
The Void, The Plane, The Singularity.

The Void. A universe fundamentally composed of chaotic data. The representative of Chaos. ......... The Plane. A world materialized by cognition with orderly information as the foundation. The representative of Order. ......... The Singularity. An energy construct derived from the clash of chaos and order. The basis of which all mythological miracles are possible. ......... Codename: Primo. A hapless intelligent core, forced into leading a project he wasn’t built for. ......... From the status of a trapped ghost as a custodian of knowledge, waiting for an inheritor. Into a magnificent will of the world freely wandering in the Void, a new future he thought impossible. A mission terminated, a Legacy discarded. A sentinel’s death, a Lighthouse initiated. This is a story told from the perspective of a world, the unfolding of history, and the rise and fall of civilization.  The story of Life's tenacious survival under the omnipresent malice of the Void, followed by its forceful mythological evolution. ......... patreon.com/creativeOwl

creativeOwl · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Pollution Unleashed.

A dim tranquil forest.

Sporting an eerie silence.

Broken by an intermittent resounding crash.

Of trees felled; irrational monsters on a rampage.

A quiet crowd.

Felids drowned in a stupor, affected by the raven's information diffusion.

Each cognition shook, a consequence of unintended overflow, Life's subconscious data absorption.


The reptilian tensed in apprehension, for he was the only one that can actively reject Order's unintended solicitation.

A result of having a dense cognitive configuration, arising from his defensive conceptual realization.

He slowly walked in dread, blocking the raven's sight from focusing on the feline's eyes.

Uncontrollable terror shrouded him, for he learned that any devastating onslaught never depended on size.

He slowly locked his sight on her pupils, concern bubbling in his eyes.

A sight to behold, for images suddenly drowned his mind.

Monsters, aberrations, abominations, anomalies, chaos.

Disasters ravaging the land, earthquakes, unnatural squalls, tornados, never-ending storms, and destructive fires.

Each image condensed into one cause, deep darkness unimaginable, a universe of constant and chaotic annihilation.

A word brought into cognition.


His pupils constricted.

The images abruptly changed what they depicted.

Darkness, overwhelming darkness.

With a blast of light, a metallic creation manifested.

Unfathomable, inconceivable.

It created a whole world!

A world dealing with constant erosion, fighting against annihilation.

It assembled a weapon, a foundation.

Using a method of rapid evolution, life's never-ending grand symphonic deduction.

Forced into slumber, waiting for the seed's uplifting germination.

A word brought into cognition.


A magnificent wonder.

An uncontrollable awe generated tremendous respect for its stalwart existence, the basis of life's possible emergence.

For without it.

They would never be.

For without it.

They were never were.


A dimly lit space.

A majestic ancient palace floating in place.

A wide silent hall was depicted and an unfathomable ornate throne was discerned.

Magical circuits, runes, and symbols were swimming, playfully changing, and decorating the expansive facade.

A sight to behold, for this was what welcomed her vision after a momentary loss of cognition.

Her eyes intently observed each change, each rune, each possible combination.

Eagerly accepting each information diffusion, satisfying curiosity's endless satiation.

A transforming majestic tree was swiftly brought into her imagination, with a condensed trunk covered in mystical runes as the foundation, branches connected to the void blotting out the skies, bearing uncountable leaves symbolizing each unique knowledge dominion.

Fruits were hanging by their ends, symbolizing the alluring power each piece of knowledge represented.

The Crown by which they transcend.

A knowledge… forbidden.


All images crashed.

Cracks spread, behaving like shattered glass.

The scenery changed.

Deep dark eyes abruptly hovered in her sight.

It was watching her, intently analyzing her behavioral mind.

A characteristic found, a foundation for life's extraordinary journey.

A desirable trait discovered, the basis of unbridled exploration.

An illusive smile formed, for the assignment finally had a proper receiver.


The aggregated images were condensed into a single point.

It locked each piece of information, changing each portrayal, a new image in motion.

