
Sweet Dream (3)


*This is a rather squeamish chapter. Read at your own risk and do not do so while eating or drinking!*


Ophelia trembled all over and her pupils quaked, letting off beads upon beads of tears down her cheeks. Her face had gone aghast and her mind was embroiled with fear as her heart pounded rapidly, choking the breath out of her lungs.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" She screamed and sobbed at the same time, whimpering desperately like a tortured rat while she tried to break free from "Julian" arms.

However, the creature had its hands around Ophelia in a tight grip. He was still stroking her head while the other looped around her waist.

"Wh....at...s wro....ng ....Oph.....ie?"

Ophelia kicked and thrashed to no avail. And it didn't matter whether she was too scared to see the horrifying scene before her, Ophelia was still forced to watch as "Julian" figure melted.

It went slowly but still at the speed visible to the naked eyes. As the skin melted off into a thick and sticky liquid akin to a mud, its color also gradually darkened into a filthy shade. More and more of its body liquefied and when his hands started melting away, the liquid stretched down Ophelia's head.

The gooey sensation drove Ophelia even more insane as she cried her throat dry and her voice hoarse.


She went absolutely frantic and tremendously dreadful upon seeing the dark greyish liquid sliding down the bridge of her nose and the corner of her eyes. Ophelia tears came tumbling down her face that had turned completely aghast when she thought of her hair that was smeared and her body stained. Fear and disgust assaulted both her mind and heart.

This immediately pushed Ophelia to struggle even more. However, this time, instead of landing on a sturdy chest, her fist plunged into the creature's melting body that was mostly a pool of muddy liquid now.

In that instance, a smell that was rotten to the bone similar to the stench of a decaying corpse struck her nostrils. Ophelia felt her stomach churning and she instantly retched while her other hand went to cover her mouth in reflex.

Unfortunately, she had forgotten that her other hand had been used to hug "Julian" as well. Thus, the moment it touched her lips, the muddy liquid got into her mouth. It swiftly sent Ophelia into another bout of sickening nausea.

"Blaargh.... ack...."

Despite her gagging, Ophelia still tried to pull her arms out of the creature's body. However, to her anxiety, it remained stuck inside. Her body shivered upon this discovery.

'Why? Please....'

She shut her teary eyes and gave all her strength in order to break free from the monster. All the while, she questioned why and she begged in aguish.



Again and again, like a hopeless pitiful being she was, humble and distress, wishing only to survive. No longer was there arrogance in her presence, even her attire was a heap of mess worse than the lower class ladies she had scorned. Her body was filthy and reek of foul odor.

Yet, what could the proud and enchanting Lady Ophelia Penelope Brooks do right now besides begging miserably?



And finally, SPLASH!!

Ophelia successfully retract her hand and due to the overwhelming strength she had used to pull it out, her body jerked back, stumbling onto the floor. The muddy liquid splashed out like raindrops showering Ophelia who had rolled weakly onto the ground.

Her condition was bad as she let out a series of rigorous cough from her strangled breathing as the result of the overwhelming stink. However, she didn't get to relax even for a while when she heard the most terrifying question once again.

"Wh....at...s ....ng ....Oph.....ie?"

"Ugh..." Without even looking back, Ophelia dragged her body forward then, scrambled to her feet. Thereafter, she stumbled to the door while clutching her chest.

Meanwhile, the muddy creature was also moving towards her. Regardless of its sluggish pace, it followed Ophelia one step at a time.

Splat! Splat! ...went his thick muddy legs.

However, Ophelia didn't bother to look. She was already shaking from head to toe and drenched in both the mud and cold sweat.


She opened the door without a care and dashed out. While gagging every now and then, Ophelia made her way to the next room which belonged to Elias, the second son. Right now, the young lady was totally not in her right mind. She couldn't think further but to only seek for help since she couldn't use her magic.

As soon as she entered the room, she called out in her incredibly husky voice, "Elias!"

Ophelia couldn't really see due to the muddy liquid sticking on her head and continuously melting onto her eyes. But, all of the sudden, before she wanted to call Elias again, she sensed a presence. Then, a powerful gust of wind rushed towards her and her body intuitively sprang to the side.

When Ophelia managed to wipe off a little bit of liquid on her eyelids, she caught a glimpse of the same creature in her room. However, there was a slight differences, the one before her didn't have limping legs or flat face, and its arms weren't as long either.

On that monstrous face was a pair of pointed golden eyes with slit pupils, staring at her in violent bloodthirsty. Then, it started swinging the knife on its hand crazily towards Ophelia. Its speed was as fast as an assassin and the already trembling Ophelia didn't stand a chance to escape. The sharp blade slashed over her body in succession.


