chair.

'When he's waking up I'm gonna tape your mouth okay? Just, pretend to look scared.'

She nods. 'When will he wake up?'

Look who's eager to get Void back. Even in that I slightly manipulated her. I know she picks up my feelings without noticing it. It was easy, really, every time I talk about Void I think about the happy memories I have with Keylee and she'll pick up my happy emotions together with her own attraction towards him. Perfect combination.

Stiles slightly starts to move and I pull the tape over Keylee's mouth. Just as she starts to act scared Stiles opens his eyes.

'Theo? Keylee? What are you doing?! Let her go!'

'No Stiles. I'm gonna ask you nicely to let Void in. I know he's still there. Open the door.'

Stiles seems shocked. 'You want WHAT? I'm not gonna let him in! He bring destruction, don't you get it? It's too dangerous. No! Over my dead body!'

'Over your dead body? What about hers.'

I point at Keylee who looks simply terrified. How does she do that? Question for another time. I pull my claws out and hold them against Keylee's throat.

'You wouldn't.'

'I wouldn't?' I quickly hit Keylee on the head to knock her out. It wasn't the plan but I can't let her see how much Stiles cares for her and the excuse I'm planning to use. I place my claws at her throat again. 'As you see I have no problem hurting her.'

Stiles starts to pull at the ropes. 'STOP! DON'T'

'Only one way to stop this...' I threaten. I see Stiles pale. He's clearly debating what he should do.

'Would you really let her get killed because of you? Scott would feel so disappointed. You let his sister get killed once again while you could have saved her.'

Stiles balls his fists and closes his eyes. 'Please stop. Please stop.'

I throw my claw in the air, ready to slash down. Right as I'm about to slit her throat I stop and stare at Stiles to see if anything happened. He looks calmer.


He opens his eyes and looks up at me. He raises his eyebrows and slowly shakes his head before he snaps the ropes and stands up. I smirk.

'Welcome back.'

*Third POV*

Void slowly looked around. A quick look in Stiles' memory told him enough. To say he was surprised when he felt Stiles reaching for the link was an understatement. He expected to get out soon enough but he never expected to get out thanks to Stiles. So when Stiles opened the door in his mind, Void didn't hesitate with taking over.

Stiles had looked very panicked and scared and when Void looked through his memory he was shocked to see Keylee alive. When he saw the conversation with Theo and Scott through Stiles' eyes he knew what had happened. He knew not to trust Theo in anything. But he could play, he could still have fun.

His eyes wandered to Keylee's limp body on the chair. How would she react when she woke up? A part of him hoped she would yell at him but he knew she probably wouldn't. Did he feel guilty? Not one a bit. Did he feel regret for killing her? Definitely yes.

'Do you care for her?'

Void looked back at Theo. 'No.' He easily lied. Theo smirked.

'You do. I know you do. You both care for each other.'

Void quickly took a step forward and pinned Theo against the wall. 'What makes you think you know anything about me? I'm gonna give you a good advice kid, don't piss me off.'

'Wow, definitely better than Stiles. I brought you back remember? Don't you think you must at least listen to what I have to say?'

Void slowly let him go. He didn't feel like he needed to listen to Theo but he was curious what plan he had in mind.

'I want a pack. And I want you in it. I already have Keylee and I think it would help the both of us if you stayed.'

Void raised his eyebrows. 'How would it help me then? I usually don't do packs.'

'Don't you wanna kill Scott? Don't you wanna create chaos, take pain, maybe even stay with Keylee?'

'I don't wanna stay because of Keylee...' Lie. big, big, lie. 'But your other arguments are fine I guess.'

Theo walked forward and held his hand out. 'So we have a deal?'

Void looked at his outstretched hand and at Keylee before he took Theo's hand. 'We have a deal.' Then he gripped his hand in a strong grip and pulled him forward. 'But don't think for even a second you have any control over me. I'm staying with you because it has benefits for me, not because I need you or a pack.'

Theo swallowed and nodded. Void let go of Theo's hand and walked over to Keylee. He freed her wrists and picked her up in bridal style.


'Upstairs, second door at your left.'

Void nodded and walked out, leaving a smirking Theo behind. Void might have told him he didn't care for Keylee but Theo knew he did. He knew if he could control Keylee he could control Void. Even if they didn't realize it.


