
The Villainess Wanted To Die Young

The neurologist genius girl that developed spirit eternal life in artificial consciousness form became celebrated, but she got serious depression because she discovered a big secret about the world... Shan Qianyu, wanting to die every day, was forced to shuttle among different worlds of soap operas, playing as the villainess. Every villainess is doomed to be killed by the hero, which makes Shan Qianyu satisfied. While she doesn’t like to wait, she always takes the initiative to ask for death immediately. However, the plots go wacky: In the first crossspace, Shan Qianyu was supposed to be a bully in high school and should carry the torch for the hero. At the end she would be killed by accident by the hero who would live a happy life with the chief actress afterwards. But why did the hero fondly look at Shan Qianyu?... In the second crossspace, Shan Qianyu was supposed to be a spectre ghost staying in the house of the hero and kill the supporting actress, the supporting actor and the chief actress, who would be doomed to be killed by the male hero eventually. So Shan Qianyu went to tell the hero that she is a ghost. Why didn’t he believe her and how did he fell in love with a devil?... In the third crossspace, Shan Qianyu was a gangster with blood feud to the hero. The hero was supposed to come into contact with her for revenge. Shan Qianyu trained the hero so that he could kill her as early as possible. He did kill her. But who can tell her why he asked her to marry him?... In the forth crossspace, Shan Qianyu was supposed to be a tricky girl who trapped the hero prince to marry her. The prince brought honor to her on purpose to make everyone envy her. Finally, when Shan Qianyu was out of use, the hero killed her and married his true love. This time Shan Qianyu industriously played as a villainess. But why did the hero die before her?... In the fifth crossspace, Shan Qianyu wanted to live together with the hero. While this hero was different from the hero she knew before. In fact, her hero was always with her…

Ramona1pro · Fantasy
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49 Chs

039 Stay with me

Ling Yuhao was like a big-eyed curious baby at this time, "Then have you researched it?"


"Nope... So, I was unfortunately in control. Resistance is ineffective and meaningless. Without freedom, you would rather die. "


"You! You are not allowed! Stay with me, I don't care about the higher life forms, as long as we have a good time. "


Shan Qianyu sighed, "You don't understand, but Qi Lang understands. People like us who dedicate our lives to science and explore the world are to unveil the most mysterious veil between heaven and earth, and we want to live clearly and clearly. In the end, we found that all the efforts were so ridiculous, and we were just a group of exiled slaves, staging all kinds of life and death every day, just to entertain a higher existence. You say, what is the life in life? "


"Yes. Evolve to a high level which would have undefeated power. By that time, nature will do whatever you want. But we say 'people live a breath, and trees fight for a layer of bark', how can they die casually just because losing meaning?"

"From my transfer to the present, I have not received a message from the five-dimensional creatures, so long that I thought they had given up. But when I wanted to transfer the consciousness body, I found that my whole body was limited, so they were still monitoring me."

It's really not true that she held her aloof who refuses to live a good life, but she doesn't know how to deal with the situation that she entered a story where she was monitored in real time, where all characters have collapsed before the end of the drama.


"You mean, because you were discovered and controlled, that you can't perform the functions of four-dimensional creatures?" Ling Yuhao was dumbfounded.


After school, Shan Qianyu was waiting for Ling Yuhao in the classroom. As the so-called "opportunity must not be lost, loss will not come again", Shan Qianyu immediately turned back to find Lin Menglin, but met Xiong Kexuan again on the road.


"Shan Qianyu you stop! I told you to stop! Feed! Are you deaf?" The more Xiong Kexuan shouted, the farther Shan Qianyu walked without looking back, as if she had seen a ghost, and many classmates were talking about it beside them. Xiong Kexuan couldn't swallow this evil breath, and chased Shan Qianyu to class 8.


"Where is Lin Menglin?" Shan Qianyu casually grabbed one of the classmates.


"As soon as school is over, she hurried away, maybe for some reason but who knows."


The second step fails.


Unwilling! Succession is just two steps away. It is always lost when at the critical moment. Shan Qianyu swore she must find Lin Menglin today. Otherwise, two days after tomorrow's exam, Lin Menglin and Ling Yuhao would be in the same examination room, which would be even more difficult to kidnap. If Ling Yuhao willfully abducts her and flies to Northern Europe, the plan cannot be implemented for the entire winter vacation. She is a person without procrastination, so she will do it immediately.


When she went out, she met Xiong Kexuan smiling proudly, "How? Can't find the whole culprit for you? You quarreled with 'the Highness', and the whole school was talking about you cuckolding him. I saw he left without taking you."


Who would have thought that the pure good heroine would join forces as an elf and a female pairing to jointly slander the "evil villainess"? God plot. They are a gang now. Maybe Xiong Kexuan knows Lin Menglin's current location. The soldiers are fast, and she must move quickly.


"You know where Lin Menglin is."


Xiong Kexuan smiled evilly, "Of course. But don't rush to retaliate, or expose your bad woman's nature, and when the time comes, 'the Highness' will know it. You will not be worth the loss."


"All I want is that he knows. Walk with me!" Shan Qianyu simply and rudely pulled Xiong Kexuan into a taxi, shaking her elbow and telling her to report Lin Menglin's destination. Xiong Kexuan, who was instantly confused, somehow stupidly said the name of a certain car tuning factory.


"Hey, Shan Qianyu, do you know where 'the Highness' went just now?"


Shan Qianyu told her to shut up, and had a well-thought-out plan, "Don't worry, no matter where he is, he will appear later." It's time to zoom in.


Xiong Kexuan's face was happy and she stopped talking.


Sure enough, Lin Menglin was in this place, and there were more than a dozen girls next to her that Shan Qianyu didn't know. They are all tall, short, fat and thin, with every type.

"Oh, I see—'Hongmen Banquet'. You deliberately lured me here just to hit me to the ground." Shan Qianyu glanced at this posture and immediately knew the deep meaning, "Unfortunately, I don't have much time and don't plan to enjoy your performance carefully. I only look for Lin Menglin, and no one else consciously retreat. Otherwise you should think that you are unlucky when you start to get hurt."


A few thin girls retreated, because the "class 8 bearer" was famous. It was said that the force value of her was still above the school bully, and she conquered 'the Highness' with her own hands. A few weak chickens whose hands can't pick their shoulders and can't resist, don't want to give away heads. Not to mention that Shan Qianyu's height advantage is obvious, that Xiong Kexuan only reached her nose, and Lin Menglin even reached her shoulder.


Some senior big girls are not afraid of Shan Qianyu's physique, but they are a little intimidated by her background. They are indeed envious and jealous of Shan Qianyu left hugging Ling Yuhao and right hugging Qi Lang, but they are even more envious and jealous of her life and appearance. They waited here with Lin Menglin, firstly for, they want to gather people to see the excitement, and secondly for, they want to scare Shan Qianyu to make her ugly.