
The Villainess is Back to Life

After learning the hard truth of how her twin sister Dalilah brainwashed and manipulated her mind for thirteen years, turning her into a ruthless assassin who killed hundreds of innocents including her youngest brother and best friend Valerian, twenty-seven-year-old Princess Natasha Nicholai, is executed in front of the Imperial Palace. Somehow, she gets sent back to the past right before Dalilah started putting her evil string on her mind, to when she was about to turn fourteen, and uses that as an opportunity to not let the past repeat itself, by getting her revenge on her sister and all the people who backed her and saving her younger brother as well as protecting the innocents she knows will be Dalilah's targets. But while also going after the truth about who stole her magic when she was 4yo, who sent her back and why did they do that, she will cross paths with Ethan Theodore, a dangerous and full of secrets guy, with ruby red eyes and whose destiny is directly linked to Natasha's. ※ The Villainess will be a novel of three volumes/books, and it's currently on the 1st one. We still have quite a long way to go, I hope you'll stay with me on this ride! ※ IMPORTANT! Pay attention to the trigger warnings chapter ※※※※※※ Sneak-peek of the beginning of the 1st volume: Back to Life! ※※※ Natasha's POV ※ I'm so scared of death... And I know I shouldn't be when I became so familiar with her, but I fucking am. I don't find my death attractive at all. It scares me more than anything. As I saw Dalilah going back to Christopher's side, I finally let the tears fall, falling them and getting mixed with the blood on my face. When I turned to meet the cold and shining ruby-red eyes of the executioner under his pitch-black helmet, I saw the ax dangerously close to my precious neck. He held it higher. And when he was about to behead me, I swear that I sensed him smiling at me. Not only that, but by the look in his eyes, he seemed amused by what he was going to do next. And the strangest thing was that even tho he was overflowing with bloodlust, I felt as if none of that was directed to me. But if... it wasn't, why did he seem so delighted? It gave me goosebumps. My body trembled in fear with his creepy and unexpected reaction. I swear that I felt as if his eyes could see through my soul. As if... he could see me in a way no one else ever could... if he could see everything that happened, the truth. Shit. What the heck is happening to me? What kind of feeling is this? Why am I so conscious about this man? And who the fuck is he? Why does this guy feel so strangely familiar when I have no memories of him? I closed my eyes waiting for my death. Cursing Dalilah and the perverse 3rd Imperial Prince Christopher, my damn brother-in-law, who was a stone in my way and who organized my execution together with my nefarious twin. Cursing each person present who's happy with my death. Preparing myself for the upcoming feeling of, literally, losing my once beautiful head. And at that moment, a freezing wind surrounded my body and entered me through my mouth. I gasped blood once again. I felt the inside of my body freezing little by little, as a familiar feeling filled me at once as well as the pain, and when the pain became unbearable, it got worse. And then, it finally happened. I felt my flesh and my neck being torn apart and my head getting slowly separated from my body when the executioner's ax hit me. His moves were fast, I knew it was by the sharp sound his blade made before touching me, but it felt like it took him hours to cut through it. Unexpectedly, after a second that felt like a billion torturous years, my eyes opened out coldly and the executioner with his stunning bright ruby-red eyes was nowhere to be seen. As well as I wasn't in front of the crowd, being executed in front of the Imperial Palace anymore. I was somewhere else.

AnnGuslavia · Fantasy
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239 Chs

124. Back to Theolia, Part III

WE MADE SURE TO DRESS CAMPING CLOTHES before entering the Imperial Capital, otherwise it would be obvious that we didn't go out because of outdoor activities. It was midway when we arrived at Greenhouse Castle, and something seemed to be happing because of the amount of staff going in and out, and the noise. But when they saw us, they got out of the way, giving us space to come in.

The first familiar face I saw was Leo's, "Your Royal Highness," he bowed to me. "I'm glad to know you are finally back. How was camping?" A gentleman as always.

"Great. Just what I needed. So," I looked around then back at him, "what is happening here?"

"Her Excellency, your mother, decided to throw a ball here tonight, and invited all the royals and nobles in Theolia," oh dear, I should have come back tomorrow. "His Highness, Prince Valerian, was counting you to be here today. He told me he thought you would come back at any time."

{"Is this normal? Do your evil mother usually throw balls like this?"} Chaos asked, but I ignored him, still annoyed by what she said about Kate.

"Thank you, Leo. Where's Val now?"

"He went out after picking about twenty roses from the garden," what? He never does that. Not to mention that he's allergic to the pollen of flowers, so he can't stay close to them.

Now I'm even more curious to know what happened here while I was absent, after all, a lot can happen in two weeks. "How long has it been since he left?"

"About an hour," even more strange.

"Oh my Goddess, you are back!" He yelled excitedly and ran to me, I held him in my arms, hugging him. "I should have come sooner, I wanted to be the first to greet you!" Sulking he got on his feet and turned his gaze to me, "Come, let's go to your chamber. There's a lot of tea," he means gossip.

{"So, this is the famous Valerian, hm? He looks like you, if not for the straightness of his hair and the marine blue eyes,"} I agreed, but that still wasn't enough for me to stop ignoring him.

"See you later, Leo!"

