
[Bonus chapter] Villainess plots

The Basilisk Ovum, held within a protective casing, was presented to her by a member of the auction staff. The egg-shaped fossil emanated an aura of ancient mystery, its surface etched with intricate patterns that told the tale of a creature long extinct. As her fingers brushed against the cool surface, Seraphina felt a faint tingle, a resonance between her own vitality and the dormant energy within the egg.

Sona furrowed her brows. "Honestly I don't understand why you bought such an item. It only has decorative value."

Seraphina smiled at her and answered. "I admire fossils. They have a unique charm." Sona shrugged at that and rested her case.

"It is an elegant piece of history, and I have read that these items bring good luck!" Isabella chimed into the conversation. She also brought a few similar items at the auction and was an avid collector of rare pieces of history.

"Indeed, Isabella can be considered knowledgable in this field," Alexander said as his eyes twinkled with amusement. "Perhaps this Basilisk Ovum holds more secrets than meets the eye."

Seraphina's gaze shifted from the egg to Isabella, a playful glint in her eyes. "Well, I trust Isabella's judgment when it comes to matters of history and artifacts."

Isabella's laughter was light and melodious. "Oh, you flatter me, Seraphina. But truly, something is fascinating about the stories that ancient fossils can tell. They offer glimpses into a world long past, and who knows what hidden knowledge they might contain?"

As the conversation flowed, Tony Fallar lingered nearby, searching for Seraphina.

"Guys, I still have some matters to attend to. I'll take my leave now, we'll meet again late to talk about the recent developments."

[Private booth, Golden Dragon Inn]

"So, you have brought what I wanted?" Seraphina asked Tony with slightly raised brows.

"Yes, the Arcane Cipher, as you requested," Tony answered begrudgingly.

Seraphina took the Cipher and inspected it. The Cipher was a work of art in its own right, a harmonious fusion of craftsmanship and arcane energy. Its form was elegantly symmetrical. Seraphina's keen eyes took in every detail, her special sight allowing her to perceive not only the physical intricacies but also the subtle currents of energy that flowed within.

'Interesting, there are ancient seals inscribed on the surface.'

As her fingers danced over the Cipher's surface, Seraphina's perception extended beyond the physical realm. She could sense the threads of energy that were interconnected, forming a complex and harmonious web. Each curve and each symbol held meaning, contributing to the overall function of the Cipher.

All of them are connected to provide a long-lasting battery if used correctly. Similar to solar panels, they need to be recharged. The Fallar will use Malevolent Qi to charge them up as a supplement for the ginseng she stole. But it will slowly corrupt the cipher, turning it into a tickling time bomb.

Seraphina leaned back in her seat, her fingers still idly tracing the surface of the Cipher. "It's a risky game you're playing, Tony. Pursuing power without a clear understanding of its consequences can lead to unforeseen outcomes."

Tony's gaze met hers, a mixture of defiance and resignation in his eyes. "We're aware of the risks, but we're willing to take them. Our family has always been ambitious, and we won't back down."

With that, Seraphina's attention returned to the Cipher, her fingers lingering on its surface to form a complex array of ancient seals. Tony watched her for a moment longer before rising from his seat with a sense of finality.

"I've upheld my end of the deal. Our conversation ends here," Tony stated, his voice holding a hint of resignation.

"Here, you can have it back. Don't try anything funny because you'll die as soon as you betray me. Trust me, it is not fun to die with blood slowly filling up your lungs." Seraphina said with a cold glint in her eyes.

"Y-Yes, I wouldn't dare!" Tony shivered again at the display of her aura. 'Shit, this woman is even crazier than the underground sect!' He thought before retreating back to the Fallar estate. He really hoped that whatever Seraphina did was not traceable. Otherwise, he'll have to deal with the consequences.

"And, be sure to scout your mansion for irregular activities. Report them to me as soon as possible."

"Of course" Tony answered before scampering away.

[Emerald Garden Pavillion]

Seraphina paced around the room with a thoughtful look. This event was something that could change the course of the novel. She had made some preparations for destroying the Duskin's creation. Still, if she proceeded with her plans, the future would change, and she could no longer predict certain events. But a lot of people and lives could be saved if she acted now. Seraphina may have been a villainess in her previous life, but that did not mean that she would treat her people or people in need badly because of that title.

A villainess is just a title people had branded her with, but she alone would decide who she'll be as a person. Villainess or hero, that does not matter. What matters is how she can lead a happy life undisturbed by outside forces.

'Alright, I'll foil their plans. You have started this shit by disturbing my surroundings. I don't give a fuck about Kael or the Covenant, but if they fuck with me then I'll give them a wake-up-to-reality call.'

Her cross-shaped pupils gleamed with light as she said this, but Seraphina didn't notice that since it faded as soon as it appeared.

For now, she'll need to plan how to destroy the puppet creation. For that, she needed to know where all the experiments were happening.

While Tony might not be the most reliable source, his connections, and resources could potentially yield some valuable information. However, Seraphina was well aware of the inherent risks of relying on him. Young masters in her experience often had a penchant for carelessness and impulsiveness, traits that didn't exactly align with the precision and secrecy required for such endeavors.

As she considered her options, Seraphina's mind began to formulate a multi-faceted approach. Gathering information from a variety of sources would be crucial for cross-referencing and verification. She couldn't afford to put all her eggs in one basket, especially when dealing with a network that thrived on obscurity.

Her thoughts turned to Isabella and Alexander, both of whom had their own spheres of influence and knowledge. Their insights could prove invaluable in mapping out the landscape of the puppet creation operations.

But Seraphina's gaze shifted back to the Basilisk Ovum resting in its protective casing. There was a potential ally within that egg as well. If she could successfully hatch the basilisk, it might provide her with a valuable ally.

Yo, after a long pause due to me hiking in the mountains and not preparing enough for you, my dear reader! I'm back!

I hope you are still well! I'm exhausted but I'll try to deliver consistently again.

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