
The Villainess Law of Vengeance

When others grew to love another, Kalliope fell for darkness. Instead of innocence, betrayal greeted her first, lies met her second, and revenge befriended her last. A century long, her own kind, the mages concealed her origin. They let her lived a beautiful dream before smashing it all apart with a cruel reality. The heroes who saved her kind from being hunted by the humans on Earth were her parents. It was then, blood colored her eyes, madness painted her soul, and corpses of her enemies littered on the path she walked. While she dyed the earth blazing red, the demon whom she had embraced like her guardian angel smiled and asked. “Is my love enough to keep you in the darkness?” The temptation was endearing. But, what happened when someone broke the darkness and told her the most beautiful lies? “You deserve happiness. You are meant for the light.” In the end, which side will Kalliope choose? --------------- Disclaimer: The cover isn't mine! Credits to artist. Instagram: @author_kiiara Discord: Kiiara #9809

Kiiara · Fantasy
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146 Chs

Prince Revaz's Plot (1)

Kalliope read the two lines of sentence in her hand before she crumpled the paper and burnt it away, leaving only ashes that the wind carried in the next second, scattering them in random spaces. No evidence left whatsoever as she turned on her feet and walked back to her bedroom. She closed the door behind her before glancing at the spot under the bed.

It was then, a pair of violet eyes slowly emerged in the shadow. "Meow~"

Kalliope couldn't see the cat's body as the king-sized bed concealed his small figure under its shadow. His dark fur was so black that he easily merged with the darkness and the shadow around him seamlessly while only leaving his pair of dazzling violet eyes for everyone to see.

"Come here," Kalliope said as she gestured at the kitten to come over to her side which he obediently complied. The cat Argan swiftly dashed towards her, jumping agilely on to the table so they could talk on eye level.