
The Virtues of this Tropical Isle

In a society where gods used to rule. Mages and witchcraft are a part of everyday life. A mysterious syndrome threatens the lives of a whole tropical island. Seven were chosen to discover and take down this mysterious threat. Each of the seven was chosen because they display each of the 7 virtues. Everett C Sage the main character of this story has barely any besides healing magic but has physical capabilities to make up for it. Everett attends Diamond Saint Academy an academy school where children of political leaders, business owners, and overall smart students go too. Go to school, go out with friends, and go home. He soon finds himself fighting demons and supernatural beings from hell. Will Everett’s “normal”life be changed forever?

Ilovepsicyahi · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Battle at the Temple 1

"Fleeing is not an option. You all have been trapped in my dark magic Be enslaved or attempt to fight us."

"Man, what a drag I was open to keeping these clothes nice and clean oh well," Mr.Kaneda says.

"Ms.Paige activate please"

"You don't have to tell me twice"

"Safeguard Aegis!!!!"

A protective barrier carved with Greek symbols and lettering separates the students and the 3 threats. Ms. Paige is in a tower. A control room of sorts overseeing this battle. It's a golden hue.

Ella Paige Ability Explained: Sheild them All

Ella uses barrier spells to shield and protect a group or an individual. Ella's ability is one of the best defensive abilities across the 4 tropical isles. She can use multiple abilities at once. During the activation of a spell, Ella is encased in a protective area whether it is a tower or a small space. She is overall protected by the spell as well. Although she has the best defense there really isn't that much offense when it comes to "Sheild them All"

"Alright, Kaneda make this quick." speaking with a speaker made from the tower.

"Of course" Kaneda with a smirk on his face.

"3 versus 1 isn't it a bit unfair, right Dxn," says the girl figure.

"Well, it won't be a 3 v 1 soon Xella," Dxn says.

They both take off their hoods. Xella took off her hood its a girl with straight black hair and bangs that cover her forehead, white eyes, beauty mark under each eye. and wearing a black turtleneck. Slim regular body with FEATURES in the chest area. Dxn and a younger boy who looks to be in middle school with blonde hair, shorter stature, an eye patch over 1 eye, with hazel eyes.

"Don't underestimate him"

"You got it Luxk count on us"

Luxk then takes off his hood. Luxk has black hair, is taller than the average height, messy hair with glasses.

"Marionettes arise" Dxn commands.

One by one more than a dozen marionettes arise

"See Xella it ain't 3 v 1 n--"


Kaneda within a split second punches the lights out Dxn sending straight all the way to Paige's shield.

"Luxk and Dxn eyes widen in shock."

"Dxn!" Xella yells.

"Welp 1 down 2 to go". Kaneda says while cracking his knuckles.

Meanwhile inside the Safeguard Aegis.

"3 versus 1 you think Mr. Kaneda can do it" ask Marx

"He should be able to from the looks of it they seem to be Rank A Mage at best," says June.


"Ughh my ears are you always this loud" Alice in an irritated state.

"I was about to display my power but Ms.Paige had to put up this shield".

"You should already know the result of that Princess." June remarks.

"What do you think your measly wind magic was going to take on my flames huh?"

"Woah woah"

"Come down milady"

Everette and Marx hold back June on the other hand, Dillion holds back Alice.

"Uh Guys"

"I think wind beats fire any day cause it can blow it away!!!"

"Dont you know wind makes fire stronger!!!" Alice states.

"Uhh Guys???"

"How are they so strong"Everett questions.

"Milady works out and power lifts so it works out"

"The real question is how is June so strong" Marx replies trying to hold June back.

"EVERYONE I believe Mae is trying to say something"

"There lying"

"About how fire is powered by-" Alice questions.

"No about them having 3 of them"

"Well that kid just summoned marionettes and it increased their persons by like 20. Then proceeds to be ONE SHOTED by Mr. Kaneda so what's the big deal," says Marx.

"No before that I heard that girl say 3 versus 1" That's where the lie is from," Mae says.

"WHAT," all 6 say in shock.

"Then are you saying there are more" Everett confused.


"My assumptions proved correct," says Alice.

"While inside that statue room and Everett was having a headache I felt a presence watching us. I turned and asked Dillion if he felt it he agreed. "

"June when I said, "Trash like you don't deserve to be here". It wasn't towards you I was saying it back to that presence I was feeling." Alice faces June as she explains her plans. "I was playing to scare away that presence with my power but it seems the teachers had other plans."

"Woah so you aren't just a princess you actually are smart," Marx says.


Dillion hits Marx in the solar plexes.

"You asked for that man"

"I-- K-now"Marx gasping for air.

"Sorry, I said that to you June about not being talented or elite I just needed you to have a reason to fight me to use my power."

"All that happened in the past just let it go right now we gotta worry about the future. Where is this 4th person?" June said.

"Judging from the looks of it these 3 seem to be decoys," Chonsee says reading their body movements, and facial expressions, they look like they're stalling for something."

Alice motions like she has an earpiece

"Dillion do you copy? Have you found that last member"


"Wait if that's Dillion whos this?" Everett asks.

"A shadow clone," Alice says.

The clone disappears.

"So you're telling me that I got punched by a shadow clone" Marx.

"Yes if you were to have gotten punched by the real Dillion you probably would be dead"

"Whaaa your telling me I would've die-".

"Mae can you use your portals to take all 6 of us into that statue room," Alice says.

"Yeah, I can as long as I have been there I can take us there."

"K let's go," Everett says.

One by one the 6 of them go into the portal.

"Woah woah woah where do you think you guys are going?".

"Am sorry Ms.Paige but there seems to be another member lurking plotting something" Mae says as she jumps in.

"THEY MIGHT NEED MY HELP" Chonsee jumps in.

"We must find them to end this," Everett says proceeds to jump in.

"Wait Alice this may be a trap!"

"Don't worry we got each other back with the two of us we'll be fine" June reassures Ms.Paige.

"Am going to be that guy that delivers that SHOCKING blow you get it cause. Nevermind" Marx proceeds to jump in.

The 6 head to the statue room.

Moments before

"Well 1 down," Kaneda says.

"How dare you. You didn't let him finish his sentence" Xella says in anger.

Xella black attire changes to an all-white with a crown floating above her head like a halo. Her eyes glow with a white frost hue. She hurls ice shards at Kaneda.

"Oh ice mage dope."

The ice shards are close to hitting him but they seem to float around him. Amazed at how these were crafted. Touching each shard as they float around him.

"Woah these are nice. Oh pretty pointy too. It would be pretty bad if I got hit with THIS". With a point of a finger, the ice shards that were floating around him get sent back flying at Xella much faster.

Xella stands with Luxk by her side. "What! Never mind I just will block it with an ice wall" Xella was shocked.

Kaneda smiles.

"Too naive."Luxk remarks.



The shards become heavier and crush Xella all the way down to the ground.

"She didn't care to see the tiny black sphere that you hid within those ice shards. The way that your shards were able to orbit around you and you were able to freely touch them. Plus the way you were able to increase and decrease the mass of something makes me believe you have the ability to---" Luxk talking about Kaneda's ability.

"Yes, you figured it out."

Kaneda attempts to end this as he removes his short sleeve button-up shirt. "Now there's 1. Luxk right? Let me ask you something which way did the apple fall from the tree?"

The two stare each other down as a one-versus-one finally commences.

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