
Chapter 250. Reverse Destiny, Part X

Translator: Khan

Editor Group: Liber Reverie

He was not in trouble as he couldn't help her. Lane was offended as she pleaded with him to save her so much because he was the one who had spoken to Mielle and Aria himself and had experienced Mielle's two-sided character. Soon after, he noticed that Asher was watching this situation with interest and opened his mouth as if he had no choice.

"... I'm sorry, but my master... His Highness Asterope."

"... Yes?"

"The treasures and favors that my master had sent you were actually not meant for you, confusing you with Lady Aria. At first, without knowing the name of Lady Aria, he only knew she was the lady of the Roscent family."

Lane, who answered so, left Mielle, who stared at him with her weary eyes, behind and greeted Asher.

"I'm sorry I'm late to greet you. She just talked to me, so... I'm back from all the work you've asked me to do."