
The Villainous Cycle of the Otherworld

Almost half of the population got transported to another world. those between 15-25 were transported there. those who were transported fought for survival and to release that world from the demon God who caused harm to the inhabitants that were living there, they only have one dream to return home and live in peace again. after going to such difficulty the mc will delivery a final blow to the Demon God but without knowing the cost.

AztarothThe13 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Inner conflict

"what is happening?", I asked as I approached Alison.

This can't be good, these two were never on good terms with each other but it never got to point where they would be physical with each other. I tried to take Alison's hand away from Lucas but Devon grabbed my hand before it could touch Alison.

I looked at his eyes, even without words I understood he was saying no, but he could not say it because of the situation I looked at Lucas and Alison once more.

Why?, what's the reason for them to fight my mind couldn't think of any reason. The silence continued we stood there and not a single word was said until Celeste finally had enough of it.

"Everyone calm down and talk this out", She forcibly said.

"Shut up and don't get involved into our matter", Alison was irritated with her interference.

She's a saint you know?, she healed her a couple of times and this is how she acts. I sighed and didn't even care anymore, "let's end this", I walked forward and grabbed Alisons arm.

"Piss off seger!", she said so at my face.

A sudden rage got the best of me and I didn't handle it too well either. The grip on my hand strengthened and there was a sudden sound.


Well oops, I accidentally cracked her bone not that it matters right?. I looked towards her and saw a magic circle in her hand. Her fist was aiming directly at me aswell, she let go of Lucas just to punch me?, does she hate me that much?.

Her was hand dangling from her side since I cracked the bones, she can't use it. but her other arm was strengthened with strength magic and she boosted her self with agility, she was slow when it comes to physical strength but when it's magic, her talent is unbeaten.

I knew that punch was gonna hurt but it's an easy counter.


With that one word her magic circle disappeared and she began to slow down, I slowly caught her to prevent her from falling. Then I grabbed her waist and did a German suplex just to be safe.

She was knocked out, laying on the floor. Celeste pushed me aside and began to heal Alison, Devon who was just watching scoffed at what he saw beside him was Lucas again he didn't have any particular reactions.

After a few minutes Alison slowly opened her eyes and saw me sitting on a chair, in that very moment she tried to charge at me and tackle me but Devon had enough and slammed her face to the ground.

Honestly, I pity the poor girl she's here getting slammed to the ground for a second time, though she did try to attack me again.

"two of you, sit and let's talk".

Immediately Lucas sat and Devon carried had to carry Alison to her chair and had to tie her down, naturally I put Lucas on my left and Alison to the right.

"So tell me the reason for this fight", I questioned Lucas.

"Vilgrim trail", he responded

Upon hearing those words, Alison finally flipped and she was going on a rampage Celeste had to hold her down so she wouldn't destroy the chair.

I looked towards Devon but i only saw a troubled face.

"Though it's best that you don't know, you will eventually learn about it".

Huh?, learn about what. are these guys keeping a secret from me I asked Lucas what was the thing that they had been hiding though there was a few seconds of hesitation he finally spoke.

I tried to listen very closely, but a wide wailing sound was the only thing I heard. I looked towards Alison who was crying her face was completely submerged in our angels chest.

Celeste gently pats her head as she continues to cry, this situation doesn't make any sense.

"Lucas, just tell me what happened".

"I put our men at the demon armys route"

Hmm?, are those six men related to this they did say the exact same thing.

"So it was a planning mistake right?"

Lucas was silent when I asked so I asked again for the second time and he still remained silent.

"You sacrificed our men didn't you?!", I slammed the table.

"It was necessary"

Necessary?, though I'm not entirely angry over that fact but still we lost valuable men, Good men! Knowing Lucas there was probably a reason.

He really did go mad after years of war, I asked more questions about the incident and there was really reason for those sacrifice's.

It seems that the demons were heading towards the monster Dungeons, it was a feeding grounds for demons that roamed outside the demon territory, army's would go there to replenish after an attack.

Lucas predicted this outcome and he wanted to send an army but the closest one was 2 days worth of travel, so he decided to send men from our camp to be a diversion while the main army travels.

It didn't end good though, for the diversion team was eliminated but in exchange the main army swooped the demons and prevented them from entering the dungeons.

Still the question remains why is Alison crying?.

"Alison's brother was part of the diversion team", Devon cuts in.

Huh?, Alison's brother? After hearing those words a loud ringing sound echoed through my mind He was part of that army?, he was 18! He was like a little brother to me.

That kid didn't even know how to use a sword and he was a beginner water mage.

Again, anger clouded my thoughts I stood from my chair and kicked Lucas, my kick's were strong enough to break trees but Lucas was an important asset so I deliberately hold back.

The kick was strong enough to send him out of the tent.

He went crashing into empty crates as I followed and continued to beat him up, the men and woman on our camp gathered to look at us.

"I shouldn't have took you in", I said while beating him up.

"Thank you for staying human", Lucas mumbled.

"Stayed as what?!!"

Just as I was about to hit him with all I got Devon pulled me away so did Celeste, the men helped Lucas stand up as I was being dragged I didn't bother resisting.

There was a lot to think about.

Devon and Celeste dragged me home, Celeste took my hands and began to heal it. I didn't even cast protection on my hands.

"Leave, I'll stay with him for the night", Celeste told Devon to which he nodded and left.

It was only me and Celeste in the house.