
The Void God's Reincarnation

A young man with a less-than-ordinary background died and got reincarnated in another world, little did he know that his problems and blessings would follow him. problems for some but blessings for others. the picture is not mine if the owner wants I will take it down. join my patron patreon.com/iceking870

TheCreationVoidGod · Others
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In the void again

And as I was talking to my sibling, a black hole appeared and sucked me in.

"Why!!!, what is up with me getting sucked up into places?" I asked angrily.

In the black hole, I could feel that the world was trying to reject me, its choice was to either kill me or send me to another place to avoid the problem, it did try killing me but because I was out of Cronus or Daddy dearest my powers were unsealed that means I could evolve like doomsday or even better.

"Why did this not happen before?" some may ask.

We'll let me break it down to you, when I was born, I was born special, and no not like that, I was born with a great amount of potential and magic power. 

Even though I had no clue how to control all the magic that I had it was still mine, and then I had overpowered perks like the ability to control the void and what seemed like chaos and order, boundaries, and a lot more.

So, I was born an anomaly but before the world or the universe I was born could do anything my father Cronus, or as you know him "Daddy Dearest" decided to eat me up.

For those who do not understand what I mean by telling you this Cronus or Daddy Dearest is the titan of time, even though he is really bad at using his power his instinctual body can even though he does not consciously use it and he also suppresses all that enters him.

That means when he swallowed me up, he killed my presence or to the world my presence disappeared, signifying it could not get rid of me.

So, it bid its time waiting and once I was free and could spread my wings it got me.

The whole universe, once it got a signature close to mine, pounced on the chance to get rid of me, and I fought back now wanting to leave my dear Hestia and the others.

As I was fighting, I realized that the fight against the universe was slowly destroying it, but it wouldn't stop wanting to get me out at all costs. So, I backed off leaving a letter for Hestia, And I left because if the fight continued the whole universe would be destroyed and all the life too including my sisters, oh and my brothers.

But not me since I was probably above the power cap of the universe, meaning if my energies went out of control for even a mil-seconds the whole universe, I am in would disappear.

So, I gave the universe I was in a cease-fire, retreating away from that universe I entered the wider galaxy and, in the galaxy, none of the planets accepted me on them, always trying to kick me out after a day.

Five weeks after I left my universe, I am still looking for a planet to settle. Still, I am too strong, and even those rare-to-find-strong planets already have stronger people on them, the first strong planet that I entered had a strong person on it, when he found that he couldn't defeat me he tried exploding me him, and the planet altogether.

So, I don't think they would like to share, I kept on avoiding those planets with strong people on them so it was hard having to look for a good planet.

Five years later I am still searching, how long is it going to take!!!!!, I raged inwardly, next planet I go to I am going to destroy it, and I did but it was an empty planet with no will.

It has been ten years since I left my birth planet, and not everything has been bad, I left my omniverse and still got no clue what verse it was, but it was a pretty low one, as I was trying to leave my verse, I felt the boundaries that stopped me from entering the void.

void, I could feel it calling me, begging me to come closer to embrace it like a long-lost lover, and the only thing that was stopping me was this boundary, so I bypassed it with my powers to control boundaries corporal or not, entering the void I felt rejuvenated like I found a missing part of me.

Little did I know that a piece of the void got into my soul and the color that represented the power of the void was intensely glowing.

In the void, all my powers were amplified, almost a thousandfold, but I couldn't train my ability because I felt like someone was watching me.

So, I traveled and traveled hoping to find a new omniverse moving around trying to find an omniverse with a high enough power cap, and I found it in only.

Entering it I could feel all the energy it was so nice.

The world I am in is supposed to be high up on the list hopefully I am in a world of.

Can anyone guess what world he is at?

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