
The Villainess Isn't Bothered

In my life it was always, "You're the older sister be more mature." or, "Your sister is sick, you have to take care of her!" When it was my graduation, my parents didn't show up because my older brother wanted them to have a picnic that day. When I was being executed, they blamed me for being framed. I reincarnated in a novel, Begging Ariliana. I reincarnated to the villainess, Anastasia Nikoli Valentine. Being engage to the man she loved wholeheartedly, only for him to fell in love with her sister the female lead, Ariliana. Both Ariliana and Anastasia were both mistreated and neglected by their parents, they were more focused on their younger brother and sickly youngest brother. But I do not care for my family nor my parents, I killed myself in my previous life after reading the novel incomplete. I don't care if I die here right now as long as I can fulfill Anastasia last dying wish, to love myself purely.

macirei · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 8

Anastasia's POV

"Your highness," I heard somebody called out, I lazily turned to my side and gaze at the darkness. That's strange, I swore I heard somebody call out to me.

I closed my eyes again until, "Anastastia!" Somebody called out once again. At this point I'm getting annoyed, I'm already not getting enough sleep to practice my magic, and somebody is still disturbing me.

I didn't open my eyes, I'll just let it keep calling out till I fall asleep.



My body froze, it can't be Hana calling out, no it can't be anybody. Who in the world would know my past life's name?! I felt anxious and turned my back against the darkness, a chilling feeling went down my spine. My heart beating faster than ever.

It was cold.

I felt someone's hand grip my shoulder as I sat up and threw a pillow at the darkness. I was hyperventilating, cold sweats grew as I tried to catch my breath-

"Your highness! Are you alright?!" I gaze up to see Hana looking at me concerned, her enchanting eyes looking into mine, tears started welling as I gasped for air.

"Y-yes, yes? Yes! I-I'm fine, d-don't go.." I clutched her elbow and stained her night dress with my tears, she caressed my back, not moving an inch.

I finally breathed, what the hell happened? My mind was a mess, it was throbbing in pain. I almost choked on my own spit in an attempt to speak.

Hana didn't spoke a word, only supported me throughout the silence with a kiss on the forehead and her warmth.

"I-I, I'm," I couldn't even utter a coherent word, it's frustrating, I can't, speak my mind I can't, find the right words my mind is in shambles what the hell is happeni-

"It's alright your highness," I heard Hana comfort me, I couldn't even describe how much I was sobbing, I can't even explain why I was sobbing.

"T-thank, t-th-thank you.." I could faintly thank her, as I cling on her dress like a child crying to her mother after she had a terrible nightmare, the embrace of a mother who could only worry and assure her child that everything was gonna be alright, the warmth I wanted as a child.


Next Day

"Your highness." I heard a girl called out to me, I buried my face in my pillow, my eyes soar and puffy.

"Who is it?" I grumbly asked,

"It's morning time your highness, Lady Hana left last night for something urgent so she asked me to be her replacement for the meanwhile." My ears perked, Hana left without telling me?

I pushed myself up with my arms, my chest still paralleled to the bed beneath me. "What do you mean she left?" I gazed at the girl in front of me, a freckled face and brown eyes.

She smiled and held the tray in front of her containing a bowl of water to wash my face with. She was overly excited to see me, I was confused but didn't bother with it.

The thing I'm bothering about now is my face, red puffy eyes and a stuffed nose, I looked like a puff up blowfish.

"Lady Hana told me explicitly that I couldn't tell anyone the reason your highness, as her best friend I must keep my word." She smiled again, her rosy cheeks showing. I wasn't even bothered to ask, she has her reasons to not tell me.

I washed my face and wiped it with the towel the new servant gave me.

"Uhm, your highness?" The new servant called out.

"Humhmwh?" I mumbled, covering myself with the soft towel. I almost morphed into it, it was so soft! It felt like it was made by fairies, it felt like it was made with the softest fur, it was so fluffy! 

The servant didn't followed up with her question, she excused herself to fetch my breakfast as I got ready to take my morning bath.


"Here you are your highness." The servant smiled, I look in front of me, carefully arranged delicious looking meals, I composed myself, it was the most beautiful sight I could have ever seen.

"I'm not the best chef but the cook called in sick so I prepared it carefully according to your tastes your highness." She seemed nervous and fidget with her fingers.

I almost scolded her for underestimating her skills but I couldn't help myself to take a bite of the delicious food laid in front of me, I devoured one by one everything. It was comforting, sweet potatoes and a delicious soup, the hot soup aid my soar throat after crying last night, the honey water she prepared also help with treating my throat.

Everything was mild, not too flavorful and I appreciated it. I smiled at the servant and thanked her. She blushed and bowed.

"I forgot to ask," I spoke before she could leave carrying the used plates, she turned around and responded.

"What's your name?" I asked, she froze for a moment, I raised a brow.

She seemed nervous, she looked pale while I ask her out of concern. "I'm fine your highness," she smiled.

"M-my name is.." she held the tray tight and smiled.

"Cordelia, your highness." She said her name with an accent, her name was beautiful, it reminded me of the ocean weirdly.

"Uhm, alright Cordelia, you may continue on your way." I excused her while she bowed.


Hana's POV

I ran while keeping my hood down, I can't afford anybody seeing me, not in this state. I ran until my feet bleed, my blood leaving a trail of flowers in their way.

I reached out to the tree and wrote a symbol in my blood, until the entrance opened. I cautiously gazed and looked back on the path I came to make sure nobody followed me, before entering the oh so nostalgic world I came.

I closed the entrance as a familiar voice called out.

"Hanalarea!!" I turned to my right as my little brother tackled me to the ground giggling and laughing oh so excitedly.

"Corteo, where is the goddess?" I smiled to him, he grinned and gave me a mischievous look. "Do you have a gift for me from the human world?" He asked snarkily, I rolled my eyes and manifested the item I bought before into my palm.

"A snowglobe!" Teo smiled and hugged me before immediately shaking the snowglobe frantically.

"The goddess is at her temple, she's been waiting for you sister, fix yourself at home, mother missed you." I kissed Teo's forehead before teleporting to our Acatea (palace).

"Welcome back, your Helea." Sir Hort greeted me, while I gave him my dusty robe, "I apologized for the mess, I'm in a hurry to meet with goddess Gabriella." Sir Hort smiled at me and led me to my room.


"Mother," I kissed my mother softly on the cheeks, the highest ranking fairy in the land, she gazed at me softly while fixing my hurriedly put on dress.

"Goddess Gabriella is waiting for you, she's been waiting for your update on your cousin." Mother smiled as my eyes slightly welled.

Anastasia or should I call her Astheria, is suffering greatly from that wretched palace, danger lurks in every corner.

"Yes mother." I could only softly sigh before leaving her again. Thousands of guards stationed outside of our Acatea, I breathed deeply before returning to the temple.
