
The visionary of the melded world

Lewd_Enjoyer · Others
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28 Chs

chapter 24

300 years... 300 long years. That's how long its been.

Over these 300 years, not much changed. I continued to do small tasks for Odin and Yhwach, all gradually amounting to a false sense of peace.

I didn't need my knowledge of dxd to know that a war was coming. The small signs, things like the gathering of demons and the birth of devils. I thought it a good idea to keep an eye on the underworld, observe what actions they take.

Well... the actions that Lucifer takes.

After I took him back to Yhwach, they had a talk, I didn't know what about, but three devils used a ritual to pull Lucifer through space. How... interesting.

On a... more depressing note. She still hasn't woke up. My dear mitsuri... I... regret everything. It would seem that the shock of having a piece of her soul obliterated put her in a souls equivalent of a coma.

I don't know when she'll wake up, frankly, I know that I'm getting a deserved beating. That... is if she even chooses to. Mitsuri... she was so gentle.

I really am pathetic...

Someone has a request.


Over the 300 years, Walter thought that it would be necessary for others to be able to reach the frozen forest, for the sake of their requests.

And so, he made a book.

The books was filled with nonsense that Walter made up on a whim in order to seem authentic. Though... there was one that wasn't technically nonsense.

This world... was his dream.

Regardless, in the book, was a magic circle. With the words...

He who draws this circle and invokes the dreamers name shall find himself in the dreamers domain.

You see, there's a certain mystique that gods have, a sense of foreboding to interact with them.

Walter made several of the books and spread them about.

The book was simply titled, The Dreamer.

And it would appear that finally, someone had invoked his name.

So, he brought her to the cabin. Over the years that the book had spread, Walter had acquired a legend. And through this legend, he had gained something he wouldn't have expected.

As his tale was passed from one person to another, more and more became aware of his existence. And gained something unexpected...


Walter didn't forsee this. But, as many have said...

Gods aren't born, they are made.

As such, the frozen forest became interlinked with Walter's being, it became his godly domain, his workshop.

Now, he could freely manipulate anything inside it.

And he shifted himself through it, to meet his guest.

A pale woman with white hair, bright red eyes and wearing a fancy dress fitting of royalty stood before Walter, the woman kneeled immediately at the sight of him, sweating at his mere presence.

"What is it that you need?" The vampire woman swallowed a lump in her throat, would... would he really help? At what cost?

"In Romania, there has been an ongoing clash between my husband and I. His tepes faction and my Carmilla faction. We had a daughter by the name of-"

"Shalltear bloodfallen. I am aware, I have encountered her once before." Carmilla couldn't help but look to him in shock. Her... her daughter had met him? Maybe... just maybe...

"Shalltear has gone missing as of recent and my husband has started to take more and more of our land. I... I beg for your help. Without your intervention, I fear the Carmilla faction may be eradicated." Quite the marriage dispute.

"So you want my assistance. Very well, I'll give you two of my subordinates. I'm well aware of your faction being entirely female, so it will be two women. Do not fret as to only having two people, the two I give you are quite strong themselves. One can contend with myself for a bit." Her angered look quickly shifted to a face full of gratefullness.

"Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" For a noble vampire, Walter didn't expect this, he expected a stuck up and arrogant woman begrudgingly asking for assistance.

"Raise your head. Worry not about payment, all I ask is your loyalty. I won't interfere with your political affairs, but if one day, i request your assistance, I would be grateful if you accepted." In these long years, I've found that coming off as gentle often becomes more intimidating to those of political spheres, they're always wary as to what someone is trying to get out of them.

Without waiting any longer, I grabbed sunny and Melascula through my connection to this realm, pulling them directly behind me.

Melascula immediately floated next to my shoulder, peering over as she floated.

"Seems we've got stuff to do."

"That you have. You are to assist miss Carmilla here in fighting against the tepes faction. Ultimately, it is her choice on how you should subdue your opponents." Sunny stared at the vampire, confused on the circumstances.

"Right now, miss Carmilla's side has taken heavy losses. And so she came to us for help. I am sending the two of you."

"My, to think we'd have to deal with a civil War. This will be interesting, right sunny?" The artist glanced at her friend.

"Could be? Let's get it over and done with. I wanna paint some more and just relax!" Her cheerful tone wasn't a surprise, not to anyone that knew her, but it was to Carmilla.

"Well, I bid you farewell, and good Luck."


Modoru, the creation of one Walter Newgate. Whether he realised it or not, Modoru believed Walter to be his father.

So it was only fitting that Modoru modeled his appearance in his likeness.

