



Cole stepped out of his old Peugeot 504 in front of the CIB building, he waved at the officers who saluted him as he walked to his office. on a normal day, he would have ignored them but he was in a frenzy mood.

he opened the door and entered his office.

the office looked untidy, books and case files were scattered on the table but he was less perturbed by it.

Cole sat down heavily on the swivel chair making it swirl around, he let out a deep sigh, a sigh not of relief but of disappointment.

things were heating up and getting more hazardous.

First, it was the bomb explosion which he cheated death and escaped, he doesn't know what to expect from his shortcomings.

Bamidele Williams (The forensic) was convicted for the atrocious crimes he was alleged to have committed but one thing is not right.

he wasn't allowed to interrogate him nor carry out investigations, the DG restricted him from doing that. worst still, he couldn't visit his cell..

what does that make him?… a suspect?

he wasn't surprised the case was passed over to inspector kunle, it was something he'd expected but why? he couldn't tell.

he knew someone out there is setting him up but who?

a knock sounded on the door, and agent bola walked in without being granted permission to.

"Cole!"_ she called walking towards him.. "you wouldn't believe if I tell you that, bamidele Williams disappeared in his cell overnight"

Cole's jaw dropped, "disappeared?"

"yes, one of the guards guiding the cell just announced it"

Cole sprung up immediately, what's going on?

"apparently, the guard said he was released" agent bola said

"released? on what grounds?" Cole was more than gobsmacked, "who could have released him?"

"that, we don't know"


Cole flashed his ID more than ten times before he got to the cell where the forensic man had been held.

he entered the cell and looked around, the room was empty and it looked dirty.

"where are the other members of the cell?" Cole asked a guard who stood watching him.

"they are moved to ward 2, cell 502" the guard replied tentatively and looked away.

"ain't you here when they released him?" Cole asked

"yes I was but.. " the guard stopped saying when he realized something, he looked away and took three steps back.

"but what?" Cole asked already figuring it out that he had the answers he seeks.

"I can't say this now, and not here" the guard replied uneasily looking back and forth for any intruder.

Cole seemed to reason with him, it might be something crucial which he couldn't spit out there.

probably, it could lead him to the killer.

but come to think of it, why will he be released?

"sir!" the guard called with a quivery voice, obviously having a paranoia feeling.

"I will only tell you this in a secluded area, somewhere safe from prying ears."

"I hope its something worth taking my time"

"sure! and please come alone" the guard said emphatically and left when he saw agent bola walking towards them.


The forensic man has been away for six hours and the whole state is looking for him, they had checked his house both with his private house which was situated in Lagos but they couldn't find him.

they went as far as closing all borders and airports to search for bamidele Williams but all efforts to find him were futile.

Cole was not sure how the press got the news, because the press broadcasted the news on all types of platform and it was the latest trending news in the whole of Nigeria.

Cole's phone rang as he was about to step into his office, it was agent bola.

he swiped the green icon on his android device and pressed the phone to his ear.

"hello"cole spoke into the phone.

"he has been found?" agent bola shouted over the phone.


"bamidele Williams, he was found dead