
The Viltrumite God x Omniversal

The infamous myth of the "Viltrumite God"... a being who was said to rival top-notch people like the OAA and the Presence. What do you think would happen if a being merely out of curiosity and entertainment birthed him and threw him in the Omniverse with all the necessary materials. What will he do? Conquer? Become a Hero? A Villain? Or perhaps try to live a low-life and become chill? Find out on the next episode of the Viltrum Ball Su-... not funny? Got it...

SirLeonNightstar · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 00 : Prologue

Standing in front of a lone being were three figures who were on their knees whilst the two out of the three were side-eyeing and glancing at another with slight hatred and anger within their eyes.

One man had on a full white suit with a logo in the middle of his chest, a scar running across his entire head with a mustache and a robotic right hand and he looked old. He was a very muscular man who naturally when he stood up was at the height of 6'4 with a weight of 340 of pure muscle.

The other man directly to his right was a dangerous individual. He was at the height of 6'10 and 400 pounds of pure muscle. He wore what appeared to be a red body-suit with a logo in the middle, a grey cape below his waist and a fur-coat upon his shoulders. He had a black buzzcut and a black moustache.

Last but not least, directly to the right of this man who was at the height of 6'0 and 210 pounds. He had a mix of a white and cyan bodysuit with a logo directly under his neck. This man though, was apart from the rest as he donned no mustache, nor the ideals of the other two which makes him vastly different.

These three beings were the most dangerous and respected individuals of their Multiverse.

Conquest, Formerly Grand Regent Thragg, and finally the last recorded Viltrumite Emperor… Mark Grayson.

"Why is that you've brought us here from our eternal solitude?" Thragg voiced out as he finally took his eyes off of his killer as he eyed the being in front of him.

Thragg internally knew that whoever or whatever was in front of him… it was powerful enough to take him out of his after-life, along with his former companion Conquest and his killer Mark Grayson.

A being such as this, with the power that it holds. Shouldn't feel the need to summon beings such as him… which is why he's very suspicious as to why he's here.

The pitch-black being with nothing but what appeared to be a smile on its "face" looked at them before speaking without it's smile even moving or even the sheer notion that it was speaking in general.

"I've summoned you three… the strongest that your race has to offer-" the being started off as he motioned with his hands in an exaggerated way, "-to train whom you call from your legends… the Viltrumite God".

After the being said that, it was a long ensuing silence as Thragg squinted his eyes a little bit whilst he eyed the being in front of him. Conquest showed a visible sign of shock whilst Mark showed an expression of confusion.

Mark who was still kneeling with the rest finally spoke out much to the dismay of the other two,

"Who, or rather what… is this infamous legend you speak of?" Mark said as he frowned slightly,

"I've never heard of the legend of the Viltrumite God." Mark voiced out In confusion,

Conquest's eyes shifted from the smiling being and towards Mark who was kneeling right next to Thragg, "Of course you wouldn't know you blasphemous traitor who don's the robes of our late Emperor" Conquest voiced out with anger in his voice as he was shaking a little bit.

Mark simply turned his head in annoyance as he looked at Conquest whilst Thragg closed his eyes in thought.

Mark paid him no heed because he knew that he'd killed Conquest before it was revealed that he had the royal bloodline and that his father was the natural heir.

Thragg looked at Mark from the corner of his eyes as he spoke, "Perhaps if you delved into the traditions and customs of the Viltrumite Empire you'd know who the "Viltrumite God" is and what he was supposed to do for us."

Mark looked at Thragg before speaking again trying to back himself up, "I didn't feel the need to delve into the bloodthirsty culture and traditions of the Viltrumite Empire. It was the dawn and the new era of the New Viltrumite Empire." Mark said as he looked at Thragg and Conquest, "Over the course of history the old Viltrumite culture was slowly diminishing before it was finally forgotten and thrown into the past. Never to be spoken of, or heard of again."

Conquest quickly stood up enraged and as he was about to move but then Thragg's eyes flashed a crazed look as he looked at Conquest. Conquest who was about to charge faltered before clenching his fists and then unclenching them. Conquest looked at Mark before he finally went back to his kneeling position looking at the dark being in front of him with anger hidden behind his expressions.

