
The Vindictive Powerful Tycoon

When his sisters tried to humiliate him, Alejandro only thought of revenge, looking for the worst wife anyone could ever have. That way he would win, he would continue with the control of the company and at the same time he would make life impossible for his sisters for the mockery they made of him. But in all this there was one person who lost out, the wild and innocent Ariel, whom Alejandro chose as his wife, without giving that woman more options, she would have to marry him and become a lady, avoid the mockery and be worthy to go hand in hand with her husband, as a woman who would represent him. But those things seemed impossible for Ariel, who for a long time only lived on the streets and had no idea about manners and etiquette. Alejandro didn't want her to change, he wanted her to be ridiculous, rude and not to fit in his environment, that's why he chose her. The surprise would come when Ariel made that great change after many sacrifices and became the woman who would hold Alejandro's hand and enjoy his love. She would be loved by a powerful man.

MLyn · Urban
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Our secret!

When Ariel heard the footsteps, she stood up very alarmed, she had been doing the same route for days and had never run into anyone or heard anyone nearby, but in front of her the figure of a man was looming. Slowly, as he approached, she picked up a stone that was near her and hid it behind her back.

"Who's there!" her trembling voice showed fear as she spoke.

"Easy." With his arms raised, Marco was completely visible from her. "I'm Marco, don't you remember me? We met once at the Fendi's house. You're Alejandro's girlfriend, I'm his brother-in-law. My house is that one over there, I saw a figure passing by and I wanted to come and see who it was, since no one ever passes by here, what are you doing here?"

Knowing it was someone she knew, Ariel relaxed and forgot about the stone she had taken earlier, not thinking it necessary.

"Just strolling around, getting to know the place while Alejandro gets home from work. It's very quiet here."

"Do you always come here?" he kept coming closer and closer, carefully, without alarming her. "I've never seen you around here before, does anyone know you're here?"

"I go out the window so as not to disturb anyone and then come back before he gets home from work. That way the hours go by faster."

"So no one knows you're here. It's your secret place."

"That's right." She said proudly. It was a nice, quiet place she had found, an escape for that new life she still wasn't adjusting to.

"Can I come closer?" He looked at the space where Ariel was and wanted to go over there, to be closer to her, to make her feel comfortable with his presence. She just nodded and Marco walked over, pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "Do you smoke, how old are you?

"Thank you, I don't smoke. I've never smoked."

"Do you want to try, are you of age?"

"I am, but I don't want to smoke." In the face of that silence, it was uncomfortable to be there. "I think I'll be right back. Alejandro will be here soon."

"Three hours, it's three hours before Alejandro gets home. We work together, I left early today, but he will leave at the same time as usual, why don't you stay a little longer?" He threw the smoke towards Ariel's face and she coughed, finding Marco's action very unpleasant.

"I'll be back earlier today." As she was about to start walking away, Marco grabbed her by the wrist.

"Don't you think you're being a little rude to me? Does Alejandro still not teach you manners or does he just prefer you that way?" He held her wrist with one hand and held the cigar in the other. "I offered you a cigar, why don't you kindly take it and we'll continue chatting? It will make everything smoother that way."

Everything about that man screamed danger to Ariel, but the distance from the house was far and the days she had been hanging around there was the first time she had encountered anyone, so if she screamed, her chances of anyone hearing her were almost nil and in front of that man's huge body even struggling would be wasting strength she might later need.

She didn't know what to do.

"I just don't smoke." She tried not to sound nervous, but she was and every part of her body made it clear.

"One won't do anything to you, trust me." He said insistently, never taking his eyes off her. "And there's always a first time for everything." She murmured smiling.

"All right." She agreed calmly, for he would have to let go of her to take out the cigarette and it was at that moment that Ariel would escape from Marco Albini.

Indeed, Marco did let go of her to take out the cigarette, but Ariel didn't run away all at once, she waited for Marco to get confident and when he was about to take out the lighter, then she started to run.

The trees were very close to each other and that made it difficult for her to escape, without letting her advance much, she looked back and he was very close, so she decided to start shouting.

"Help! Help!" As she screamed for help, she didn't realize that he was only inches away from reaching. "Please help!"

