

Nora felt her back rested on a soft bed which

she presumed not to be hers, since her bed was rock hard and stiffy.She slowly opened her eyelids and saw a white ceiling instead of a brownish customized ceiling.She was surprised and she swiftly turned her head sideways to be sure of where she was.She realized she was on a hospital bed but how

she got there was a mystery to her.She recalled back what happened earlier four

hours ago and realization hit her.The bangs throbbing her head was gone and she

felt much more better. A big thanks to the

nurses who quickly took charge of the situation immediately she was brought in.

She remembered Cole and her face turned pale and worried stiff.She thought about what might have happened to him.

The more she thinks about him, the more she got herself worried about him.

She was too engrossed in her thoughts that she never knew when the door to her ward was opened, not until she felt a hand tapped her and she jerked back to reality.

She looked up and saw Emily's smiling face.

"Emily?" she heard her own voice say in a

muffled tone.Emily smiled, she knew the questions throbbing her mind but its just a matter of time before she let her know how she saved her a-s.Emily and Nora were bossom friends right from childhood till their adulthood. They were the ideal meaning of real and true friends. They were always there for each other, in times of needs and wants.

Back in the day, Emily used to be a hard headed person, a naughty-girl as Nora would describe her but then, time passed, they both are a grown woman now, an independent one.. strong,powerful women who issufficient to rule a community.


"hey doctor am okay, am i not good to go?" Nora asked as she couldn't figure out why she was still held captive on the hospital bed since she was very much okay.

"sorry ma'am, you'll be discharged soon but you really need to rest a little bit more, only then will you be good to go" Doctor Okon said with a smile while Nora shrugged. he wrote somethings into his notepad and left afterwards with the nurse.Nora looked at Emily with a questioned look who was now seated on a harmless white chair

beside her.

"how did i get here?" she asked her waiting for an explanation.

"Nora! So you're so curious to know?" Emily

asked surprised at her curiosity demeanor.

"yeah! Sure, why won't i be?" she said in

affirmation with a raised brow."but you know curiosity kills the cat, don't you?"

"i sure do but not this one" she replied while

Emily laughed.

"was that funny?" she asked laughing herself.

"oh, if it wasn't, then why did you laugh?"

"i dunno but your laugh compelled me to." she replied and winked at her.

"how is Cole?, did you hear the news?" Emily

asked with a serious tone while Nora's

expression changed immediately to a sober one."yeah i did, i heard the tragic news." Nora replied with a teary face.

"c'mon Nora, he isn't dead, he was only injured" Emily said consoling her.

"but do you know how worse it is? Tell me, do

you?" Nora asked trying to fight back the tears.

"no, i don't but be rest assured that he will be

fine" Emily replied feeling defeated.

"please. Lets go see him" Nora said and sat


"actually, that was why i came but unfortunately i saw you sprawled on the floor almost dead and i had to rush you here" Emily said and stood up.She paced the room up and down."you came for us to go see him together? " Nora asked with a raised brow, she found it hard to believe that.

Emily stopped in her tracks and gazed at Nora,she closed her eyes and took a deep breath."not really, but the truth is, i came to ask few question about his own part of the incident, to gather information and merge it with others. You know my job could be ludicrous at times" Emily said and quickly let out a smile.

"so because you're a journalist, you came to

question Cole who we don't know his fate yet

huh?" Nora said agitated obviously in a raised

tone. She rose up from the bed and walked to

the door, she turned the door knob opened and paused. She sighed and turned back to Emily whose head was bent down in remorse."Emily, i'm sorry and thanks for the other time, i need to go see the doctor, will you come with me?" Nora asked still standing waiting for her response.Emily raised her head up, smiled and got up. She took her handbag which she kept on the table and walked closer to Nora.

"sure" she said and smiled broadly.

"thanks" Nora said and smiled too, she opened the door and they both went to the doctor to append the discharge file.


Detective Cole opened his eyelids slowly, the

rays of the sun which pierced through the open louvres penetrated into his eyes and he quickly shot them back. He blinked his eyes repeatedly so his pupil could adjust to its surroundings.He eventually opened them and looked up straight.He felt some pains on his forehead and he closed his eyes abruptly and opened them back.

"you're awake" a familiar voice said.