
The Villainess doesn't care about the main plot

Eliz wakes up to an unexpected twist: she's now embodying the villainous character, Elizabeth Von Roseblood, in a subpar and clichéd light novel she had previously dismissed. Tasked by the enigmatic System to survive the narrative and uncover its hidden secrets, she quickly realizes that this magical world and the story aren't exactly the same as the one she read.. Unbeknownst to her, a far more intricate and consequential mystery lurks beneath the surface. Unwilling to adhere to the predetermined storyline, Eliz defiantly resolves to forge her own path. With a dismissive attitude towards the male leads, she exclaims, "Who needs them? They're all losers!" Embracing the freedom of her new role as a villainess, she's determined to live life on her terms, unaffected by the opinions of others. Join Eliz as she defies conventions, unearths hidden truths, and embraces the exhilarating freedom of being a villainess. In a world where she holds the reins of her destiny, she challenges the status quo and fearlessly follows her own desires.

SalivaSpittingWorm · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
81 Chs

27. If you have a problem, scram.

They sat together for a while after the meal before Eliz admitted that they had been in the public eye long enough to have sparked a lot of gossips.

It was time to call it quits.

Eliz bid farewell to Miel outside the restaurant, who refused to let go of her hand. He held it delicately, like a flower, constantly stroking her knuckles with his thumb.

If the people in the restaurant hadn't been peering through the window, she would have snatched her hand away from him long ago, and Eliz could tell by his smile that he was aware of it.

"You are unreal, you know that?" she accused him with a gentle smile.

"Oh, thank you," he replied, winking at her. "You wanted me to play my part well."

"Hmm. You're enjoying it too much for my taste. And give me my hand back already." Eliz shook her head and glanced out of the corner of her eye at the window, where two young ladies were watching them curiously and chatting excitedly.

"If you are such charming company, I cannot help it," he said. He kissed her hand one last time before letting it go.

"Right. Just peachy."

"Excuse me?"

Eliz bit her tongue for a moment. "It's nothing," she said. She was not yet sure what to make of his company. He was funny but a little too pushy for her taste. His pick-up lines were so cliché, but he could deliver them in a way that sometimes made her blush. He was a tough opponent.

"When will we meet again? Should we not schedule another appointment?" Miel asked.

Eliz thought for a moment. They should go to some more familiar places. They should attend a social event or two together.

"The Festival of Lights is in two days. We can go there..." Miel began to make a suggestion.

"No," Eliz interrupted him immediately. The Festival of Lights was a good opportunity, but Eliz only intended to go there if Fraril contacted her and informed her that he had taken care of the bombs.

"And you are not going either," she added sternly, even breaking out of her role and frowning.

"Can you tell me why?" Miel was puzzled. This was certainly not what he had expected. Most people eagerly anticipated the Festival of Lights. It featured a lot of sorts of food, performances, games, stunning decorations, entertainment, and, finally, fireworks. It was the perfect setting for a date.

Eliz quickly thought about what to say. "Surely you have heard about the group of fanatics planning an attack. It could be dangerous. It's better if you don't go there."

Miel understood her concern and was even a little pleased that she cared about his well-being. He stepped closer to her. "How nice. But it's no good worrying about 'what ifs,' Eliz."

Eliz sighed. It would be nice if people just did what she said and didn't have to explain everything. Ironically, Miel was theoretically the future Puppets Master. "Someone has to worry about that one way or another. Don't go there. And I'll let you know about our next meeting. I have too much on my plate right now. Goodbye. You did... well." Eliz said her last words to him and returned to the carriage waiting for her.

Miel watched her drive away, and the smile disappeared from his lips after a moment.

"Hmm. Don't worry, my fake girlfriend. I'll warm your heart again." After all, as a gentleman, he could not leave the lady with a wounded heart.

He smoothed his shirt before turning to call his carriage.


Eliz signaled the coachman, and they rode to the mercenary guild.

It was not exactly nearby, instead on the city outskirts to be closer to the city gates; after all, mercenaries do most of the work as monster hunters and escorts.

Eliz looked at the buildings outside.

Everything had a touch of Europe and Victorian style. Most buildings were stone or partially stone, and the rest were wood. But thanks to the mana, everything also looked a little modern.

The lamps were no longer oil lamps but had built-in crystals that shone much more than ordinary lamps. Of course, the crystals were well secured. Guess the capital could afford to use crystals for lighting.

The road was made of molten stones or something similar. It was much better than a carriage bumping over cobblestones, but it looked a little strange.

The sidewalks were neat and clean, with little green islands and a bench. And all kinds of stores, from clothing to artisans. Eliz's wallet itched a little at sight, but she limited herself only to look for now.

And people everywhere. Lots and lots of people. Other carriages were passing in the opposite direction. Some with coats of arms, and some unmarked that were civilian. Eliz imagined this place could be even more modernized if more crystals were available.

Thinking back to the casino and the screens she saw, this world was not far from television or telephones.

Eliz put a finger to her lips and tapped them thoughtfully. She was not an inventor and did not know how to make things.

But she wondered if it would not be enough to make a suggestion? To describe the possible functions and invest? But she was unsure she wanted to participate in a technological revolution.

