
The News

The next day,

@ Cole's residence


Cole was lying down on a settee in the sitting

room, his head resting on Nora's lap.both were giggling and laughing as they had their

gaze on the flat plasma screen which was

displaying a comedy show.minutes later, the comedy show ended and a cowbell advertisement was shown afterwards.

"oooh! the show ended so soon?" Nora asked rhetorically stamping her foot on the tiled floor."nooo, its just starting mumu" Cole replied sarcastically and sat up immediately the news flash was shown.

the headline caught his attention first then the

DG giving a speech.

different microphones were stretched out to him while other reporters were taking pictures of him as he talked.

"Good morning people of river's state, we are

sorry for the misfortune that befell our once

peaceful state.

I would normally not comment until proper and full investigation is being carried out but you have nothing to worry about because whoever that did this would be apprehended and brought to justice very soon and about the bomb blast which occurred three days ago, we are sorry for the loss, the family of the deceased should please accept our condolences. I do realize how hard it is to lose a loved one because I've experienced such and its nothing to write home about but be rest assured that we'll do our best on the case and the culprits would be brought to justice.

thank you very much." The scene faded off and a newscaster continued with the casting of the remaining part of the news.

"oh my God! another murder?" Nora exclaimed looking at the perplexed Cole, who quickly stood up and rushed into the room.

minutes later, he came out fully dressed in his

detective suit holding a neck tie.

"are you going out?" Asked Nora, surprised

seeing him fully dressed for work.

"yes I am, I have to get going now" Cole replied,knotting his tie.

"but you barely used a day and you're given two weeks off, so you shouldn't be going this soon"

"sorry Nora, I have to go now and moreover, this is a delicate case that needs my attention, I should be the one giving that speech not him"

"oh I get it now, but at least you should rest and be hale hearty before you go Nah!" Nora

complained, wearing a forlorn look on her face.Cole took a step forward on seeing the look on her face, shook his head. "don't worry, I'll be fine honey" he said, kissed her on her lips and left.he closed the metal door behind him as soon as he was out and walked to the park.Nora fell back on the settee dejectedly as soon as he was out, she couldn't envisage why his job would impede the time he ought to spend with her, though she loved his job and even helped solved some mysteries but at times, she disdain it when it comes to killing.


One hour later, Cole drove into the CIB building The guards saluted as he drove

past the gate, he ignored them and pulled into the carport.

he opened the door and stepped out of his old

Peugeot car, he had lost his BMW car to the

ashes due to the bomb blast.

he hurriedly walked to his office and met agent bola halfway.

she stopped in her tracks on seeing him,


"Cole, but you shouldn't be here or have you


she asked "yes I have and that's why am here" he replied and walked towards the door to his office, he pushed it open and went in while agent bola followed suit.

he sat down heavily on the swivel chair making it squeak and heaved a sigh, not of relief but of the arduous task that lay before him.

"what do we have? and who got killed?" Cole

asked agent bola who also settled down on a

chair which was at the front of Cole's desk.

"that file….." she said pointing to a blue file on

his desk "is a summary of all we know about the murder"

"oh this!" he said and took it

"you know reading it is a waste of time, just give me the main points" Cole demanded with a pleading eyes.

bola shrugged, "first, the victim is a lady…"

"I know that, I need the name, where she works and the place of the crime scene"

"if you need to know all that, let's get to the

crime scene first" bola replied and stood up.

"then get the forensic, let's get to the crime

scene now." he ordered and stood up also,

walked out to the park and got into his car, his

phone beeped and the lights came on, he

checked it.

it was a message from agent bola which entails the address of the crime scene.he ignited the car engine and drove off.minutes later, he arrived at the crime scene and pulled beside the road, the cops already placed barricade on the road and the road looked empty except for a cop vehicle which was parked at the far end of the road.he walked further to where the body lay.it was covered with a white silk cloth.he bent down low and slowly, he uncovered the body to reveal the body of a lady.

"here" a voice said and he jumped out

he looked back to see agent bola laughing

hysterically."you scared me"

"but you shouldn't be scared as a detective."

bola replied still sniggering quietly.

"take this" bola said, her hands outstretched and a set of hand gloves was embedded within.Cole took it and wore it, he looked back and saw the forensic coming to join them.

he bent low again, scrutinizing the cuts on the


"the cut is from a knife" the forensic said and

squatted beside Cole.he was also from the CIB crib.

"judging from the way the cut is on her neck, the murderer slitted her throat at a close range." the forensic explained further.

"who is she?" bola chipped in, who stood

watching quietly.the forensic brought out his iPad and showed them a picture. it was one of the girl's pictures."she is identified as Wilson Cora, she works in the newly opened general hospital" the forensic paused and looked at their face.

"she is the daughter of the senate president"

"senate president?" Cole gasped.