
The viscount's child

Amidst bodies and despair, Kim Jun-seo gains a new life.

EliminateUser · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Clinging to my angel (2)

'So it really was a nightmare' Sweaty and in the sunlight, this exuberant heat forced me to get up.

But the landscape was different from my usual room. An exquisite room with pieces that seem to have great value, the man who gave this room was rich no matter what your point of view.

*Knock Knock*

Knocking on the door could be heard and at that moment my heart beat in tandem with the knocking on the door. Hoping to know the identity of the person on the other end, leading me to a barrage of questions:

'Who is it? Where am I? That's really weird, isn't it?

All questions could only be answered with the person on the other side.

"Young master Icarus, breakfast is ready."


"I won't warn you again, Icarus!"

"Okay, give me five minutes."

In fact, the focus wasn't on getting ready in those five minutes, understanding and discovering what was going on was my priority.

'Icarus? Who is he?'

Going to the bathroom, I opened the door without hesitation, because I wasn't expecting a clue.

'My face, my face that is not my face. Does this by any chance make any sense?'

My face only showed another face, an unknown man was in front of me looking at himself in the mirror.

"So this is how things are going to play out, huh."

************************************************** ************************************************** *** The kitchen had become my destiny, the hunger was intensifying with each passing moment. This body, how long had he not eaten?

However, upon reaching the destination, silence prevailed, but it is not as if there were no people, but my sudden presence silenced those in the cafeteria.

'What problem.'

If there is no conversation, there is no exchange of information.

What I need won't be obtained this way, so...

"My food, please."

It seems that these people are not used to requests, so everyone found it strange. I couldn't even get my food this way.

'What is that? Did I say something wrong? Should I ask one more time?'

But to my surprise, a beautiful waitress presented me with my dish.

His black hair and eyes that were as deep as the abyss made it impossible not to fall in love.

"Here is your dish, young master."

But maybe I might be too childish for these things.