Void gently laid Keylee down on her bed and stared at her for a while. She was the same yet different from the girl he fell for years and years ago. They were in so many thing the same, their talent for art, their love for the forest and nature, of course their powers and spirit. Yet Keylee was in a lot thing different as well. For example, she was a lot more shy then Aya had been. She was more broken. But both were strong.

Void wondered if these difference were created by how they were raised and how they grew up since it was one and the same spirit.

He stared at Keylee as she stirred slightly. He placed his hand on her face and carefully started taking away the pain. He sighted relieved when the feeling of hunger disappeared for a mere second. For a few seconds he felt complete. That was until Theo came walking in the room. Void sighted, this time in annoyance, and turned around to face the teen.

'What do you need?'

'What? Can't I do some pack bonding?'

Void looked at him with a "serious?" face and Theo shook his head. 'Fine. I came because I want you to do something. We're gonna need a plan if I want Liam and Lydia. You're the trickster so I'm gonna let you do whatever you want as long as they end up with me eventually.'

Void smirked. 'What makes that you're so sure I won't betray you?'

'She wouldn't forgive you again.'

With that Theo just left. Void stared at the place where he just stood with a blank face before shrugging his shoulders. Fine. If it made Theo happy, at least he could create some chaos.

Right as he was gonna get up to leave, Keylee grabbed his shirt. 'Don't leave again.' She mumbled. Void leaned back on the bed and stared at Keylee. Was she awake? It looked like she was asleep. She still held his, well, actually Stiles', shirt.

Void chuckled slightly before lying down on the bed besides her. Keylee smiled in her sleep and pulled him closer while snuggling in his chest. Void just stared at her without really having an emotion on his face before he slowly wrapped his arms around her. A bit unsure. He shouldn't do this, he shouldn't get attached to her. That was the reason he killed her.

But what if he could just hold her for a few minutes. Maybe a little bit longer. Or he could just... ignore that he shouldn't care and protect her... He was sure he could do that. He just had to make sure she was safe and with him and nothing bad would happen right? He would still be able to hurt people and create chaos, he could limit his feelings to her. Yeah, that was fine plan.

The rational part of him screamed not to do that, but one look at the sleeping girl in his arms and he just ignored it. Keylee stirred a bit in her sleep and slightly released her grip on Void's shirt as she turned around in his arms so now her back was pressed against his chest.

Void didn't really know what to do. Of course this wasn't new to him, he was older than thousand. Yet he never spent much time with anyone except that one time he possessed someone while the man was sleeping and married. He never had much time for a relationship unless it was to manipulate someone and/or break their heart. Once he also went in a relationship with two girls and they got a huge fight about him. It was hilarious to him, oh the strife it created...

But this was very different, he held someone he genuinely cared for. He stared at her, perhaps he should leave before she woke up.

'You know staring is rude, right?' Keylee suddenly spoke up, still with a bit of a sleepy voice.

'I know, but I quite like what I see, so mind if I continue?'

'Hmmm, are you- are you real?'

Keylee turned around again to look at Void. He couldn't quite see what emotion her eyes held. Hope? Fear? Curiosity? He wasn't sure. He looked at her eyes, and from her eyes to her lips before he stroke a string of hair out her face.

'I am. I'm here Kitten.'

Keylee smiled sadly and laid her head down at his chest. 'That is exactly what you would say in my dream.'

'You mean you dream about me?'

Keylee huffed. 'Don't ruin the moment.' She swallowed and looked up at him, first his eyes, then his lips. She wanted to, she felt like she wanted to. But what if it would ruin things? Was this just a dream, cause in a dream it wouldn't do any harm right? Her eyes locked at his lips and closed for a second. 'If you were real I might change my mind about this.' She mumbled.

Before they could register what was going on, Keylee moved up and locked her lips with Void's. Void widened his eyes in surprise. She cared for him like he cared for her? She kissed him... Even after he had killed her, he had hurt her, and still she cared...

Keylee abruptly turned away and looked at anything but Void. 'Shit. That felt real, I shouldn't have done that. I- I'm sorry... I don't know what was getting over me, won't happen again!'

She felt so stupid. What was she thinking? It couldn't have been a dream! Of course it was real! She and Theo had brought him back. Void looked down at her and smirked.

'You won't? Such a shame, guess I'll have to kiss you then.'