
The Virgin Outcast Who Stole The Emperor's Heart

The night after her parents death, she's forced and threatened by the Queen at the age of ten to get engaged to the prince whose father is the murderer of all her relatives. Seven years later, she is brought back to the palace to be married to the prince who is now the Emperor. -----------+ Never would innocent Nana have ever imagine her life to become so complicated. Being threatened into a marriage she so despite. She hates him with all her heart and she wish him nothing but death but of course none of her wishes can ever come through, she isn't given a choice. To save her only remaining sibling life and to bring justice to her late parents, she agrees to marry the man she despise so much and one would think it would be easy ..given the fact that the whole kingdom knows that the Emperor is in love with the Outcast ..but no. As Nana entered the palace she receives the worst kind of hatred and wickedness from her husband's mother, brother and sister. The scary part is they want her dead. (PLEASE NOTE (There are no Wolves in this book. Only a few ghosts, Lol. Do take note, this story is rated PG 17+ and there might be scenes that would be uncomfortable for some people but rest assured that I will write a warning on each chapter which contains overly mature contents ..You can choose to read that chapter or skip it to the next one.) The book cover is from Pinterest.

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[4] The virgin test

Emperor Wuji POV

I sit down beside Royal Mother then start tapping my leg as i wait impatiently for the virgin test result and at the same time watch the doctor lay Nana down then drag down the cover attached to the bed.

When Nana came inside although still covered with a veil I know she have grown more beautiful. I can see it in her now very curvy shape.

It has been almost five years since I last saw her because of Royal mother. Royal mother hid Nana from me when she caught me trying to kiss my shy and reluctant Nana who was shaking her head in an attempt to avoid my lips as she say things that up till now I still don't know what it is, but i take it as "no" or "this is not right my prince". Ha.. as I remember all these things, I chuckle to myself.

"His Royal Highness" Hyuna call and I nodded my head signalling for her to speak.

"She is a virgin." Hyuna said. I turn my eyes to Nana, who is now standing, her face red as that of a cooked crayfish. My shy Nana, I already know she's still a virgin ..four years apart can't wipe out her body reaction in my mind, besides she still blush a lot and her eyes still holds that strong innocent pull which made me realized the reason why mother took her away from me for so long, she knows Nana is my weakness and at that time we were at war ..also I could have had my way with her and leave a baby in her so young womb and to think I fought Royal Mother over this matter, not talking to her for over four years because I thought she's against me and Nana being together like Royal Father was ..because Nana's father is a traitor which made Royal Father to banish his family, making Nana an outcast.

I turn to Royal Mother, looking her in the eyes ..when she found me looking at her she looks back and I smile an honest and thank you smile which she gets and smiled back.

I stand up, raising my long hand Royal attire up so it won't be touching the ground and walk out of the room with Yabo behind me, leaving the next process in Royal Mother capable hands and just as I step outside the room, I hear her thank the doctor then tell Nana's personal maid to take Nana in and to proceed with the traditional royal wedding rituals.

I can already picture her in her royal wedding gown looking so sexy and ravishing but I force myself to stop or else I will lose control and go back inside and claim her before the wedding even begin. I need to get out of here ..and fast or else my Nana will hate me forever.