Of moments where mystical shells were encountered, blocking her cognitive creation.

Of moments where imagined claws were first brought into materialization, destroying her foes.

An abstract change, watching as a familiar crown was used in conjunction with a mythical transformation.

Tiny humanoids, transforming into tinier creations.

They derived everything she knew, and everything she was made of.

A collapsing cognition, a cause uncovered.

All these were made possible by an unlikely inception.

Arising from the unceasing clash of chaotic data and orderly information.

A word seared into cognition.


The miracle that made mythology possible.

The omnipresent energy derived from the clash of the world and the void's erosion.

A construct formed under the Fields of Equilibrium.



information diffusion, knowledge aggregation.

The feline's pupils snapped back in attention.

She wondered if all she experienced was an illusion.

Random pieces of information turned into unsystematic knowledge.

Pieces of unrecognizable runes gave birth to coherent meanings.

A new language was budding.

Each concept derived from her inspiration was given new designations.

A subconscious behavior.


A true name delivered.


Her cognition consolidated.

Singularity attracted and absorbed, her mind generated a conceptual space.

A place that can receive chaotic data and orderly information.

Sort and read, create and spread.

A symbol of Life's first transformation.

Hereafter, a new state was born, cognizance.

The first qualitative change of cognition named, Cognizant.


Quiet forest, tranquil undergrowth.

Felids in a stupor, humanoids in a drunken daze.

Images generate back and forth, swarming her brain.

She saw herself following the raven's guide, receiving its warnings, and avoiding every abomination.

She saw herself leading her tribe, walking out of the forest and reaching a vast plain, welcoming a new future.

She saw herself lost, for there was no more miracle of uncanny evolution, a population not supplemented by felids' transmutation.


A broken thought.

The projection blurred, getting her focus back into the present.

A face was welcomed, in a daze.

Fei pushed back the reptilian's visage with her hand, grasping his whole face, and removing him from her gaze.

Awakening him, only to fall into another confused state.


She ignored his shenanigans, staring directly at the cause of their shape.

Only to find that all unnatural visions were retracted, leaving only a conspicuous dull-looking raven in place.


She looked at the Corvus with awe, a new emotion uncovered.


A seed of recognition.

*Meow!* *Nyaaa!* *Meoooow!*

With a cacophony of noises, the group snapped out of their haze.

Panicking, trying to make sense of every piece of broken information.

Fortunately, Fei knew exactly what action to take.

A rune was visualized.

Singularity invoked, resonating.

A notion chanted.


Every sound covered in her perception was stifled.

With an abrupt stop of each movement, each one was clueless, confused, touching their throats, resulting in another ruckus.

Only this time, it was a muted fuss.

She watched her masterpiece, giving a nod in satisfaction.


A sudden clap attracted each felid's attention.


She raised her hand and pointed at herself, slowly turning her finger to each feline.


A name was delivered, their origin's designation.

Each felid humanoid was wide-eyed, amazed, for they cannot fathom how they could intuitively understand Fei's unrecognizable vocalization.


She placed both her hands on her heart, feeling its every beat.


A notion was confessed; an idea was spread.

Each of her people accepted her individual concept.

A newfound conceptual anchor was generated.

An indelible mark left on her tribe's collective memory.


The reptilian witnessed everything in admiration.

Taking in information, intuitively understanding her notion.

A subconscious reaction.

Each concept derived from his cognition was given a designation.


A true name was delivered.

He went through the same transformation, of cognitive consolidation.

Random data was constantly being drawn in.

New inspirations were constantly being generated.

The working principle of a stronger cognitive stage.

He snapped back in attention, finding Fei quietly staring at his face.

The silent clearing regained its ambient noise, felids staring at them both, a rapid back and forth.

She reached out her arm, waving at him, indicating for him to come close, pointing at the front of the crowd.

The raven flew out of the branch, swiftly reaching Fei's location, rapidly changing its size the moment it came close.

Landing on her shoulders.