Mark rose his brow and chuckled at Conquest's antics as he looked back at the being. Thragg looked at Mark once more before looking back towards the being as if telling him to continue.

"Now that you mortals are finished-". He then snapped his fingers and a floating dark baby appeared whilst it was waving it's hands around. The child opened his eyes and its silver eyes pierced the three men's souls,

"-Like I said… I've summoned you here to train the young Viltrumite God into becoming a promising, strong, domineering figure in the Omniverse".

The baby suddenly floated towards Thragg and Thragg unconsciously opened his arms and the baby fell into his arms as the child looked at Thragg. The child smiled and giggled as it kicked it's legs and poked Thragg's cheek and pulled on his moustache.

Thragg who's been dead for a long time looked at the child before him, this was a new chance. A new chance for redemption for the Viltrumite Empire… and for himself. Perhaps he could teach and treat this child the way he should've treated his past children, this time with love and compassion. Though it's hard emotions for him to grasp, he has the time.

Mark looked conflicted whilst he was eyeing the child, he knew internally that there was no option to refuse just from the tone of the beings words and the power he felt from him.

Mark sighed and closed his eyes in thought. This was a new chance, and as wrong as it sounds. This was a new chance to finally focus his attention on his child rather than leaving his child on Earth to fend for himself and tend to the Empire.

Mark laughed inside his head as he internally realized what he had thought… he had already considered it as his own. It was a done deal he internally monologued as he shook his head and looked back at the child in Thragg's hands.

Conquest who had no experience with women or children merely gazed at the child with sheer curiosity not knowing exactly what to expect or even how to act. Conquest knew only war and death, but perhaps things will change.

Thragg looked at Conquest to his left, then to Mark to his right and sighed as he looked him straight in the eye. "I'm sure we all have internally thought, and accepted to train this child and raise him as our own-" Thragg said as he looked back down at the baby, "-We must put our grievances and hatred aside, and instead invest our time, and our attention into the future Emperor and God of the Viltrumite Empire".

Thragg finally stood up at his full height as he looked at the child and closed his eyes, then looked at Conquest and Mark once more. "I myself… must put my ego away. And instead look at the two of you as equal's and beings to be respected."

Thragg nodded as he looked at Conquest, "My compatriot and companion that has been with me in the long-run. A man who believed in my words, and my law till the very end. A man who's fought for the Viltrumite Empire until his last breath." Thragg said as he looked Conquest in his eyes, "Stand up".

Conquest responded to Thragg's words by standing up and looking Thragg straight in the eyes.

Thragg nodded to Conquest as he placed the child within his own left arm, and reached out his hands for a handshake.

Conquest looked down at the hand and back at Thragg and grinned as he shook his hands with a fierce grip.

Thragg finally pulled away and there was an audible sigh that was heard as he turned around and looked down at Mark,

"Mark Grayson, a man that I respect even if I don't want to say it or acknowledge it. You earned my respect by besting me in combat, and effectively killing me… giving me a warriors death."

Mark slowly stood up as he looked at Thragg with a piercing gaze,

"Spending years in a void… alone in my thoughts has taught me a lot of things, whether that be patience, humility, or to respect others-." Thragg said as he looked at Mark.

Thragg closed his eyes as if reminiscing, "-One of the things that I'd always pondered about and wished, was that I'd get the chance to say this to you Mark Grayson."

Thragg finally opened his eyes in full seriousness, "I apologize for my actions and the killing of your father… he was an honorable warrior and a father that I'd wish to be… well other than the nonsensical beating of you. I've seen the error in my ways and intend to correct them with this second chance that's been given by this…-" he then turned to look at it, "-creepy dark-smiling being."

Thragg held out his hand, "If you don't believe a word I'm saying… then witness it instead. As I've heard from your human culture, actions speak louder than words".

An older and mature Mark looked into Thragg's eyes as he closed them for a second.

In the past, he would've overreacted and would've tried to battle and fight his father's killer, but like people said. With age comes wisdom, and he's very old compared to the likes of the average age of Viltrumites. He's seen, and been through a lot of wars as the Emperor of the Viltrumites. Similarly to Thragg, when he was alone on his throne within that room? He was stuck in his head, in his thoughts. Constantly being tortured by the "what-if's".

