
Chapter 1 Her

Waking up to the surprise of being shot by a nerf gun, I through a pillow at my little brother Jace who had already ran away laughing, still with my eyes closed I couldn't stop from laughing. I looked down at my phone: One minute left before my alarm went off; I groaned and fell back into bed. After a moment of silence I listed to the inevitable sound of The Beatles "Black Bird" letting me know it was time to get ready for school.

I jumped in the shower and turned on the speaker, trying to start the day off right I listened to all my favorite songs while getting ready. I put on just a bit of lipgloss wanting to look half way decent. I finally decided this is as good as it'll get. I was wearing a pink and white striped sweater, jean skirt, and white Nike's; my curly blonde hair fell just before my waist pulled out of my face with two barrettes on each side.

I walked out of my room and went down to the kitchen. Mom was reminding Lola that she had a dentist appointment at noon while she held out a plate of toast and fruit for me and Liam. I sat down at the counter nibbling on a strawberry, "Is it cool if I go to the mall with Kate after school?"

Looking at her reflection on the microwave door, my mom tried to tame some of her stray blonde curls, she turned around to look at me, "What? Did you forget you have a private lesson with your tumbling coach- oh what's her name-." She turned back to the microwave this time trying to straighten her necklace.

"Coach Bailey and I totally forgot." I watched her curiously, "What're you doing?"

"I have a big meeting with that investor you met at that banquet, umm George" she said reaching for her favorite Wonder Woman mug.

"James and I don't think you should be nervous. Between you and me I think he has a crush on you. He was staring at you that whole night; besides, you look great"

Looking up from her coffee she smiled, "Thank you, I just need to make him go for this deal. Shouldn't you be leaving for school by now?"

I looked at my watch and she was right. "I can take the boys to school if you want?"

"No it's ok. I don't want to deal with Jace's car seat, but thank you"

"No problem." I walked over to the bottom of the stairs, "Lola hurry up! We're going to be late!" I started to walk to the door when she came running down.

"Viv we're fineee. Class doesn't start for an hour" Lola said, still we were grabbing our bags..

"I know but I wanted to go to Starbucks. BYE GUYS!" Jace paused his argument with Mom about suddenly not like 'fruit' to yell bye while Liam just waved. Mom waved but was still telling Jace to eat his food.

Lola and I walked outside. "So what're you making up for this time?" Lola asked while opening the car door.

"What makes you think I'm making up for something?!" We got in the car and I looked up at her. She was making her 'cause I know you' face. "Okay so maybe I have to cancel plans with Kate cause I forgot about tumbling practice" I gave up trying to no look at her 'I knew it' face. She just laughed and started messing with the music.

We pulled up to St. Mary Catholic School and got out of the car. I told Lola to have a good day and made my way to the library where I knew Kate would be. Kate has been my best friend since I moved to DC 2 yeas ago. I walked over to Kate reading a book on the couch by the large window that overlooked the cafeteria deck. The light from the window I always thought made her long red hair catch the light in a way that made her look even more beautiful then she usually did. "Good morning! I brought you a little something!" She looked up at me and smiled.

"So I'm guessing we aren't going to the mall later." She said teasingly while sipping her coffee.

"Do I really do this THAT often!?"

"Yes but I don't mind." We laughed while I sat down. "What'd your mom sign you up for this time?"

"Private tumbling classes with Coach Baily. She thinks I need to work on my aerial flips." We both rolled our eyes at that.

"Doesn't she know you're already the best tumbler on the team?"

"I am not!" I laughed "I don't know why she's been so 'involved' lately."

"Do you think it has something to do with your dad leaving?"

"I don't know" I said, looking at the floor now. She knows I hate talking about my Dad.

"Lucas just texted me. He wants me to meet him before class so I'm gonna go, but I'll see you later!"

"Oh ok. See you later." Lucas is her third boyfriend she's had this month. Kate I don't think has ever been single for more than a day but somehow never seems to get very serious with anyone. I don't understand how she has time to spend with boys when she already has school, church, work, and cheer to balance. I know I could never stretch myself that thin and not go crazy. I've never had a boyfriend before although the summer after 10th grade I made out with Luke H at a party after one too many pink jellow shots everyone was handing me.