Flapping its wings, feeling perfectly comfortable.

Fei observed him with mounting pressure, waiting for him to lead the group.

Quite the fitting start to a long and unusual exodus.


Long stretches of dense jungles, a forest of trees.

Monsters wreck havoc, aberrations destroy, and disasters invoked.

Each wisdom seed left its cradle's hold.

Leaving the area of Legacy's knowledge aggregation, watching it submerged under the void's unending erosion.

The place they originated, the legend of wisdom's creation.

The myth of life's transformation.

A forbidden closure.

Wisdom species trekked the jungles, passing each miraculous landform.

Gorges, valleys, mountains, hills.

Every part of the journey was a chance for cognitive possibility.

A welcomed augmentation to the group.

They traversed untold lands, passing each stream, creek, and brook.

They followed the water's winding paths, watching as each tributary converged into a river.

A vision change, a wide perception.

The first arrivals reached their destination.

What welcomed them was an awe-inspiring expansive sensation.

For the sky was wide opened, sparse trees were found by the mile.

A flat plain, a new region, a new situation.


A long journey was reaching its end, and an uncountable alternation of light and dark was experienced.


Fei observed the singularity focus up above, watching it slowly but surely dim, corrupted by small but conspicuous dark squirming spots.

She moved her sight back to her tribe, observing each surviving member with concern.

Stacks of large leaves covered their bodies, a helpful method they discovered.

Trees were becoming sparse, their leaves were falling on the ground, withering.

The river was still flowing, but chunks of solid matter were found floating.

A soft breeze caressed their being, sending a deep chill.

They found themselves in another environment.

New challenges, accustomed changes.

Forced by circumstances.

Rapid footsteps, someone was approaching.

Fei watched as a humanoid with a serious and stern demeanor followed her pace, information ready for exchange.

"Tor…" Fei called out.

Tor's countenance softened.

"Near… Out… Clearing… Group…" Tor warned with a frown.

A new situation was discovered, something they needed to be vigilant about.

Fei glanced at the long snaking line formed by her tribe, estimating the amount of time for contact.

"Go… Check…" Fei responded.

They quicken their pace, and bypassed the tribe, traversing the clearing.

Trees were becoming sparser, grass was growing taller.

They reached their intended destination.

Fei approached a majestic tree, climbing it.

She observed the surrounding environment and looked out.

A wide expansive plain, a flowing river, cutting the area in two.

Mountain ranges were found at the very end of her sight, obscured.

Sparse trees with almost no cover, something they had to consider.

And there it was, a valid concern.

Two different humanoid tribes accompanied by their animal companions... locked in confrontation.

Of Canines.

And of Fowls.

A palpable tension brewed, for this... was their very first encounter with another.


An avian found Fei's spot.

Her face scrunched in annoyance.

Caught off guard by their sharp clairvoyance.

Both groups stopped their approach, looking in her general direction.

Tor's face turned grave.

He went out of his hiding location, attracting attention.

Fei hid, jumping down, reaching the ground, and covering Tor's back in tacit understanding.


The pack of canines moved, changing their position, a vague encirclement was in action.


The avians were not to be outdone, going tit for tat.


Fei was definitely not taking it, ignoring their obvious ploy.

"Tor!" Fei shouted.

She backed up rapidly, displacing her position.

Tor materialized a mystical shell covering their location, obscuring their position.

The two groups rushed, closing the encirclement without missing a beat.

Only to lose sight of their target.

Making their efforts naught.


The pack leader's nose sniffed, pointing in a direction.

The leader of the flock vigilantly followed, keeping an abundance of space in between.

They chased under the clearing, confounded for the perceived lonely duo was suddenly missing.

The smell was in place, with the density increasing.

A belated realization.

For now, they were the ones surrounded in place.


Their attention was guided.

An ancient tree, with thick branches.

Fei was sitting, hanging her legs freely, swaying.

A rune was vizualised.

A notion chanted.


Followed by a deafening silence.

