
The Void God's Reincarnation

A young man with a less-than-ordinary background died and got reincarnated in another world, little did he know that his problems and blessings would follow him. problems for some but blessings for others. the picture is not mine if the owner wants I will take it down.

TheCreationVoidGod · Others
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19 Chs

The First Humans

[30 years later]

As time passed, I saw how the human race evolved too how it would be. The best part was when some early humans worshipped me as a god. That was fun but as a 'god,' I couldn't say long enough for the little group of people who worshiped me I gave them some meat every time the winter hit.

When the weather got too cold, and they could not go out to hunt I would leave some food for them, because of all the things I did for them I developed my religion making the people praise and worship me.

After three of their generations, I decided to interact with them, so I walked down from the mountain that I was observing them from and entered the encampment, causing some panic among the warriors, it caused people to come out of their shelters to see what was happing, that means the chief of their tribe also came out.

Once the priest saw me he immediately got on his knees and bowed down to me like a servant, the others seeing what the chief was doing were confused, the priest yelled something in their language causing all of them to immediately get on the floor and bow down to me with reverent looks on their faces the thing he yelled in their language was "all bow to the supreme being the god that created us".

They are very ignorant thinking I created them, which is very funny, but I didn't correct them, after a minute of them bowing I told them "Rise, my servants", and immediately they all rose, like the obedient ones they are.

The chief came up to me and said, "Supreme being, thank you for gracing us with your presents." because their language had not yet undergone complexity it was still very rough, and you had to use your body movement to convey how you felt.

As the chief was talking to me, I could see the men building a tent for me to stay at, using all the best materials and doing it like a group of soldier ants. I and the chief concluded our conversation, and he led me toward the tent the people of the tribe built for me. Because of my observation throughout the years, I could roughly understand them.

Before I could enter the tent, I saw a young man, with brown hair looking at me with a murderous look, causing a grin to appear on my face as I entered and closed my tent.

[ Time skip]

One week it took one week for the man to try killing me and it was in my sleep.

[Flash back]

A dark room with a young man with white hair sleeping this is our Mc Kenos, suddenly the entrance opens a little letting a young man with brown hair and holding a bone knife enter.

The young man with brown hair carefully walked towards Kenos who was peacefully sleeping, getting close enough he tried slitting his neck, key word tried because as the knife came in contact with his skin it immediately snapped causing him to wake up and hit the intruder in his room.

The man flew out of his room like a broken kite, causing the tribe people to wake up and immediately come out of their homes.