"See you, Princess!" He said with a smile on his lips, as Val took me away.

Asher and Kate had probably followed their ways to rest after the long travel. We are all tired. I feel like sleeping for a year, and I can't even do that. Val opened the door of my chambers, pushed me in, and locked it, then he took my hand again and jumped on my bed, and I did the same, really feeling my body cry for sleep.

{"Why don't you just sleep? Humans need that to survive!"} I ignored him again because between my sanity and my urge to sleep, I'll stay with my sanity.

"Nat, so many things happened," he exclaimed blushing and I felt wary of the situation.

"Why are you blushing and with a silly and stupid smile on? You are not in love, right? How could you fall in love in two weeks? Tell me you are not in love," but by how he bit his bottom lip in a clear sign of anxiety, I knew he was taken. "Oh, Goddess."

He held my hands. "Please, wait and listen. Yes, you are right, I am in love. I... I never felt this way, sister. I want you to be on my side on this, because there's no way I won't listen to my heart this time. After all, you don't want to see me with someone else, alright?" I knew this time would come.

But what the fuck? Back in the first timeline, Val never dated or fell in love before Dalilah made me kill him. Is it a consequence of the changes I made up until now? I hope it won't make things worse! "Who is it?" He gulped, making me even warier. "Who. Is. It. Valerian?"

"You promise you won't freak out?" I'm already freaking out.

"Yes. Now, tell me!"

"It's... It's Annelise!" I froze. "Princess Annelise," not saying her surname didn't change anything.

"You don't mean the 6th Princess Annelise Caspien, right?" He looked scared. "Right?" I yelled, feeling anxious. "Val! For fuck's sake, you can't fall for a fucking Caspien. Oh, Goddess, tell me you are joking."

Exhausted, he passed his fingers through his hair, "She's different from her siblings, sis. I swear to you, she's amazing. She's the owner of spring beauty. Lizzy is sweet, caring, and adorable. Her smile... you should see how pure she is. I think it's because she was raised by her mother, Queen Zara, and not near the Empress or Queen Olivia. But, Nat, she's so smart, so determined. She's going to be a Duchess, like you, and she's funny too," I felt like vomiting.

"She bewitched you," I muttered.

That seemed to annoy him. "If someone bewitched the other in this, it was me. You don't know her, sis, so don't say anything mean about her, please. And I know you don't like her House," just as he didn't either, "but she isn't the problem, and neither is her mom. Can you let me enjoy my first love without freaking out about it?"

His words made me feel terrible. I'm just trying to make him stay away from problems, it's for his sake. Getting in contact with the members of the Imperial House won't bring anything good to us. And he's in love with the youngest of them, which worries me a lot.

"You must understand me, right? Even if you kept it a secret, I bet you had your first love too," I didn't.

"You are wrong, brother. I've never been in love in my entire existence. So, no, I do not understand that. To me, this is a mistake. But if you want to risk it either, remember that I'll be waiting to tell you and big and satisfying 'I told you and you didn't give a fuck'. However, don't ask me to be happy about it, because I won't be able to do that, knowing that you will be attracting the attention of her siblings, stepmothers, and her dad," I have to be honest on this.

He stared at me with pity and I felt uncomfortable and out of my skin. "Have you really never fallen in love, sister?" Is that why he looks upset?

"No. And I don't plan on it either," my answer was short and meaningful. "Tell me, was it for her? The roses?" Val got caught off guard, he probably didn't count on Leo telling me that.

"Yes. She loves roses!" My ass.

"And you have ALLERGY to it, dumbass!" I yelled annoyed to death. "Come one, Val, you're smarter than that, darling. Don't act silly because of this girl. That might be deadly for you, Goddess-damn it. And if that happened, I would never be able to forgive myself for it, neither would I forgive the 6th Princess."

Val sighed. "Alright, you are beginning to hurt my feelings. Can we drop this subject for now? Because I won't stop pursuing her, sister!" I'm annoyed, but I can't do anything about it without hurting him. "Tell me the biggest gossip you bought with you!"

I held Chaos in my arms and by Val's surprised gaze, he hadn't noticed him around yet. "It's isn't a gossip, but... Chaos!" I called him.

He snorted, only for me to hear, {"Ha, now you talking to me? Aren't you inconvenient, human?"}

"We can discuss later, now, please, help me out and show him what you are!" Val stared at me as if I had gone totally crazy this time. And I probably have. "Come on, I don't want to keep you from Val. From anyone, but Val."

The cat sighed and created a kind of barrier around us three then showed his energy for Val to see, and his jaw dropped. "Oh, my Goddess. What's with this cat?"

{"Hey child human, I'm Chaos. The Chaos magic spirit. And well, me and your sister bonded, so, get used to me now,"} Val almost fell off the bed.

"Are you... Goddess... are you a spirit, for real?" My annoying bond nodded. "I can't believe I'm meeting one of your kind. I'm Valerian Nicholai, it's an honor to meet a being as powerful as you in my life," I can't believe he's respecting Chaos like that.

It'll boost his arrogance, oh dear. {"See? You should learn how to be amicable with him, dumbass,"} here we go. I slapped my forehead, already knowing how annoying he would become.