
The Void Doulou: Reincarnated In Soul Land With Six Eyes And L1mitless

(A Rewritten Version of My Past Fanfiction with the same title.) Note: This fanfiction is not for Tang San fans. Although he is a part of their family in this fic, the Tang father-son duo did something that made the protagonist hate them. Synopsis: In the aftermath of his untimely death during graduation, a man finds himself face to face with a deity who, in a cosmic mix-up, offers him a chance at reincarnation. Transported into the captivating world of his beloved novel, "Soul Land," our protagonist navigates the realms of Soul Land/Douluo Dalu, experiencing a captivating journey intertwined with the essence of Jujutsu Kaisen. Unveiling unforeseen challenges and newfound powers, the man's reincarnated life unfolds in this captivating tale of adventure, self-discovery, and the boundless possibilities within the realms of fantasy. Soul land 1 Soul land Doulou Dalu 1 Doulou Dalu Jujutsu Kaisen JJK

Lyzide · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Zendesk's Misfortune

In a quaint little town nestled between rolling hills, there lived a young man named Zendesk. He was, by all accounts, a rather shameless individual. His audacity and lack of inhibition were legendary, often landing him in the most peculiar situations. But Zendesk was unapologetically himself, a quality that both endeared him to some and infuriated others.

As he neared the day of his graduation, his antics had reached new heights. In the span of a few weeks, he managed to charm his way into the hearts of half the town's residents and upset the other half with his unabashed disregard for convention. His graduation ceremony was, naturally, a spectacle. Zendesk took the stage and delivered a speech that left the audience both scandalized and oddly entertained.

But little did Zendesk know that on that fateful day, as he reveled in the chaos he had created, fate had a cruel twist in store for him. High above the graduation stage, a large rock suddenly appeared.

The rock was so large that Zendesk couldn't help but notice a looming shadow above his head. When he looked up, he exclaimed, "Ahhhhhhhh, what the f***? Why is there a large rock above me? F****, I'm dead. No matter what I'll do, run or duck, I'll die!!! Even though this stone is much smaller than Madara's meteor, I'm a dead meat... good bye world... To think I'll die as a vir-...."

In a surreal moment, time seemed to slow as the colossal stone began its descent. It tumbled from its lofty perch, its descent accompanied by a deafening roar. Zendesk, still lost in his own world, remained oblivious to the impending catastrophe. The gasps turned to shouts, and some even attempted to rush toward him, but it was too late.

With a thunderous crash that echoed through the stage, the stone struck the ground, mere meters away from Zendesk. The shockwave sent him sprawling, and the world went dark.

In an instant, his remarkable journey through life came to an abrupt and unexpected end. As the dust settled and the townspeople gathered around the fallen stone, a sense of solemnity descended upon the square.

"News live. A graduate student died..."

The news of Zendesk's demise spread like wildfire through the quaint town, igniting a wave of sorrow and disbelief. As word reached the local media, headlines blared with dramatic flair, painting the vivid picture of a larger-than-life character meeting an unexpected end.

In the aftermath, wild theories surfaced among the townsfolk. Some whispered that Zendesk's shameless behavior had angered the mystical forces residing in the hills, summoning the ominous rock as retribution. Others speculated a cosmic anomaly, weaving tales of celestial mishaps that led to the stone's abrupt appearance. Rumors swirled, creating an atmosphere of mystique around the tragic event.

Local conspiracy theorists seized the opportunity, spinning elaborate tales of secret societies and ancient curses. Townspeople gathered in hushed groups, exchanging speculative scenarios that ranged from extraterrestrial interference to a hidden plot orchestrated by jealous rivals.

The news coverage intensified, with reporters delving into Zendesk's past, interviewing those who had both admired and loathed him. Opinions varied, reflecting the complex tapestry of emotions he had woven throughout the community.

Meanwhile, a memorial for Zendesk took shape in the town square, adorned with flowers and handwritten notes expressing a mix of admiration and remorse. A candlelight vigil drew a diverse crowd, highlighting the polarizing impact he had on the town's social fabric.

As the days unfolded, psychologists and philosophers weighed in on the societal implications of Zendesk's demise, sparking debates about the nature of individuality, acceptance, and the consequences of living unabashedly. The town, once known for its quiet simplicity, found itself thrust into the spotlight, grappling with newfound introspection.

Amid the speculation and analysis, the mysterious rock stood as a silent witness to the enigma surrounding Zendesk's final moments. The townspeople, forever marked by the unforgettable spectacle, sought solace in the collective memory of the young man who had left an indelible mark on their lives.

In the aftermath of Zendesk's tragic demise, the quaint town became a focal point for media attention. Reporters descended upon the community, eager to capture the nuances of the young man's life and unravel the mystery surrounding the sudden appearance of the ominous rock. The news vans lining the streets and reporters with microphones in hand added an air of surrealism to the previously serene atmosphere.

As the town grappled with the aftermath, theories about the rock's origin proliferated. Some speculated that Zendesk's audacious personality had somehow triggered a supernatural response, while others mused about government experiments gone awry. The more imaginative locals even weaved tales of parallel dimensions colliding, thrusting the town into an otherworldly conundrum.

In the midst of this media circus, the townspeople found themselves at the center of attention. Interviews with friends, foes, and indifferent bystanders painted a complex portrait of Zendesk's impact on the community. The charismatic storyteller who enchanted half the town clashed with the conservative souls who resented his disregard for tradition.

At the heart of the coverage was the memorial in the town square. Bouquets of flowers, handwritten notes, and mementos formed a makeshift shrine to the young man whose life had ended so abruptly. The candlelight vigil, initially a somber affair, evolved into a symbolic expression of unity as people from all walks of life gathered to pay their respects.

Psychologists and philosophers, drawn to the profound questions raised by Zendesk's fate, offered their perspectives in countless think pieces and panel discussions. The debate raged on about the societal implications of embracing one's individuality versus conforming to societal norms. Zendesk's audacity, it seemed, had become a catalyst for introspection and discourse far beyond the town's borders.

As the days turned into weeks, the enigmatic rock remained perched in the town square, its imposing presence a constant reminder of the inexplicable events that had transpired. Artists painted interpretations of the scene, capturing the surreal moment of Zendesk's final act and the cosmic rock that had seemingly materialized from thin air.

Rumors of a government cover-up or a hidden agenda fueled the town's collective imagination. Local businesses began to capitalize on the newfound fame, selling "Zendesk Rocks" merchandise and organizing guided tours of the infamous graduation stage. The once-quiet town had become a pilgrimage site for the curious and the morbidly fascinated.

As the media circus gradually moved on to the next sensational story, the town was left to grapple with the aftermath of Zendesk's legacy. The divided opinions and emotional turmoil sparked by his audacious life and tragic end would forever shape the narrative of this once quaint and unassuming community. The chapter of Zendesk's remarkable journey had closed, but the echoes of his existence lingered in the hearts and minds of those who had witnessed the spectacle.