
5 :Just Spill it!.

Walking back home was not as scary as aforementioned. Arriving at the gates of the the old but still modern looking shelter that harboured her through her sorrows and happiness was a sight somewhat peaceful. The lilies and dandelions were battling with an army of weeds in the garden competing for sunlight as both were betting on which to grow tallest...yayy!...grass growth observation...absolutely thrilling*...The garden,previously the beautiful addition to the front porch now looked like a sea of angry plants swaying and calling out to their forgetful carer. Elene loved gardening and made most of it by decorating the front poach despite Edward's pleas to buy the artificial grass instead as he said they were the latest thing in town. Catherine snapped back to reality and took a mental note to clear up the garden in her leisure time as she dug her fingers into her palm,hugging the cardigan closer and scrambling on her feet to seek warmer air in her room...*or more like seek the bed in her room*...


Getting home, she found Edward in his office receiving calls and arranging documents scattered and lying around on his table. It's like he never leaves there...snickered Catherine as she coughed to signify her presence. Hey dad!...I'm back...she continued. Oh!...hey honey!...just give me a second...He whispered holding up a finger at her. Catherine nodded and hurried up to her room to wash up.Edward was working with the Global Arts and tourism (G.A.T). Grabbing the offer in a twinkle of an eye to be hired as the archaeologist to explore ground breaking discoveries round the world,work from home if preferred and get a colossal amount of money was a dream come true to adventurer Edward. Catherine had to admit...His job did have its perks...travelling first class in an all paid trip to discover strange things and report live back to them really made Catherine question the authenticity of the job as she felt it was too good to true. He was the right person for the job as far as she knew. The job was like a light at the end of a tunnel for Edward after Elene's death. It made him take his mind off things and be productive for something he loves passionately. Nothing could have been better. Edward missed Elene. Despite his tough and strong exterior,he was hurt badly as Elene's death caused a large void in his heart.

Catherine was in her room and off to her bathtub for a warm refreshing bath. Peeling out of her cloths,she went in and closed her eyes and thought nothing as enjoyed the warm soothing feeling of the water and enchanting fragrance of her lemon-scented shampoo. She was well relaxed and afraid not to sleep...*yea sleep and drown*...,she got out to dress and change into her harry potter shorts and white tank top...yeah,she was an harry potter geek...*explains the weirdness*...

She heard soft knocks at the door and went to open it to find a slightly nervous Edward shifting uncomfortably from leg to leg...she let him in as he went to sit on her bed...come sit...We have to talk...she wondered what could make him sound so serious. Sitting on her bed causing it to creak slightly as result of the extra weight on it,she waited for her dad to proceed...Hon...you remember our discussion this morning?...He asked...yea...you wanted to tell me something but couldn't...she replied remembering the events earlier...so..urm...you see...He stuttered...Dad!...just spill it already...she demanded getting anxious and angry at the suspense...well you see...He said straightening up...I got a call recently from the african arts director and he proposed a contract to me...he stated...yeah you mentioned...to Nigeria for some *magical* stream...she joked trying to ease the tension...Catty,its serious. I was told to move there for a while as this was bigger than anything we have got...He said I was the best for the job...and I couldn't leave you for I could be there for months,years?...This is a major deal that affects both of us...He stopped to catch his breath and and get a reaction from Catherine...Catherine was stunned beyond words..."what!...move to Nigeria??...what of school?...my friends?...my life...sure I have left England but just for vacations that were temporary...This sounds like it would be for a long time...This is insane!!"...she thought...*wild wild thoughts🎶*...but calmly replied her anxious dad...I need time to think dad...surprising him as he confusedly nodded and proceeded to leave...yea...s.sure...think about it...good night cat...He whispered...Good night dad. She said before lying in her bed and sinking into the soft covers to allow the darkness take over.

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