
The visionary of the melded world

Lewd_Enjoyer · Others
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28 Chs

chapter 16

He was... disappointed. In all his glory, his power, his sight, his spirit.

He, the father, the son, the Holy spirit couldn't see that beings power. It was simply beyond him.

How utterly horrifying

Another being that goes against the natural order. Honestly, how he hated dragons.

Order. That is the one thing all gods strive for. God's are beings of order and power.

Dragons are the antithesis to their very existence. Much like themselves, dragons were beings of power. But what was different was that dragons were beings of Chaos.

Gods would bring about order.

Dragons would cause chaos.

It was simply their nature.

But this... monster. At first, i couldn't even tell he was a dragon. He was far too strong to be a normal dragon, but he felt far worse than great red and ophis.

His skin crawled just looking at him. That damn cordial smile on his face only served to unnerve the leader of the angels.

"My apologies on barging in, but we did ask politely. We got a simple no. I saw fit to simply come here myself. I'm aware of how this could be seen as an act of aggression, but I merely wish to establish I and those under me as peacekeepers for hire." Michael stood next to his father, unsure of this individual.

"How can I be sure you are of use to me?" At this Walter only smirked.

"Well, I have a particular set of skills." The line was rather cliche, but it chilled the god of the bible to his bones. Here, in the garden of Eden, he never expected someone to breach Edens gate.

But even worse, the line made all of his hairs stand on end as the line did not come from the man in front of him. In fact, he seemed to be fading away.

The voice came from behind him.

"One of those skills allows me to guess what you'll say next. You damn dragon! How did you do that!?" The trinity spun around, an angered look on his face.

"You damn-" His sentence was cut short as he realised just what had happened. How? How was he, the god of the strongest pantheon just predicted?

"In all seriousness, I do believe that was a sufficient display." His eyes were narrowed, white robe blowing in the wind.

"It was. Then, for your first assignment, I want you to find my son. Lucifer. Bring him to me." Walter stayed calm on the outside...

But was internally panicking.

'Lucifer? A hell of a task to give a man you just met. But, it must be done if I want to establish myself. Canon be damned. Though... fate tends to force events to happen.'

"Very well. Approximate location?" The man stared at me, a fragment of surprise in his eyes.

"He's building a castle in the underworld. I won't kill my son. Im not a monster. I just... want to understand my son. He rebelled... but why?" Walter could understand.

After all, if he had a son who suddenly rebelled against him, Walter would want to know.

But, Walter didn't think he was going to have a son anytime soon.

"It shall be done."

Walter disappeared in a blink. God fell down onto his butt.

"... I hate dragons."


I've been wandering through the underworld for a while now, it's as barren as ever.

But, in the distance, I see a castle. A massive and foreboding castle.

I started to use hirenyaku, my, this is quite the distance to travel. It took me two steps.

Considering yhwach was as proficient if not more than shunsui, it seems the underworld is far bigger than the soul society if I can't travel across the entire thing in one step.

"This is one pretentious looking castle." Melascula appeared from some shadows that spawned next to me.

"I do agree. But did you expect anything less from the most prideful angel in heaven?" She shook her head with a smirk.

"Can't say I ever considered attacking the castle of the Lord of pride. Its quite an outrageous thing to attack one's creator. Though, he does deem us as failures." Melascula has a finger on her cheek as she explained.

"I suppose this could be considered justice then. Now, let's put on a fine show." Instead of breaking down the door.

I decided to put on a bit of display. The door slowly transformed into motes of blue light that were then absorbed into myself.

"If one reaches a high enough level of mastery with reishi absorption. They achieve what is known as the absolute submission of reishi. Reishi exists in all things. Magic doesn't. Its a simple matter of absorbing it."

My shadow began to shift before mitsuri arose.

"Stop messing around. We need to be serious here. We've been given our task. We cannot fail as this is our first step to becoming peacekeepers." She tried to look serious, but she just looked so cute.

"We should get a bit serious. If I'm correct, then there will be several powerful servants by the name of lucifuge. I can't tell you anymore as I don't know what magic they use."

It... wasn't exactly a lie. I have suspicions as grayfia used ice. But I'm not positive if that's a family specialty or just grayfia's. Looks like we'll find out pretty quickly anyways.

In we go.

The room we found ourselves in was both large and empty. Three paths, forward up the stairs, left or right.

"A bit too empty and spacious for my liking. Though I can only guess that it's unfinished. Now show yourselves, there's no point for you to hide." A man dropped from the beams above.

