
Chapter 24

Heather felt her face became red from anger. She hated the idea that Blake would meet one of his whores. She put back his phone back on the table and removed his arm on her body. He stirred but didn't wake up. She got up from the bed and marched into the bathroom.

"Hmm.. sweetheart?" Blake stirred when he felt the bed moved. With his eyes closed he smiled. He was sated but satisfied. Finally he got Heather. He had tasted her. The wait was all worth it. She was way much better than he expected. His opened his eyes when he heard the bathroom door opened. He frowned when he saw her. She was wearing a mini-dress which hugged her body like a second skin. She was showing some cleavage again. She had done her make-up too. She looked alluring.

"Sweetheart? Where are you going?" he asked with a heavy frown before he got up from the bed.

He walked to go near her. His lips formed a thin line when she stepped back from him. She went to the small dresser to get a bottle of perfume.