
The Villainess Is Immortal

"where I now?" "choose your fate" "who are you! come out!" Jasmine said "I'm your ancestor" "Impossible" "that's are not possible and choose your fate" "why I need choose my fate? I'm not die" Jasmine said and weirding "die? you just die a few minutes ago" her ancestor said "what? how I'm die?" Jasmine ask "your husband, Lee Seojun just put the snake poison at your drink" "what?!" "just give up Jasmine, you need to glad b'cause you're blooding our noble Qecryt" "Qecryt?" "yes, the world magical, founder of Qecryt has manipulate power" "so, he's always help his descent until now" "now choose your fate" "but-" "first, be a noble woman" "second, be a normal human with life happiness" "last, be a servant" "ofcourse second choices!" "sure? but you need to die early before your ages achieve to 15 years old" "um, no" "I think first better" Jasmine said "I not suggest you about this choices, better you not choose that fate" "hah? why?" "do you want to be a queen when your age in 80 years old?" "what!" "hahh, better I die, I don't want life again" "how about you life in world magical?" "can I?" "yes, but you need to be a immortal, and for sure, you need to marry and loving one man" "who? I will do it" ......

MsHan · Others
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16 Chs


WHAT did you said?!

She ask them to repeat their word again,

Yes, she is Commander Xelyn Theodore, the woman from noble family at the villange went to town for report about situation at the border and greet to new Queen and King too

"So it meants that Qaesar.. I mean King Qaesar should be our Dernière prince?!"

She ask with shocking faces

Xelyn has dreaming to be a princess when child such as in book story, but she knew that she never will be a princess cause Queen Rubina not has any kids, so, when she heard from her father that her brother Farael maybe can be the next King, no one known even Rubina

After Rubina be a princesse héritière, them reposted about Farael. From there, Rubina gave Farael stayed at Pè Dileraś as a Secetarist of Dileraś Empire. Meanwhile Xelyn want to bag her dream, so she decide to be a soldier and got upgrade her family rank, from that she hopes she cant marry with Farael even he don't like her. Their relationship before Farael die is fiancee, after heard bad news about Farael, ofcourse she will ask for demand even she should to be new Kings second wife cause she don't her dream became in vain after harded works since child

Xelyn think something and go to Pè Dileraś without said anything at the guards, the guards just weirding and go to do their work again

"almost... I almost got everything! But why she came to our country and get the throne without any obstacles?"

Xelyn sigh with riding her own white horses

I will demand everything!

SO, you're Xelyn Theodore?

Violatte ask after she sit at Queens chair

Xelyn eyes seing every place for searching Qaesar, but she not found Qaesar at the Hall of Pè Dileraś Empire

Violatte knew something take Xelyn attention then she decide to asked her,

"Are there has something make you interested to get?"

Xelyn seing at Violatte, now she knew Violatte is her new Queen and also powerful queen. From Violatte clothes and crown she know that Violatte is a woman with simple dress but looks gorgeous like a history Princess and Queen at the fairy tale storiest

"I came here to report about situation at the border and want to demand what should be mine"

She said without cares about others guard at the side

Wow, wonderful minded! She want her demand! Let's see what she want and play some games with her!

"Okay, so.."


Violatte pull the rope to move the bell

Every noble togetherness enter to Hall of Pè Dileraś Empire,

Every of them look happier when inside, some of them are talking about upgrading mine at the town, and others talk about normal life or talk about their young daughter to engaged? Everything are busy talking until them saw Xelyn at Violatte side

Yes, them stun to speak

"What are she doing here? Why you let she caming here? And who protect our border now!"

One of them ask and show his hand to Xelyn and Violatte

"Rude! Known your place!"

Haraphael shout and pick up his sword out from his back

Everyone step back and gave they route to greet at Violatte, Haraphael walking at Qaesar back, he as new Qaesar bodyguard were the person who mastered in sword since twelve years old

Xelyn still stand at Violatte side are steal side on Qaesar, but her sight got accept dead stare by Qaesar after he notice her sight

Qaesar sit on King's chair, meanwhile Haraphael stand on his side, perfect position and every noble fix their body pose, then greet at Violatte and Qaesar

"I call you guys to spoke about our border now at Serence border"

"Everyone must know there has many people stay on Serence border..so"

"I and Commander Xelyn decided to built another gate in our border"

She spoke to everyone by use Veryst magic as mic to upgrade her sound


"these make our money fall down!"