"Quite perceptive. So-"

"Cut the monologue, cain lucifuge. I have no time to spare for you. You have two options, surrender and leave, or you can die. But, I already know which decision you'll make."

Before the progenitor could even speak, his arm had been blown off. The casual confidence that he held was quickly replaced with pure, primal terror.

The fear in his eyes was something that could not be faked. For the fear of extermination is a natural instinct.

But for a devil like him, he felt like he was stood in front of god himself.

That, was the fear he felt.

"I have no intention to kill you, it is your choice cain. Stay there and survive... or die." The three of us went straight ahead, the other two paths only lead to servant living quarters.

There were several floors, a flat part atop each segment of stairs that branched off two ways. Each way led to more rooms, but it was pointless.

I already knew lucifer was at the top. The future tells all. And the future bends to my will.

"How is this going to go? You dealt with the first servant and I can sense no more. Who will deal with lucifer himself?" I cracked my neck.

"I haven't done much recently. So I will. I'm also not too sure how the two of you would compare to him. So to be safe, I will deal with him myself." Each floor we ascended, the presence of heavy magical energy became far more apparent.

A shadow attempted to pierce through my head. Pointless. It was an easy matter to dodge. We just continued up the stairs.

"Are you alright Walter?" Her face carried a hint of worry on it, but other than that, she was fine.

"I am fine, my dear." A small smile spread on my face as we reached the final steps. That was when I came face to face with the devil himself.

His white hair went down to his shoulder. His face was clean shaven, red eyes gleaming with madness like rubies. His attire was that of a Prince, he was equipped with black pants, shoes, button up t-shirt and a black coat with gold lining similar to something you would see an old British explorer might wear.

"Hm? Did cain not stop you? Quite disappointing I must say. I expected him to buy me more time. Regardless, it seems I will have to fight." I attempted to use the almighty.

No results.

I understood instantly. He's obscured the future in darkness. Well, this gives me a chance to use my zanpakuto.

I unsheathed the two blades at my hips.

"Unify, Nijū yōso." My calm voice bellowed through the room, the blade of pride in my left hand turned to a deep scarlet, any previous patterns had disappeared leaving the bloody coloured blade.

The sword in my right hand had become a deep navy blue, any patterns had similarly disappeared.

One swift motion of my right hand cause several blades of water to be launched at the original devil. A lazily constructed wall of shadow was made to block it.


The water tore right through, forcing lucifer to dodge at the last possible moment.

You see, this blade doesn't produce simple water. No, no not at all.

I closed the distance. One step. That's all it takes. One wrong step leads to death.

My blade found itself buried in his sternum.

"Brace yourself devil, this will be more painful than anything you've ever felt." In one moment, his body was doused with water from the blade.

Normally, this would simply be uncomfortable. However, for a being of evil like lucifer, being doused with divine water wasn't a good thing.

Yes, it was healing the stab wound in his sternum. But it was causing excruciating pain for him.

I watched with an emotionless face as he writhed in pain. How high is his pain tolerance? I though this much would knock him out.

The fire would severely scar him. It seems a well placed punch was the only way.

I returned the blades to their sealed state and sheathed them. I straddled his waist and reeled my fist back, one swift punch to the chin took him out.

Far easier than expected, but I was simply more powerful than him in every way.

"That was... quick. Incredibly so. I honestly expected a lot more talking and monologues as you argued over what was right and wrong. But no. You defeated him. Fast and simple." Melascula's assessment would have been very right.

If I was a silly man.

I can be silly at times, but I'm fully aware of when I should get serious.

"Wasn't that a bit cruel?" Her soft and worried voice only confused me. I simply inflicted as much pain as possible to force him to pass out. That's... very cruel. I didn't take into account his prior pain tolerance.

Because I didn't know his prior pain tolerance.

I had essentially just tortured a man.

I looked at my hands. I felt... dirty. Unclean even.

I'm not even in the mood to talk to the biblical god again. I'll... just send lucifer to him through the shadows.

Right now, I need to get my mind off... this.

The switch was flipped and a pre-written letter was in my hands. I crouched down and tucked it into lucifers coat, a corner sticking out.

And off it went.

The unconscious devils body was soon consumed by clouds of shadow until nothing was left but the floor which he had lay on.

"Now... let's go back." I'd had enough of this for one day. The entrance to the frozen forest appeared in front of us.

Such similarity to how renji and byakuya first appeared.

The only difference is instead of Japanese sliding doors, its more like a wall of branches.

This place is so soothing.

This was just another simple day in the life of Walter Newgate.
