
The Villian Of His Own Story

One who was the hero , while one was the villain . Everyone adores the hero but nobody wants the villain . The hero was ready to sacrifice him , while the villain was ready to go in the depth of the hell for just to save him. whom he will choose like always the hero or this time the villain? Or the story was something . It's was not how everything was seems how a beautiful story turns into a nightmare story for someone. Or the villain was really the villian? Or someone else? The story where the Villian lost his everything to become his lover's hero.

Yash_Panwar_9828 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 1 .

Many people were gathering around a dead body . They were cops but their faces was filling with disgusted looks as they were seeing the corpse that was burnet mercilessly.

A car stopped there and a person or should I say head of the police come out of the car to check the body.

He walked towards the body other police officers move aside to let him check the body

He bend down to the corpse level. He greeted his teeth looking at the dead body of the girl.

His eyes caught a note that was sticking on the body forehead.

He picked the note and started reading it.

Hello my dear friend I don't think I need to introduce myself to you but you know what it's your fault you sent a girl spy thinking that I will trap in her plan but for kind your Information I am straight as circle . I didn't even touch her so I am telling you to aware the trouble you are causing for yourself and your family .

Bye sweetie

The jjk.

The officer crawled the paper in his fist tightly. He threw the paper harshly . He got up and went inside his office .


The manic laughed looking at the officer condition on his laptop screen . He was puffing a cigarette . He was inside his office looking at the mess he created.

His mans were standing on the door like a statue . The manic was tapping his fingers on the paper.

The manic was Jeon jungkook also known as the psychopath . He was the most terrifying person on the whole earth . Everyone calls him crazy or heartless so he was.

But something was different about him . He never lay his eyes on someone in a wrong way whether it's a girl or boy.

Jk was dressing in full black and a manbun sitting like a king he was on his chair.

He looked at his one guard and said in domaniting tone: bring his close one information.

The guard nooded and went outside to bring information .

Jk lay his head on the chair top and started staring at the ceiling .

He didn't know why he was feeling something that he never felt . He closed his eyes he never let any thought play with his mind but today he felt like something was coming towards him like a Strom that will change his life.

Jk can felt his gut feeling .

He opened his eyes when guard come with a file in his hands and handed it to jk the file.

Jk opened the file and first thing he saw made his heart skip a beat .

A photo of an angel . Jk picked up the photo and started staring at the picture his eyes were showing many emotions that he never knew it's existed in his heart.

He caressed the picture in a soft way . His eyes were looking at the boy cute eyes . His lips were trembling he wanted to say something but no words could come out .

Jk closed his eyes and took a deep breaths.

He read the boys details .

Kim taehyung


College year 1st year

Anxious and become nervous easily.

Jk eyes were reading the boy information clearly . After reading the file jk started looking at the picture again and said: so much innocent baby hmm. You should thankful that I am not like others or else this heart is very stubborn for a pure soul like you.

He gave the file back to the guard but not the picture .

He again lost in tae eyes.