Everyone dispute


"Calm down"

"I need Grand ducal Bazer bring 20,000 soldier to protect our border for 3 month until our builder has done build the gate"

Violatte said

"But how can we found the soldier in 20,000 slot for 3 month, your highness"

Bazer ask

"There has many adventurer and guild at outside"

"Take benefits from using what we have now"

Violatte said

Everyone amazed for sudden

"That's all for today, glad to see you all here for second time"

She said again before wake up to walk out and leave them


Someone stop her

Violatte stop her steps, then she go to sit again

"You has anything to ask? Count Bealven?"

"Did you forgot to tell at us about others information?"

Bealven ask with his remind face

Violatte shook her head,

"I'm not, why?"

She ask back to Bealven with squint her eyes to read what Bealven thinking on his head

Bealven take a breath and stun for a while, he seeing at Xelyn and noding..

"Are you had something to ask?"

Violatte ask again and see at Xelyn too, after she noticed Bealven eyes and his behavior when noding

"I think Count Bealven right"

Qaesar said after many hours he sit quietly beside disturb their discussion and pay attention seriously when they discuss

"So, do you want ask me why I'm here cause I will never came here just b'cause to report about border situation? "

Xelyn ask when noticed many eyes on her face now

"So, can you?.."

Bealven ask

"Of course can"

She said with nodding

"As you already known, I'm Farael fiancee"

"So I came here to heard what you all want to gave me as present for my demand"

She said and every of them speechless to talk, how can them said anything b'cause she losts her fiancee at front her?

"I'm widow now"

She talk again

"I'm sorry for your cases Xelyn, but you shouldn't came here just for that"

"We also can gave you more money"

Someone said


Xelyn said

"So you think money are enough to paid of my fiancee body's?"

She said with anger in her eyes

Oh no! What them talk like that!


"Are you tried to provoke her?"

Said Violatte with her serious face, what thus dude want? He's heard my command too! I want talk with Xelyn for eyes in my private room!

"No, I not mean to provoke her, your highness"

Bealven said and his knee down, trick to got forgave from Violatte


Violatte said and her eyes look up, Don't think you free after this!

"It done now, if you all had any question"

"You can ask at Bishop Kevin"

Violatte said and go out from Hall of Pè Dileraś, Qaesar, Haraphael and Xelyn followed her arrived to the her own private room

"You shall enter first, Xelyn"

Violatte said and throw her sincere smile to Xelyn

"But you're-"

"Don't say it, you in our home now and we will treat you as our guests and please don't call me Queen or others"

"Just call me Vio or Latte?"

She said with tried to make some jokes

Qaesar smile and entered in the Castel,

"I'm going to get shower first, can you handle this?"

He whisper at her side

Then Violatte look on his face and nodding for a few times,

"Call me if you need any help"

He continue and kiss her hand after said it

Xelyn just see their react when back to their 'home' with no reaction on her own face but she already blushing into her hearts when seing them, SO SWEET!

Qaesar already entered, meanwhile Haraphael still stand at Violatte side b'cause she is his master,


Haraphael call Violatte

Violatte turn her face to look at Haraphael,


"Did I had to do something to help you?"

He asked

Violatte realise,

"Yes! How about you bring our guests enter and walk in to see our home, before I made a tea for tea time?"

She said and smile, brilliant ideas Vio! You also not busy besides Xelyn will not bored too!

"Alright master, shall we go now?"

Haraphael shook his head and show his hand to bring Xelyn enter the castle

Them enter to walk and look forward at the castle with seing an interesting photo, Violatte go to the kitchen and made a tea, the maids make some dessert for them eat as a side dishes later

"So, what this castle name and how it got built?"

Xelyn ask and her eyes fast to see many interesting items, many items like a sword has been trap her eyes to look other sword version, from that she known Violatte loves to collect many legendary sword from outside

"This castle name is Diamańt"

"Diamańt got built cause the old castle at the town are really old and make people scared b'cause they heard some rumours about there has a ghost who make them scary to stay along"

He answer

Haraphael steal a glance on Xelyn with walk until them stop at the one big picture with beauty frame on it,


The only word she said and stun for sudden plus amazed on the picture

"Seems like you want to know who she is"

Haraphael said when he got realise that Xelyn still stun

"Can I know who she is?"

Xelyn ask

Haraphael nodding

"She is.."

To be continue