
The Villainess Wanted an Obedient Husband

"What she wanted was an obedient husband as a legal sperm donor, but what she got was more than that." [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] **** "Find me a handsome nobleman with a strong and handsome physical appearance, smart but not a cunning one, and most importantly, he must be willing to sign a prenuptial agreement," Lady Helena said to her butler. “I need an obedient and loyal husband.” **** "I am the one, milady," said Ethan, the man from another world, transmigrating into one of the side charachters of the book.

Yumekun · Fantasy
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238 Chs

Under Revision

As the days passed, the atmosphere within the Akiya kingdom became tense with the anticipation of war. The soldiers were tirelessly preparing for the upcoming battle that could determine the fate of the kingdom. The once peaceful land had now transformed into a place filled with military drills, armories bustling with soldiers, and strategic discussions.

The vast training grounds were alive with activity as divisions of soldiers practiced their maneuvers. Troops lined up in precision, going through drills that they hoped would give them an edge on the battlefield. The clang of swords and the rhythm of marching boots filled the air, creating a cacophony that echoed through the kingdom.

In the war room, King William and Aleric discussed their strategies with their advisors. They pored over maps, scrutinized troop movements, and contemplated how to best employ their forces. The entire fate of Akiya rested on the decisions made in that room.