
The villainess In this life

Reborn into the least person, she becomes the most hated villainess in an otome game. The only probably is the villainess is actually the tragic heroine. Forced and wrongly accused of being the villain by the false innocent heroine. Stuck she must now raise the heart percents of the six individual heroine interests in order to survive the end of the game.

Alicevbrose · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

chapter one

The first signs of snow came to the Arcane estate as a piercing scream filled the cold air. From the front terrace of the estate stood a small crowd of people. Each dressed in striking shades of blood. Standing out against the snow each seemed unbothered by the cold air around them. Each pair of eyes focused completely at the weak prey standing below them.


A voice muttered in distaste as their eyes narrowed almost annoyed at the poor entertainment in front of them.


A softer voice spoke in warning as the first voice's piercing crimson eyes shifted to the shorter person besides them. Equally bloody eyes glanced over to them in warning of overstepping themselves.


"Another failure." The head of the Arcane spoke as the last scream percied through before it can to a sharp ending.

All hallow eyes stared down as a red pat of blood quickly bloomed like a red rose. In the center of the rose laid yet another failure attempt of controlling the power of the arcane family. Tears streaming down their cold cheeks as they're dulls eyes stared at the grey clouds above. The last echo of fear in their eyes shown before their life was blown away like a small candle flame.

"Prepare the body for burial."

The soft voice of the Duchess of Arcane spoke from besides her husband. Her crimson eyes filled with pity as she stared hallow body on the snow. Her small fingers curled around the pure white rose in her hand.

Long strands of blonde hair remained hidden under the black veil she wore. Her hand trembled so softly only for a fraction of a moment before her composure was regain.

Placing her hand above the placement of her heart she bowed to Duke Arcane before descending down the marble steps. It was a mother's duty to guide her children in life and it seemed it had also become her duty to guide countless of her children to the after life.

"The trial has failed, all of you may disperse." The Head of the family spoke his voice as chilling as the air around. In union the group parted way for the Duke. Bowing in union as they all placed a hand on their chest.

"Yes father!"

Not sparing another glance toward the body on the ground he made his way through the path made by the rest of his family. Those who had succeeded in the past trails. As he past them there was a vacant expression on his face.

Quickly as soon as the head of the family had left the rest of the group departed ways. Treating what had just occurred moments ago had just been a common occurrence.

As the place emptied only one remained. Crimson eyes glued to the scene in front of her, the same scene she had already seen too many times already. As the servants loaded her lost sibling on to the stretcher they stopped for moment as the duchess lifted her hand . Moving to the corpse's side she placed the rose she had been carrying in their hand. Moving them gently to rest peacefully against their chest.

Without a hesitation she had cut her thumb on one of the rose thorns letting drops of blood land on the rose. Slowly dying the rose red. It was only after she had finished that she hovered one hand over the body. Her hand releasing a faint red light as the cuts and tears in the child's body began to heal until it also appeared as if the child was only sleep.

Tears in her eyes she cupped her child's face softly leaning her forehead on theirs.

"You can rest at ease now. You did your best, may the Arcane guide and protect your soul in the after life."

In silence those empty eyes viewed the whole ordeal. Long strands of silver hair danced in the winter air. A single strand of raven hair stood out like the blood that soiled the snow below. Curled but the left side temple it gave the owner a sense of oddity. Dressed in a strapless scarlet dress she seemed unbothered by the cold air. The scarlet color of her dress cause the already pale tone of her skin to give off a glow. A pair of long white lashes adorned her family crimson eyes.Even as those empty eyes gazed upon the scene before her, her left hand clenched the fabrics of her dress with the slightest tremble. Not of the cold but from the emotions hurling inside her.

With a single release of breath she glanced to the abandoned patch of blood as they carried the body away.

"Another failure."

"Sis, you're still here?"

The same arrogant voice that had spoke out before creeped behind her. Without having to turn to acknowledge his presence her eyes remained focused in front of her .

"He was our brother after all."

Hearing a sound of disagreement behind her . The sound of his footsteps walking through the snow towards her filled the temporary silence.

"Oh please, father only took him in because he was a distant descendant of our clan. Someone with such weak blood ties to the Arcane was doomed to fail."

"And yet he was the fourth to fail this year alone."

Eyes narrowed at her before smirking in amusement.

"Don't tell me, you pitied the kid ? Aye… Asmodeus."

At the sound of her name a cold smile blossomed upon her blood red lips . Eyes filled with a sense of insanity as she let out a small chuckle turning to her companion.

"Of course not little brother. The weak are always doomed to fall."