
The virtual life

Jessica_Tuite · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter one

I was sitting alone. At a club watching happy people dancing and holding an empty glass. My life is terrible. I thought. Why am I even aloud to be alive? Why is it me who has to carry this dreadful burden. I want to be able to live a good life like all of those people dancing. I wonder if they have any problems. "Hey bartender? Another glass please. The usual." I said. "Yes ma'am." As I waited for my drink to be made I saw the chair in-front of me move. A tall young man sat down in it. He had blond hair and deep brown eyes. I was in awe of this angel in-front of me. I wanted to touch his face to make sure I wasn't dreaming. He looked at me and smiled. When I say that smile would have melted your heart It definitely would. "Hey I noticed you sitting here all alone. Where are your friends?" He said. "I came here alone..my friends don't drown there sorrows in alcohol anymore." He laughed. "So what's so bad in your life that your here drowning your sorrows?" I smiles. I don't know why but I had the feeling to tell him everything. "I have a terrible life.." I said. "My parents think I'm a disappointment, And to be real. I don't really have friends...they all left and left me behind because I was just a burden to them." I said looking down at my feet. "What's your name?" He asked. "Elizabeth, and yours?" He smiled. "George." "Nice to meet you George." "You too." He looked at me concerned. "I'm sorry that you are having a hard time. But just know life is...life is amazing. You get to travel the world. You get to do whatever you want really. And who cares about your old friends. It's there loss not yours." I looked up at him I was trying not to cry as I smiled at him. "Thank you. I really needed that." He smiled. "No problem Elizabeth. Hey um do you mind if I could have your number?" I laughed. "Sure why not." I said. He handed me his phone and went to add contact I handed him mine the same. I put my number in and handed it back to him. "I should really get going." He said. "I don't want my girlfriend to get upset if I'm late. It was nice meeting you. Let's grab a coffee sometime." He smiled. "Ya sure of course." "Goodbye Elizabeth." "Goodbye." Well I should of known he had a girlfriend. With a face like that I would have been surprised if he didn't. Well I should probably go before I get too drunk to the point we're I can't walk home. I payed for my order and walked out of the bar.