Modoru had purple hair going down to his shoulders, a golden ornament at the base of his neck with a purple jewel in the middle. He wore a purple dress shirt, the top 2 buttons undone showing a defined chest. Coupled with this were black business pants and a long black coat reaching his shins.

The coat unfolded open at the collars revealing smooth red insides with golden lining.

It did not take the brother of Ymir long to gather his bearings. The place he had entered was not exactly a physical place, it was a spiritual plane.

Not exactly too different than that of valhalla or helheim. However...

In those afterlives, there was a being to regulate the souls. It would appear that no such beings exist here. How do the souls not overflow then? Or do they still overflow?

Honestly, it does not matter to me, I am no god of the underworld or death. Neither of those authorities fall under my domain. This place... its quite boring. No reason to stay here any longer. 300 years was long enough.

Well, easiest way out of here is simple.

I just have to tear a hole in it.

Getting a grip of space sounds difficult, but it's quite trivial.

All you do is just grab it.

Then, you use your other hand to grab it as well and in one motion...

You tear.

Now you have your own hole in space, free of charge might I add. Hmm. You know, that's a good business idea.

On another topic, I do wonder how my fathers doing.

"You! What are you doing here in these lands? Your presence is not welcome here." A woman, scratch that, a beautiful woman appeared in front of me. She wore the attire of a miko and honestly... I... I think I was smitten with her.

"Hello, my name is Modoru. I did not choose to come here, I was just tearing my way out of a realm." Before I could continue speaking, a beam of fire shot down at me.

Quite slow.

I hopped backwards, meeting eyes with her again.

"Quite rude aren't you."

"I consider myself a polite person... to guests." In an attempt to, I think immobilise me? Her divinity flared, the temperature visibly rose, the dirt was being melted.

How sad, this lush open field will never be the same. Well...

That isn't entirely true.

But I'd rather subdue her before more damage is done.

Let's see. I'll just go full speed.

"Surrender-" in but a moment, an infinitesimally small amount of time, the distance had been closed. Damn, its really hot. From what I've understood so far, this is a goddess with an authority over either flame or the sun.

I'm not sure which. Oh...

My hand is gone.

"You fool. My body is hotter than the sun." Hotter than the sun, ah, so my hand was burnt to a crisp.

Its not an issue.


My sister. It has been a while since she last fought, but it matters not. It is impossible to touch her.

And that fool of a human...


His hand was burnt off... how... how is it back? Is he human? I've... noticed something off about him. He... isn't human. He's something vastly different.

I saw magical energy condensing onto his fists, a dense amount, horrifically dense. NO!


The storm began to roll in, the clouds suddenly darkening into a depressing gray colour, thunder rolling in, before lightning struck between the two of them.

"You will not harm my sister!" Susanoo yelled in rage, the Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi flying straight into his hand, his gift to his sister. The god of seas and storms had never intended to use it again, it should've stayed with his sister.

But he couldn't bide his time and watch her fight.

His sword was firmly in his hand, beard swaying as he swung.

Then a fist tore through his gut.


How... how could this happen to him of all people.

"Now now, let's all just calm down for a moment." The... the hole was gone? Susanoo couldn't believe it, Amaterasu couldn't believe it.

"So, can we talk?"


Romania... I never went there. Can't even remember anything about the place. What a pity... I wonder... when I have all 26 sternritter...

What will I actually remember?

It's a scary thought. Will I even be the same person?

That's a good question.

'There were temporal fluctuations.' A meek voice rang through my head.

'I know. But there always are. Chronomancy isn't exactly irregular.'

"Walter. Would you mind a spar?" I looked up to see yachiru, the same sadistic smirk on her face. She truly doesn't change. I could never even see how she could act so... kind.

"Alright." I got up from my chair, Lena was sleeping in the other building I made, ophis was... somewhere. Derieri was training with tenjiro.

"I want to fight you with the spear." And... Great.

'I-i... I'm fine with that...' you do remember why I don't want to use you, right?

'I... I do.' Fine. I'll do it. I reached my hand into the air, pulling out the spear that was quite... appropriately named Shinzoku koroshi.

It roughly translates to kin slayer.

Fitting considering her purpose.

"I do warn you, I don't know if you'll be able to heal its strikes." The spear itself was a gold spear, a red gem at the center of the shaft, three prongs, the two side prongs curving inwards at their base before curving inwards and jutting outward. I guess it could be a trident too?

"That makes it all the more fun." I... couldn't lie. It is appealing. That's just kenpachi speaking though.

Well... gremmy was a battle maniac.

I... I guess I am too.


Honestly, I really am bored. These stories used to have a lot more comments. Had to reupload them, pain was all I felt after that. I really didn't want to, but shit happened.