Marco's body threw himself on top of Ariel, managing to knock her down, he covered her mouth and left her on top of him while she didn't stop moving, she sought to break free, to bite his hand, to manage to flee. Her tears were already coming out, she was full of fear and very terrified because no one knew she was there and if there were all those hours before Alejandro returned, no one would worry about her, only when he arrived and noticed her absence.

She feared the worst.

She found her situation very difficult and her strength in the face of the struggle was already waning.

She thought that not even when she lived on the streets was she subjected to that kind of abuse and there, where she was supposed to be safe, she was about to be hurt.

When her weary body stopped moving, Marco let her underneath him. Moving her to the slim, petite Ariel was very easy for him, even if she resisted.

"It was easier to have given in from the start." he said in a thick voice. "Do you like it rough?" he watched her watery eyes and smiled, seeing the fear in that look, one hand slipped under her t-shirt and touched her breasts, causing a sudden jerky movement in Ariel, she moved restlessly, trying to make him stop touching her. But Marco's hand only slid down her belly and began to enter through her pants.

Ariel kept moving until he had to hold her tighter and for that he had to use both hands, thus freeing her mouth.

"Help! Help!" But it wasn't so easy to scream with Marco's heavy body on top of her.

She decided to let her mouth free and hold her hands tightly so that the petite, petite woman managed to stay still.

Marco was no fool, if he did her any harm visit, Alejandro could tell even if he threatened her not to say anything, he was beginning to think that this was not a good idea, as he had nothing planned and soon his wife would start to wonder where he had gone and who was to say that the young filthy woman would not say anything?

"I'll tell you one thing, Ariel. If you open your mouth about what happened here, next time I won't let you go. Besides, who would believe you? You're a newcomer, Alejandro barely knows you, I'd make sure you're making things up and...it would be your word against mine. do you want that?"

"I won't say anything, I swear!"

"That's the way I like it. It'll be our little secret and after all, we haven't done anything." His fingers traced her lips and he dared to kiss her, but Ariel pressed her lips together and began to move her face, causing Marcus to hold her face tightly, forcing her not only to look at him, but to leave her face still. "Aren't you going to reciprocate your liberator? At least feign gratitude, see that you are still under my power." He joined his lips to hers again and this time Ariel reciprocated the kiss while crying. Marco's body was still crushing her, he was rubbing her, rubbing his erection in her and that kiss seemed to have no end. "I believe we will be good friends." Marco said after the kiss ended. "Mark my words, after all every one of them detests you, no one could believe you." He smelled her neck and then licked it, his body desired her, he even liked her scent, her hair smelled very good and the young woman was very appetizing to him. He moved his hands down to her hips and held her firmly, he slipped his hands back under her shirt, caressing her breasts with less haste, stopping at her nipples and feeling pleasure with that touch he was performing on the young woman, he was sticking closer to her, Ariel could feel his nasty erection in her. It brushed against her face and she hated his breath as it collided with her skin.

He stood up, not letting go of her arms, she stood in front of him, disgusted by his invasion of her body without her consent.

"Please." She begged between whimpers. "I just want to leave." She looked down at her hands he held prisoner.

"Yes, I'm going to release you now. I just want one more thing." He looked at Ariel's petite figure and didn't think twice about it. The young girl was arousing all the morbidity in that man. "Give me your panties."

Horrified Ariel refused and he held her hands tighter, he tried to kiss her again but she wouldn't let him.

"I just want to go! Just let me go! I won't say anything, please! Please!" she repeated over and over again.

A little angry, Marco decided to release her to avoid further trouble now that she had been inside the forest for a while.

"Remember what I told you. It's both of our secret, I didn't touch you, you let me do it, right behind my house, see how it sounds? But it will be our secret." He released her hands and started to walk away. Ariel stood still, waiting for that man to get out of her sight so she could calm down.

When she had stopped seeing him, she started to run, but not in the direction of the Fendi house, quite the opposite. She would leave there, even if it took her hours to get out. She knew that a few kilometers away she could already see the road, she just had to get there.

She would not go back to that house after the fear she had gone through with that man, after he had dared to touch her like that.

She would go back to where she belonged.