
The Void Elementalist

Onumon was the most powerful of all the countries that resides in the continent of Magia. Elementalists and Elementals lived in harmony in this continent. Abysmu, an orphan living in one of the continent's weakest countries was a child blessed by the talent to control the void element. Follow Abysmu's journey on becoming a being of unimaginable power that is capable of destroying whole planets and slaying celestial beings.

Eidoriyan · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Troublesome First Day of School

It was still dark when Abysmu woke up to prepare for today. It was probably 5 am if we use the modern method of checking time. Abysmu slowly climbed down the ladder as Abysmu was afraid that Cecilia would wake up because of him. When his feet touch the ground, Abysmu started to stretch his arms and body. After stretching, Abysmu started to work out for his body to sweat and be energized. Of course, he did all this quietly. He did his morning routine for almost 30 minutes and the sun was now rising up.

After Abysmu was done working out, he went to his cabinet and he picked the clothes he will wear today, a tunic, leggings and leather boots. Abysmu was from an orphanage so he doesn't have that many clothes that were different from each other. Other kids would probably think that Abysmu don't take a bath due to his clothes that he wore everyday. Abysmu hoped that the university will give them a uniform for him to atleast have a reason to wear the same thing again and again.

After Abysmu was done picking his clothes, he went to the bathroom and Abysmu locked the door as he took a shower.


Cecilia woke up just as Abysmu was done showering. Cecilia was still half-asleep so she didn't notice that Absymu was not in his bed. Cecilia headed straight to her cabinet and picked what clothes she was wearing today.

After Cecilia was done choosing her clothes, she went to the bathroom. As she reached for the door knob of the bathroom door, Abysmu opened it, revealing his half-naked body with a towel wrapped on his waist. The two teens just stared at each other for a few minutes.

Then Abysmu talked first, "Hey Lia. You have just woken up? It's your turn now, I just finished showering," while he left the bathroom and went to the front of his cabinet because he forgot to bring his clothes with him inside the bathroom, leaving Lia who was still standing in front of the bathroom and holding her clothes.

"Hurry up Lia! We need to avoid being late for our teachers to have good impressions on us. Why are you still standing there? Hurry up!" Abysmu said, making Cecilia collect her composure as she entered the bathroom.

Abysmu then took off the towel covering his lower body and started to wear his clothes, not knowing the impact he made to his dormmate.


Cecilia was still standing in front of the mirror inside the bathroom. Her cheeks was beet red and she can't help but think of the scene she laid her eyes on. The naked body of Abysmu was still replaying on her mind. Abysmu's well toned body and well defined muscles paired with his abs can make any woman fall in love.

Cecilia then slapped herself slowly, calming down her excited heart as she thought, 'We're just friends. We're nothing more than that. It's normal for friends to see each other's naked body,' Cecilia thought to distract herself.

Cecilia then took a shower as she thought about anything that can distract her from Abysmu's hot body. Warm water gushing out can be heard outside.


The sun was now up. Students can be heard outside talking and chattering about today's breakfast menu. It was probably past 6 am now.

Abysmu was now done changing and he sat on the table's chair, waiting for Cecilia to go out of the bathroom. As the sound of a door opening was heard Abysmu hurriedly stood up and acted like he was walking towards the door for Cecilia not to know that he waited for her.

Cecilia then saw Abysmu walking towards the door. "You're leaving? Wait for me. I'm just gonna organize my bed," Cecilia said as she quickly ran towards their bed and arranged her beddings. She then turned her head towards Abysmu and said, "Let's go."

'My plan worked! I'm a genius!' Abysmu inwardly thought as he followed Cecilia as she left their dorm room. But Abysmu forgot something truly important. And that carelessness will make his life much more complicated than before.

As Abysmu stepped out of the room, he was gonna say something to Cecilia when he saw someone in front of him, and surely it was not Cecilia.

"Ahhhhh pervert!" screamed the girl that was in front of Abysmu as he was punched in the gut, making Abysmu kneel down in the ground while clutching his stomach.

Cecilia tried to pacify the raging girl but the girl didn't heard anything from Cecilia. She probably just heard some vietnamese war sounds like explosions and gunfires.