Mark finally opened his eyes again as he once more looked in Thragg's eyes for any ounce of lies within them… and the only thing he saw was a broken man trying to mend his wounds. This wasn't the Thragg he knew, not at all.

Mark nodded and shook Thragg's hands, and then looked at Conquest who walked right next to Thragg and offered his hand.

Mark shook his hands too and then looked at the being next to them only to see him in a chair munching on popcorn with his smile still apparent on his face.

Mark frowned as he looked at the being,

The smiling being snapped his fingers as he got up and everything disappeared as they re-appeared in an entirely new dimension or world,

"This will be your own pocket-dimension until the child is raised and trained to your liking." he said as he snapped his fingers again as a multitude of screens appeared in front of the three men.

"On these screens are the various places within this dimension, training facilities, weapons, ship's, the history of the Viltrumites. Treat this as the New Home world of the Viltrumites, all of which will be within the child's body."

Mark was shocked as he saw everything on the screens whilst Conquest spoke up from his side, "And this is all for the future of the Viltrumite Empire?".

The being nodded in response,

Thragg looked even more suspicious as he looked from the screen to the smiling being, "And what do you gain from this?...".

Mark nodded along with him, "I still haven't heard your reasoning as to why you want to raise a potential threat to the Omniverse."

The smiling being simply stared at them without saying anything, and this alone brought fear into the hearts of these three men. A being that has the power to warp realities, with the appearance of being pitch-black and just a smile with jagged-teeth was just staring at them.

It didn't have eyes, but they could feel it's gaze on them.

"You dare to think that I'd have negative thoughts surrounding my own child"… it said without giving off any emotions as to how it feels. Though Thragg could feel a hint of rage within its words,

"Nonetheless… it's a good question. Why have I… Smiles, birth the infamous "Viltrumite God" who's known for deeds and things that are horrible in the eyes of the Omniversal creators."

Conquest squinted his eyes as he listened intently to what he just said…

From what he read, the Viltrumite God was a being that held unrivaled power within the Omniverse, the War-God and Progenitor of the Omniverse. The only way to kill him was the addition of several respective owners of their own Omniverses to team up against him.

This was all in the past, and was said that the Viltrumite God would be born once more. So yes, the Viltrumites as a whole were God's, who were lowered to mere… mortals.

"It's simple… entertainment" it said as it clapped it's hands.

"They went through all of that effort just for the Viltrumite God to arise once again, a threat to the Omniverse. They suppressed the Viltrumites and turned them into mortals, killed their God-King, and left them with small numbers thanks to a virus they procured and gave the idea to other beings in that Multiverse." it said,

"Now how would it feel, if they knew that the Viltrumite God was being raised once more under it's very noses." it said as it chuckled,

"Now… now, they of course won't know. I've made sure of that, no matter the array, spell, or power. You won't be able to see the future or past of the child. You wouldn't even know he existed, he'd be a divergent in the various timelines. A being that shouldn't exist…"

"Whatever the child does… does not matter to me. He can slaughter the entire Omniverse for all I care" it said as it shrugged, "Don't worry about the needless matters… get to it." he said as he shoo'ed them away,

"Bye bye now…" it stepped backwards and then disappeared into a vortex of a pitch-black void,

Thragg, Conquest and Mark all looked at each other… then at the child.



Smiley was seated upon a couch as he was sprawled out and chips and various items around him. He was looking at a screen with the three figures and the child before them.

Smiley then turned and looked to his left and stared into his readers eyes, "This sure will be interesting won't it… I mean what could go wrong with the infamous Viltrumite God back in the Omniverse… the being who absolutely curb stomped beings like the OAA, the Presence, and made the Kryptonians their enemy pantheon their children." he said as he raised a red flag with his smile still apparent in the dark.

Smiley then looked back at the screen and then his "eyes" widened as he looked back at you, "Oh and feel free to throw me some ideas through the Omniversal Chat, I'll consider it and "encourage" him to go there, or make it appear within his world. But don't expect too much, the author is rather… incompetent in his means of uploading" it said as it snickered.

Smiley then turned once more as he looked at the TV, "After-all… I am his avatar"…