
The Void Doulou: Reincarnated In Soul Land With Six Eyes And Limitless

//Do not read this, I suggest reading the rewritten version. It has the same title as this fanfic. A man died during his graduation. But I wonder if you can guess on how he died.   When he woke up, he met a God. God made a mistake so he gave the man an offer.   This is a story about a man who got reincarnated in his favorite novel, "Soul Land".   Soul land 1 Soul land Doulou Dalu 1 Doulou Dalu Jujutsu Kaisen JJK

Lyzide · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Martial Soul Awakening #2

The The Soul Grandmaster's gaze fell on the eight children before him. As a Spirit Hall inspecting attendant, helping ordinary people undergo spirit awakening was his compulsory assignment, and he was long since used to it.

"Children, line up."

Towards these children, his manner was quite lukewarm.

But suddenly, another child came to the scene and said, "I'm here, I apologize for being late."

Looking backwards, Tang San saw his brother and whispered to him to to stand behind him.

The eight children stood in order before the youngster, Tang San stood at the leftmost side. He was a little thinner and smaller than other children his age. On the other hand, Tang Yun's body isn't that of a child, as it was filled with muscles.

The Soul Grandmaster introduced himself and told the children to follow his words and said, "Don't be afraid, close your eyes and feel carefully."

While speaking, Su Yuntao's eyes suddenly lit up, and before the children's appalled eyes, he shouted in a deep voice," Lone Wolf Body Enhancement."

A few moments had passed, the Soul Master's eyes were filled with resentment. Since the children he awakened were trash.

Now, there are currently two children left he need to awaken. He wants to finish it as quickly as possible to go to another village.

At long last it was Tang San's turn, Su Yuntao didn't have to speak, he already stepped ahead to stand in the centre of the six pitch black stones.

A moment later, Tang San awakened his martial soul. 

It was a blue silver grass, the other children who awakened earlier than him laughed since it was a trash among the trash spirits.

Su Yuntao had no choice but to say, "Again a useless spirit, it seems. Holy Spirit village this time was again a waste of time. Ok, last children, you can come now."

"Uncle, you still have not let me undergo spirit power test, right." Tang San said.

Su Yuntao replied, "No need to test. Blue silver grass, for this useless spirit I still have never seen one instance where spirit power appeared."

"Let me give it a try, uncle."

Tang San persistently said. When the golden light brought the warm feeling inside him, it produced a strange sensation, as if a great door opened and caused a subtle change in his Mysterious Heaven skill. At the same time, he also very much wanted to know, what the actual difference was between his inner strength and this world's spirit.

Su Yuntao was dumbfounded all of a sudden, turning around, to Tang San's calm and rather steadfast gaze. In his heart musing, this child was seemingly out of the ordinary," Very well."

he said.

Tang San used his Martial Soul and touched the crystal ball.

"Heavens, it actually is innate full spirit power!" Su Yuntao exclaimed.

Tang San naturally also noticed that his situation was different from the other children's test. Feeling uncertain, he asked,

"Uncle, what is innate full spirit power?"

Su Yuntao dully looked at him, and subconsciously explained.

"Ehem, it seems it's my turn now." Tang Yun said.

Looking at him, Su Yuntao noticed that Tang Yun is similar to Tang San, and hopes that his Innate spirit power will be similar to him, but will have a better Martial Soul.

"Come." Su Yuntao responded.

Tang Yun felt something awakening inside him. While in the process of awakening, his hair slowly turned white. Nothing else happened after his hair turned white though.

"Hahahahaha!" A kid in the corner chukkled and continued, "They truly are twins, both have a trash among the trash Martial Souls. A Martial Soul that could only turn your hair white? How ridiculous." 

After saying it, the other children burst to laughter.

Tang Yun just smiled, knowing how powerful his Martial Soul actually is, and he's even happy that his other Martial Soul is useful for him. He also noticed that after deactivating his Martial Soul, his hair color returned to black. 

Su Yuntao's eyes became dull. He wants to leave immediately, but he still let Tang Yun measured his Innate power.

Tang Yun touched it and it bursted with light. But unlike Tang San, Tang Yun actually destroyed it.

"Heavens, a Supreme full Innate power."

A/N: The protagonist's innate power is similar to Qian Renxue's. Tang Yun is already a Soul Master from the start (Level 20).

Please vote for me to give me motivation to finish this.

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