"Are you okay Cecilia? We should report this to our teachers right? Did that pervert do anything to you?" the girl said to Cecilia like a gatling gun spitting out bullets.

"Wait a moment, Charlotte," Cecilia said to the girl named Charlotte but Charlotte didn't seem to care about Cecilia's words so Cecilia raised her voice and said, "I said wait Charlotte!" making Charlotte stopped blabbering and was instead replaced by a shocked pikachu face.

"He's my friend and I let him in my room. Friends don't hurt each other except for competitions. Why don't you listen to me for a moment and stopped living in your own world, Charlotte? Do you understand?" Cecilia seriously said.

Charlotte was still surprised by the sudden change of emotions in Cecilia as she never saw Cecilia raise her voice. She was her best friend but she didn't hear Cecilia shouting in their whole lifetime! Charlotte then calmed herself down and nodded, waiting for Cecilia to explain this situation happening right now.

"Guys, a little help please," Abysmu begged while clutching his stomach, still on his knees but Cecilia and the girl named Charlotte was ignoring his pleas and they just talked to each other. It was a good thing that everybody was probably in the canteen right now and the three of them was the only ones left in the dormitory. Atleast by thinking about that made Abysmu relieved as Charlotte was the only one that saw him.


After Cecilia explained the situation to Charlotte while walking towards the canteen, Charlotte immediately apologized to Abysmu who was walking behind them, rubbing his stomach that was still aching.

'That girl packed a punch!' Abysmu thought as he followed Cecilia and Charlotte. Charlotte then stopped her tracks and said, "Oh, I forgot. I didn't introduce myself. My name is Charlotte Cillineo and my element is ice. I'm the FIRST best friend of Cecilia so don't take her away from me!" Charlotte said as she hugged Cecilia who was now an emotionless robot.

"Don't worry Charlotte, you can trust me. By the way, my name is Abysmu Voidante and my element is void. Nice meeting you Cha," Abysmu was now his usual self. Cold and mysterious. Unlike his personality when he was in the dorm room. That change in personality shocked Cecilia as she knows the true Abysmu. Abysmu winked at her and making Charlotte jealous as she said," I said don't take her away from me! Are you deaf or something!?" while covering Cecilia's face with her big racks.

Charlotte Cillineo was a cute, energetic and beautiful girl. Her height was just average but her hair was gorgeous. The color of her hair was light blue, complimenting her pale skin and blue eyes. She was the 2nd daughter of the Cillineo family. She was best friends with Cecilia for almost 15 years! From the moment they were both born after a year, Charlotte took a liking to Cecilia, further strengthening the connection of two noble ice families, the Frozenharts and Cillineo.

Abysmu sighed and ignored the duo as he walked towards the canteen building.


After the trio finished eating, they where now required to attend there respective classes. Cecilia and Charlotte has the same classes as they were both ice elementalists.

"See you later at the canteen when it's lunch break, good luck on your first day of school Lia, you too Cha" Abysmu said to the ice duo as he waved his hand on them and went to find his classes.

"See you later Abi," Cecilia said while smiling surprising Charlotte again.

"Lia? Abi? You have nicknames now? What is going on right now. Right! He also called me Cha! Is that supposed to be my nickname? That's so lame and why is your nickname sounds cuter and prettier than mine!?" Charlotte machinegunly said again as she interrogated Cecilia.

"And that smile! The Cecilia I know for the past 15 years don't smile like that! What did that Abysmu guy do to you!?" Charlotte asked Cecilia suspiciously.


Abysmu was still roaming the campus grounds as he didn't where his classes are. The guide didn't say anything to him, making him cursed the guide inwardly.

As Abysmu was walking around the hallways, he saw a sign that says, "Library". He decided to ask the librarian where his classes are held right now. 'So much for making a good impression by being late,' Absymu thought as he stepped inside the library.

Suddenly, a white haired guy bumped on him and fell to the ground buttfirst. Abysmu was working out daily so his body is a little bit above the average elementalist, it was obvious who was gonna fall to the ground. Absymu then tried to help the white haired guy up but the guy didn't even bother to touch Abysmu's hands as he ran outside the library.

Abysmu's hands was hanging on the air for a few minutes before his brain processed what happened.

"Manners bro, you need manners," Abysmu muttered while walking towards the librarian behind the desk.

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