
The Vinx System

In a contemporary and formidable world, seemingly ordinary individuals possess extraordinary abilities thanks to an advanced technology known as 'Vinx.' Among them is Shin Nanoa, an 18-year-old student at Saturon University, and Mooni Sato, also known as Vinxurian Zero. Together, they embark on a quest to unravel the mysteries behind this cutting-edge technology and unearth the origin of Mooni and her extraordinary kind. As they delve deeper into the secrets of Vinx, they discover a web of hidden truths concealed by the government to maintain a delicate balance, preventing the dominance of Vinxurians. The narrative unfolds as Shin and Mooni navigate a world where ordinary façades mask extraordinary potential, unveiling a gripping tale of intrigue, discovery, and the struggle for equilibrium in a society on the brink of transformation.

Niiyeng · Fantasy
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50 Chs

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"Thank you." Mooni said, looking at Shin floating above the ground.

He watches her without being able to say a word, but she feels that he has reciprocated what she has done for him.

Mooni comes close to Shin and just touches her two fingers to his forehead and disappears from sight.

A bunch of police cars arrive at the scene and see Shin kneeling in the alley, at a loss for words.

He was immediately taken to a local hospital in a police car to be treated with the utmost care.

After arriving at the hospital, he was taken to a restroom where he would be rested and given IV fluids.

After an hour, he received a call.

"Trrrrrmmm…" Shin's cell phone started ringing on the counter next to him.

He saw who was calling, and it was his mother wanting to talk to him.

"Hi Mom, what's up?" Shin asks, and his mother is silent for a few seconds after his question.

Shin's mother had brown, wavy hair with light coffee-colored irises and was certainly a striking beauty, even though she was 45 years old.

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 = User information =

 [Name] Emi Nanoa

 [Species] Human

 [Age] 45

 [Racial color] White.

 [Hair color] Brown Hair

 [Eye color] Light Coffee-Colored Iris

 [Height] 1.66

 [Weight] 40,43KG

 [Individuality] Modern alchemist.

 [Hobbies] Studying impossible remedies

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She had always been a woman of weight in her work, respected by the boss of her job, where she is a researcher of species that are appearing in the world and modified by human hands.

She has her benefits, but they would never be made public… and even her own son doesn't know about it, largely because of the question of his safety, the society that imposes on him, and what they might be able to do against him or those he loves.

Nowadays, it's difficult to trust people in general, largely because technology has advanced so much that heroes, villains, animals, and completely suspicious beings have emerged that even human beings don't yet understand.

However, this is all because of the love his mother has for Shin... and she would never let him get into trouble.

"I would risk my own life just to protect you, son." Emi said in a sweet, reassuring voice to Shin.

She was worried about Shin and that in a few minutes, he would be leaving the hospital to go home.

Doctor Nature said he could rest for the day and wouldn't have to go straight to university.

But Shin, as he is, didn't want to go home.

He cried into Nature's legs with a sad cat look on his face, begging him not to.

"Please, Doctor, I beg you… I don't want to stay at home!" Shin cries into Nature's legs, and Nature is at a loss for words.

"Kid, you've just injured yourself and completely exhausted your body, you can't attend your university today… apart from the fact that you're already more late than anything." Nature explains sternly, and he lifts Shin off his feet, and the boy's face looks like that of a sad baby.

"This is so depressing." Shin gets upset, picks up his cell phone, and hangs up the call he was making with his mother that was open

The doctor helps Shin make his way to the exit and prescribes some medication to be taken to restore his body's energy.

Shin says goodbye to the Doctor and walks over to a post next to a wooden bench near the hospital entrance.

He taps his hand on the post and some of the metal begins to glow.

His cell phone beeps and he starts looking for a nearby driver to take him home.

Most streetlights in Japan, which are located in popular or well-visited areas, have a strong click button where you can request a driver to take you to your destination.

Since most people have short schedules and don't want to waste time unlocking their cell phones and going into lots of app tabs… these poles make it easy to call drivers to optimize your day-to-day time.

What's more, with the technology that Shin carries around in his head, he doesn't need to enter his home address... the fingerprint on his hand already identifies where he lives.

"Thank you." Shin thanks the cab driver, and he gets into the car and drives home.

While he was in the car, he watched the stars through the car window... and he remembered what he had heard from Fearen when he was disintegrating in front of Mooni.

"You're right, I don't deserve this life." Fearen said in a weak voice in front of Mooni's face.

Shin remained in confusion, as he was trying to remember the rest of the sentence that had come to him the moment after his eyes had crossed the stars.

However, he had the idea of putting some quiet music on his headphones and kept watching the stars and clouds in the sky.

It was then, after a few minutes of listening and watching everything around him, that he remembered.

"You're right, I don't deserve this life... but one thing I hope for, I want to be lying on a mountain where I can watch the stars." Fearen said in a weak voice as he stood with his face close to Mooni.

He knew that at that moment, the girl felt indifferent at hearing that from Fearen… and that opened the door for Shin to question himself.

His eyebrows furrowed in doubt and various thoughts swirled around Shin's complex psyche.

It wasn't normal for a girl to feel so indifferent towards a monster like that, if she could only exude deep hatred for it all.

"Why did she have this feeling so suddenly? Since she was almost massacred by him." Shin asks while browsing his social networks on his cell phone.


Hey, thanks for reading The Vinx System. I'm your host and your friendly neighborhood, Niiyeng!


I'm very happy with the progress of my days, I'm proactively writing every moment, and I'm also getting back to my fanfic that I put aside for a while.

Thank you to those who read this, it means a lot to me.

Short notice: I am a writer with beginner English, I am still studying the language so if you have difficulty understanding something in the story, just give your feedback sz

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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