
The Void Sovereign

Join Arthur on his adventure of a second life!

Akiooo_ · Fantasy
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5 Chs

[1] Accidental Defenestration

I am Arthur Sherry. Twenty two years of age, currently living alone in a house for which I can barely afford rent. My parents live in another country, along with my older sister. My parents and my sister are happy, as my sister earns more than enough to support my parents as well as her own family. As for me, my life would seem pretty good to any observer or well-wisher since I moved to another country using my own money and could now be regarded as 'successful'... on the contrary, however, I've just become a shut-in who watches anime and drowns spare time in playing video games.

Since I moved out, things have been going downhill. I realized just how cruel this world is. The true 'survival of the fittest' nature of this world. Since I was a teenager, I've always found myself outside of social circles and sitting alone at parties, if I was ever invited to any. I never had many friends, other than two or three who were outcasts just like me. Despite all this, my parents were proud of me, because I would always get good grades in school and was therefore considered 'smart'. That was the only thing I could ever be proud of. Thinking about it now, however, that was of no use. I was never really smart, but had just become a bookworm as I had neither friends nor any high-school sweethearts I could spend my time with. Don't get me wrong, though, I've always loved mathematics and science and I did not study only out of desperation. In fact, I still read any articles or books I stumble upon that intrigue me. Perhaps this is because these very books and articles are and were my only good companions.Anyway, since I graduated, I started working a nine to five, and then moved out with my salary after a few years. At this point, life started becoming harder as I mentioned before. The fact that I was working hard to make someone else a lot of money would occasionally sadden me. Not that I despised working for someone else, it was just that I used to believe I was 'smart' enough to do something on my own, and make others work for me. I wished to make an impact on this world. There have been days when I have felt lonely and just outright miserable due to these misconceptions of mine.And that, brings us to today! I was invited to a corporate party which was being held to celebrate the completion of a very long and tiring project, which had been on our tails for months now. I felt that this was unlike me, but I was quite excited to go to this party. It was being held at a very popular rooftop bar, located on a very tall building. It was about a thousand feet long. The area was surprisingly quite big, though only half of it was actually a bar, while the other half was a stage, which had been set up especially for us. I'd assume if the stage wasn't there, it'd be an open space or maybe a place for tables. It also had a swim-up bar, which however, was closed. The whole floor was enclosed in really fragile looking crackled glass -- though, the glass was actually really durable.As usual, I found myself a corner where I thought I could relax and enjoy myself, away from all the awkward social interactions. I went towards the borders of the floor, behind the stage. It was the perfect spot, no one could see me here, so I wouldn't have to deal with looks of pity. From there, I could see the whole city below. It was unreal. It felt dystopian. It gave me a hit of adrenaline. As I was standing there, I thought of my past, and how life was back when I was still with my family. I thought to myself, "maybe I should call my parents." As I pulled out my phone, the swift air brushed off my body, and it felt as if time had slowed down -- for me. I started to feel dizzy, my vision was getting blurry, it was quite sudden and weird. I didn't know what to do so I leaned against the glass, as I struggled to stand.Suddenly, I felt a slight nudge... I don't know... Was it a nudge? A push from behind? Did someone throw something at me...? Is it perhaps my body losing stability...? I was confounded by the peculiarity of the situation I was in.And then, I fell. I fell down the topmost floor of a thousand foot long building. I was scared, but also kind of relieved. I accelerated downwards towards the ground, towards my inevitable demise. It felt as if, I was finally going to be free. Perhaps having flashbacks about life was a signal... I thought to myself... if I am ever to be reborn, I'll live my life to the fullest. Enjoying every opportunity, and will letting go of all negative thoughts and emotions, whenever I can. These few moments, I thought of my mother, my father, and my sister. It made me realize what a great gift life actually was. Sure, all I felt lately was agony, and sorrow, but was it worse than feeling... Nothing at all?One day, I dreamt of a world...