While Ophelia cried as she ran towards the hallway once again, the creature laughed, still swing its blade.

"Ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki!"

However, the moment Ophelia took a step outside the room, she saw the muddy creature sliding out of Julian's room and the limping Belladona had arrived on that floor as well. Ophelia went insane right away as she dashed forward in frightful steps.

Unfortunately, she didn't get to even take the second step when 'Belladona' swung its long arm and its sharp nails jabbed into Ophelia's heels. It immediately struck Ophelia to the ground and the creature dragged her back down the hallway.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" A hysterical scream escaped her mouth.

'Belladona' pulled Ophelia to its feet then flipped her over.


She wanted to cry out in plea, but her mouth was immediately slashed by the creature's sharp pointed nail. Blood gushed out like a waterfall, streaming down her cheeks and flowed onto the ground. Ophelia's body instantly went into a spasm as she experienced a deathly pain that reached to her bones and froze her spine. Her gum and teeth were exposed as her lips hung awkwardly in two.

But, it was not over yet as the muddy creature arrived and its liquid splat onto her wrists to bind her onto the ground. Thereafter, the maniac one jumped to the spot above Ophelia's head and Ophelia watched as it laughed and stabbed mercilessly at her mouth.


The knife plunged and ripped her oral cavity before the creature pulled the knife back out and thrusted it back again. Over and over, it repeated its action in delightful merry cackle.

"Ki Ki Ki Ki Ki!! Ka Ka Ka!"

Ophelia's eyes rolled back, showing its white as her body convulsed from the continuous pain. And not only that, soon, she smelled the rancid odor as it melted off the muddy creature's body and dripped into her bloody mouth. The liquid slid down her throat along with her blood and strangled her breath.

It was at this moment, a more gut-wrenching agony assaulted her. Ophelia's body immediately jolted as 'Belladona' dug its ten pointed nails deep into both sides of her waist. It then dragged the nails circling her petite body towards her stomach resulting in a bout of excruciating torment that it numbed her brain.

Right now, there was only one thing hovering in her mind and that was a dreamy question of when would death come for her?

It was then, she felt the last of her misery. 'Belladona' ripped out her gut and her inside spilled out with her heart going out for the last. However, to her surprise, Ophelia didn't die.

Every struck of pain, every emotion, trauma and scar. Each drop of tears and sweat, Ophelia felt it all. And she lived through every single second in tremendous agony as she watched the creatures feasting on her intestines and her beating heart before they drunk her blood, sucking her dry until nothing was left.

That was when darkness came to visit and Ophelia was jolted awake. Her eyelashes trembled as her eyes slowly slid open. She could faintly hear noises around her while somebody was holding her body. When her vision cleared up, she saw the duchess crying face.

"Ophelia! You're awake!!" The duchess exclaimed excitedly and immediately buried Ophelia in her arms. "You were screaming, thrashing about and then, you.....(sobs)."

But, Ophelia could no longer hear her voice as her eyes went wide at the sight of Belladona and her brothers.

Immediately, she shrieked in fear, "ARRGGGHHHHH!"

She pushed away the duchess before scooting back and curling into a ball. Belladona was shocked and went forward in attempt to appease her.

"My Lady, are you alright?"

The brothers went forward as well. Elias and Tristan helped the duchess while Julian went up to Ophelia. His hands reached out to stroke her as he asked worriedly, "What's wrong, Ophie?"

However, that only made Ophelia even more hysteric and she cried like a maniac, backing away from Julian. Her body was shaking like a leaf.


Meanwhile, on the other room at the same floor as Ophelia's, it was dark with only the fire from the burning candles lighting up the scene at the center of the room.

There was a bloody magic circle with a silver goblet and a doll that looked like Ophelia inside it. There were also three others straw dolls in front of a young lady dressed in a white frilly nightgown. Her rose-colored hair draped flawlessly upon her small back. Her eyes were shut but there was a hauntingly beautiful smile hanging on her lips as she enjoyed the sonorous scream echoing through the walls.

"So, what do you think, Argan?"

The devil who was perched on the chair with his glowing violet eyes looking unswervingly at the lady sitting on the floor grinned merrily.

"It was such a sweet dream. It's a shame it ends too early."

Slowly, Kalliope opened her eyes and picked up the doll. She tidied up its golden hair as she agreed, "Indeed."

And a young voice that belonged to Alice was heard echoing through the darkling night, humming a mellifluous song while she combed through the doll's hair tenderly.