
The Violet Warlock

Serah was a normal girl until she woke up in the luxurious mansion within the Asterion Empire with a cursed gift—God's Eyes. These violet eyes drain her life force, promising an early death unless she can awaken their power. Reincarnated with memories from her past life, Seraphina is determined to defy her fate. Instead of submitting, she is determined to take control of her destiny. In a world of magic, knights, and secrets, Seraphina thrives for more. ------------------------------------------- Tags: Transmigration, Female MC, Western/Eastern Fantasy, Yuri, Action, Adventure, Late-Romance. And More. Schedule: 6+ chapters per week. Notice: The MC is not a hero nor a villain. She acts to do things for her own benefits but she will still do good things if it does not harm her or if she knows she can get herself out of any trouble it cause. Similarly she will do evil things if needed, and a lot of her actions may seem cruel to others in the world. This novel will not be contracted and will be FREE. -------------------------------------------

ZeroX0666 · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 22 - The Serpent Shelf

After a long and exhausting day of training, Seraphina returned to her room to rest. Her body ached from the intense physical exertion, but her mind buzzed with satisfaction. She couldn't wait to delve deeper into her training, but she would have to wait.

Changing into her nightgown, she slipped under the covers and let her body relax. It didn't take long for her to drift into a deep sleep, her consciousness slipping into the familiar infinite darkness of her mental space.

As she opened her eyes in the mental space, Seraphina immediately noticed that something was different from the previous times she had been there. A new bookshelf had appeared amongst the dozens of shelves; however, it was unlike any she had seen before.

This shelf was shaped differently, with intricate designs of swords, shields, and other weapons carved into its surface of the hard, dark wood. The shelf itself was surrounded by what looked like a glowing serpent, wrapping around the shelf with the head resting just above it.

Its eyes were closed as if it was asleep, and the body radiated a soft glow that provided extra light to the place.

Curious, Seraphina approached the shelf and saw two books resting on it. One was the knight training method she had received from her father, the 'Shinster Knight Training Method.' The other was a book containing the method to begin sensing aura, which she had learned from Sir Aldric.

She decided to check the book on aura sensing first since it wasn't a book to begin with. Flipping through it, she found that the book was unlike any other book in her mental space.

This one didn't contain words but rather detailed, life-like images of the movements that man had shown her. The images seemed to move with life as she turned the page, and as she observed them, she could almost feel the aura flowing in her body.

As she focused on the images, she could feel that her understanding of the technique was growing deeper and clearer.

The vivid illustrations depicted the precise movements she needed to perform, and as she studied them, she felt the energy within her stir. It was as if the book itself was guiding her, helping her refine her technique and deepen her connection to sensing aura.

Her curiosity about the book temporarily satisfied, Seraphina turned her attention to the 'Shinster Knight Training Method.'

It was a book she hadn't read yet, and she was very excited to read it and memorize everything written within it.

The moment she touched the book, she felt a drain on her mental energy, unlike any other book she had read so far. The mental strain was intense, but she was able to push through it.

As she opened the book and began to read the first page, she could feel her mental energy slowly slipping away with each word she read. The drain was unlike any book she had read before, and she couldn't understand why.

The first page didn't take too much mentality; it wasn't very important as it only went over an introduction to the method and what it was focused on. This method was focused on refining the aura in specific paths. These paths specialized in speed and agility over other attributes.

Focusing on quick, precise movements that relied on reflexes and dexterity. It was the perfect method for people who liked to do the hitting and not get hit.

As she read further, she was able to finish only the first chapter of the book before she was forced to close it and put it down due to the mental drain it brought.

She found that the pages covered the basic movements needed to refine aura within the specific paths, as well as detailed descriptions and diagrams in the book that were incredibly demanding to memorize.

The basic movements described in the first chapter were intricate and complex. They required a high level of coordination and control over the body—and trained one to achieve that.

It also focused on explaining the process of forming a life seed in order to become a proper knight. Only then would it go into more detail.

Seraphina knew that mastering these techniques would be crucial to her success as a knight, and she was determined to memorize them as soon as possible.

It took her what felt like hours to even finish the first chapter, and her mind was completely exhausted when she had done so from the mental strain it had taken. 

However, she had also successfully memorized the initial set of movements needed for the Shinster Training Method, and all the detailed diagrams and movements were carefully carved into her mind.

If she wanted to, she could begin practicing it right away when she woke up. However, she decided against it as she believed Sir Aldric would create a proper training method for her.

'I'll wait until my body is properly strengthened before practicing this method.'

As she closed her eyes in the mental space, she allowed her thoughts to settle and focused on the steady rhythm of her breathing. The soft glow from the serpent shelf wrapped around her like a comforting blanket, helping to soothe her fatigued mind.

Slowly, she began to feel the pull of consciousness, the mental space fading around her as her body started to awaken. The familiar weight of her blankets and the gentle sunrays of the morning filtered through her window.

Seraphina opened her eyes, feeling the lingering effects of her mental exertion but also a sense of readiness for the day ahead. She knew that today there would be no training, and she also decided to take the day off from the library to rest her mind.

As such, she decided to spend the day with her siblings. That way, she could get a much-needed rest.