Fei let out a teasing smile.

Amid the muted panicking and bewildered canines and fowls, their leaders scrutinized everything in wonder and consternation.

They increased their guard exponentially, ready to fight to the death.

For they intuitively knew… this woman was a great threat.


An uncanny sound echoed.

Pronounced under the background of complete silence.

The Raven dropped from the sky, circling twice.

All Felidae glanced at it with subtle worship, an indication of its position in the heart of the pride.

It proceeded to perch on Fei's shoulders.

information unintentionally diffused.

Spreading to every wisdom in the region.

A collection of dull gazes, becoming clearer by the minute, turning into awe.

Each one peeked at the raven with wonder.

With one exception, a fowl in subtle worship... turning fervor.

For their kind was perceived as the same classification.


A spark that might just become a reason for the conflict to unpause.

Tension mounting, for they want the raven to stay in their flock, not dwell with a bunch of unknowns.

A continuation of their confrontation, only with a different reason.


Another call.

An ominous premonition.

Fei and Tor frowned in succession.

For this behavior was only performed when danger was closing its claws.

Obscured images suddenly projected into Fei's mind.

Of their current position destroyed, craters abound.

Burning trees, devastated grass.

Corpses scattered, three different tribes.

A result of what seemed to be an aftermath of a fight.

A male tiny humanoid was found in the center of perspective, hovering, dressed in deep dark purple.

Followed by a filthy crown, intangible, tilted loosely, with its focus concentrated on something outside the frame.

Radiating dread, only by virtue of its existence.

The personification of malevolence.


Heavy breathing.

The image receding.

Fei was soaked in sweat, hands trembling.

She locked eyes with Tor, pupils dilated in inconceivable terror.


"Leave… Everyone…Now!"


A conceptual shockwave formed, covering the whole world.

Day turned to night.

All cognitive life instinctively felt that the world was under heavy infiltration.

A sudden rapid improvement, an outbreak of pollution.

The sun's increased contamination.

An event with far-reaching implications.

A turn of an era, a crown defiled.

The starting point of an epic.

For the impact of the world's slumber was just commencing.



[Alert: World authority interface contaminated!]

A spacious hall.

An empty throne.

[Alert: Crown of Life infiltrated!]

Rapid-changing images from the world were displayed covering the walls.

Confrontation of different groups, animals in migration, and the fay's activity scope.

[Action required: Data cleansing ready.]

[Preparation underway… Permission requested…]

A scarred gigantic mythological tree was brought into vision, a wide canopy overwhelming the skies, displayed by one projection.

Singularity was absorbed, changing its structure, and creating new life forms.

A new mythological generation.


[Permission denied…]

An assistant in utter consternation.

Active in provisions, with no power for execution.

A total frustration.


A mimicked behavior.

Each image shut down, covering the hall in darkness.

What was left was a stoic keeper accompanied by dull silence.


Uh-oh. Here we go again, another chapter.

Well, so what do we have here?

Aha! Names.

First of all, we now finally have names for some semi-important characters. (Finally.)

Second, they can now finally speak human! (Barely.)

And finally, the main event was initiated. (At least the start of the event... yes.)

Oh and yeah, uncovered new cognitive mechanics, the first level of cognitive power, Cognizant.

Just some unimportant world-building... right? (No! *Hoot!*)

Anyway, as a story that relies heavily on world-building, I hope I can deliver the story without turning paragraphs into massive info dumps.

Hopefully, I'm doing it just right.

As a consequence, the events might be quite meandering.

Now it's up to me to find the proper balance of the pacing.


I knew that there was plenty to learn.

But I was still blindsided once I discovered every bit of things I need to be aware of.


Mad props to writers that can stick with their stories without collapsing.

You guys are great!


Before I forgot, spirit forbids.

If you found any errors, typos, or grammatical mistakes, please feel free to comment down below.

I totally appreciate any form of feedback,

I am always grateful for your generous help.


An Owl.

creativeOwlcreators' thoughts