
The Viper's View

"Photography is of essence. It takes time, patience, dedication and cooperation, yet it lies within you to take the perfect shot. It gives a voice of the extraordinary in the ordinary and embraces a character that many of us suppress. Yet, you make it seem effortless Amelia, your beauty lies far beyond the lens, your character blinding to the naked eye, and I will cherish the day I could finally understand you. Whether it be in this life or the next." Amelia Harper, an aspiring photographer, embarks on her first internship at Bishop Academy of Arts and Science, guided by Kai Greene. Their shared love for photography evolves into a unique bond, intertwining with childhood passions like archery and skeet shooting. As they grow closer, Amelia discovers unsettling truths about Kai, questioning her morality. Facing an unexpected betrayal, she now stands at his front door, ready for confrontation leading to a sinister turn in their relationship.

chelsea024 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

Amelia's heart raced as she stepped onto the hallowed grounds of Bishop University of Arts and Science, her dream of pursuing photography finally materializing. The air buzzed with creativity, and the promise of endless possibilities echoed through the grand arches that adorned the entrance. She clutched her camera bag, a treasure chest holding the key to her aspirations.

Orientation day brought a mix of nerves and excitement, a whirlwind of faces and places. As she scanned the room, her eyes fell upon Kai, a fellow student whose enigmatic aura drew her in. With an effortless elegance, he stood amidst the crowd, his camera slung over one shoulder, eyes focused on the artistic tapestries that adorned the walls.

Their eyes met, a spark of recognition flashing between them. Kai approached, extending a hand in greeting. "Hey, you must be Amelia. I heard we're paired up for the course."

Amelia's nerves melted away in the warmth of Kai's smile. "Yes, that's me. Amelia. Nice to meet you, Kai." Though shy, Amelia felt welcomed by his presence, and maintained hope for the semester.

They roamed the campus, capturing the essence of creativity through their lenses. In the darkroom, they found solace in the alchemy of developing photographs, the chemical dance of image emerging from blank canvas mirroring the magic of their growing connection to both artwork and each other.

The pair seemed to get along quite well, sharing and engaging in each other's company outside of photography.

One day, during a break between classes, Kai casually mentioned his love for skeet shooting, an unexpected revelation that piqued Amelia's interest. To her surprise, she discovered that she shared this passion as well. Kai didn't seem as one to engage in such and he didn't quite expect the same from her, though they lost in conversation filled with laughter and excitement.

"Small world, huh?" Kai remarked, a grin playing on his lips.

Amelia nodded, a sense of camaraderie blossoming. "I never expected to meet someone here who enjoys skeet shooting as much as I do." Her smile grew ever larger as they continued walking to their next class.

Their common ground extended beyond the firing range. As they delved into conversation, Amelia learned about Kai's affinity for embroidery, a delicate art that seemed incongruent with his rugged exterior. Intrigued, she confessed her own fascination with needle and thread, uncovering a shared appreciation for the tactile beauty of crafting.

"It's therapeutic, you know?" Kai mused, his eyes reflecting a depth of understanding. "Embroidery allows me to slow down, to focus on the details. It's not so different from photography."

Amelia smiled, realizing the profound truth in his words. Their hobbies, seemingly disparate, became threads weaving an understanding between them.

In the quiet moments, they shared stories of their childhoods, discovering the roots of their mutual passion for photography. Kai spoke of a small town where every cobblestone held memories, and Amelia revealed tales of capturing the fleeting beauty of sunsets which were the last few memories of her family which she held dear.

Their pasts seem merged into a shared narrative, a mosaic of experiences that shaped their artistic visions. In the golden hues of nostalgia, they found a profound connection that extends past the university's walls.

As the days turned into weeks, and the semesters unfolded, Kai and Amelia's bond deepened. The university became a canvas where their stories intertwined, brushstrokes of friendship blending seamlessly into a masterpiece of shared dreams.

One autumn afternoon, as the leaves painted the campus in hues of gold and crimson, Kai mustered the courage to invite Amelia for coffee. They sat in a quaint corner of a nearby café, the aroma of freshly ground beans honing the atmosphere around them.

"Amelia," Kai began, his gaze unwavering, "there's something about the way we see the world through our lenses, the way our stories align. Would you join me for coffee again? Maybe there's more to explore beyond the frames of our cameras."

Amelia's heart fluttered, the unspoken promise of possibilities hanging in the air. With a smile, she nodded, feeling the gentle tug of fate guiding them towards a future where their shared passion for photography would be just the beginning of a beautiful journey.