She would first have to get the things she had planned in order, and then she would see. It's not like she had a shortage of people with talent.

As Eliz looks out the carriage window she notices something approaching from the opposite direction. "What?" She bulges her eyes.

Eliz stares as something approaches that she can only describe as a mobile aquarium. It looks half like a carriage, but it has no horse. In front sits a person who is probably something like a driver, but she can't see anything like a steering wheel or anything resembling it. The frontman waves his hands, which glow blue, and leaves a light trail.

Then there was a seat for two people in the back, which was occupied. The carriage itself is blue and black and looks very luxurious. Eliz notices tiny blue crystals embedded throughout the carriage as she gets closer.

"Hmm... did they invent something like the car?" murmured Eliz, raising her eyebrows. "Wow, that looks so fragile... more like a mobile coffin," she commented, preferring not to imagine what such an accident with this thing would look like.

She was not the only one staring. People on the street also stopped and looked at the mobile curiosity. As the two passed each other, Eliz got a good look at who was sitting inside, thanks to the glass walls. It was a young man and a young woman who looked alike. Both had the same blue-green hair and yellow eyes that differed only by a few shades. Her eyes caught the young woman's gaze.

"Damn!" she yelped when she realized who it was and quickly took cover. "Only I can counter those crazy twins!" Eliz waited a moment before peeking out to ensure they had passed safely and nothing had happened.

She straightened up and patted her chest as she sighed in relief. That was really close. They weren't male leads, but they were not ones she wanted to run into either.

Royal twins, Sigreed and Sifona. They were absolutely crazy! If only they would behave like a typical spoiled prince and princess, but they didn't. They took it to the extreme. For example, the princess once thought she had a bad haircut, so she had all her ladies-in-waiting shaved to the bone so they wouldn't have nicer hair than her. Or she had all of a lady's fingernails cut off because she had a nicer manicure. She was obsessed with her looks.

She could easily compare her to the crazy queen in Snow White.

And the prince was no better. He liked to stab people randomly. At least he didn't kill them, but it was not normal for him to just stab someone in the leg with a sword. They only made a fleeting appearance in the story and didn't do anything crazy except show arrogance, but the author wrote a lot of rumors about them.

The only fortunate thing was that they would not be the crown prince and princess. The king was polygamous, meaning he had one main wife, who was the queen, but he also had several consorts. This led to much intrigue in the palace, and the consorts fought for the king's favor, hoping to become queen.

These relationships naturally produced many offspring, but the king determined who would succeed him. It was a treacherous game. Those born into the royal family had to be prepared to be ruthless. It was no wonder that some members of such a twisted family were crazy. Sigreed and Sifona were typical examples.

In a novel of this kind, there are always characters like them. Only in novels do the nobles get away with such things. If someone did that in real life, it would end badly for them. Eliz recalled the case of the Bloody Baroness, who was convicted of serial murder. There were also rumors that she bathed in the blood of virgins, but who knows if that is true.

"Hell. I hope you both meet your fate in that fishbowl," Eliz muttered.

She leaned back comfortably in her seat and quickly calmed down. No, this was just a random coincidence, like accidentally catching a glimpse of a celebrity in a passing car. Definitely.

Eliz decided to put the matter out of her mind. Instead, she finally looked at her Status Window. She had not had a chance to do so until now, and even if others could not see it, she did not want to do it in front of others. How strange would it seem if she just stared into space?

Name: Elizabeth Von Roseblood

Role: Minor Villainess

Position: Visitor number 143

Cycle number: 1

Number of available revivals: 2

1x Replay Sequence

Number of failures: 3

Mana manipulation -2%

Mana sealed -5% -> -4%

Number of followers: 1 -> 3

Finance: 53321 gold

Property: 1

Roseblood Blue Rose Estate in the Eastern Province

Alliance: Frosthound Clan

Achievements: - Big Sister, Coordinator, Merciless Queen

Bonuses: - Potential, Shock

Eliz examined it closely. There was a new column for Alliances, which pleased her. She was also happy that the debuff on her mana count had been reduced. However, she would have preferred it if she had improved her mana control instead. However, she knew she shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. Still, one thing struck her as odd. Why had she yet to receive the Dog's Nose achievement? Should not the cursed item have been destroyed long ago? What did Bishop have to do with it?

She wished she could check the current quests, but for some reason, the system would not let her. "That's probably because the system manipulates the quests as it pleases," she complained quietly, closing the system window. She might always receive what she was promised, but who knows how many hidden tasks the System has in store?


As they approached the Mercenary Guild, the expensive lamps disappeared and were replaced by ordinary ones. Moreover, not only would there be fewer people on the streets, but the dress style would also be simpler. And some houses, except for the foundations, would no longer be made of stone.

Eliz was glad that some things didn't change anywhere. The center of a city is always the best preserved. The rest, not so much.

"Ah, homeless," she said, peering into one of the alleys as they rode and spotting two scruffy figures. Or at least she thought they were.

No world, even a fictional one, is perfect. Poverty is everywhere but well hidden from the eyes of the nobles. Eliz is not blind to these things, nor does she pretend they do not exist. Fraril eventually listed some of his practices: murder, kidnapping, slavery, and who knows what else. Of course, there must be poor people where there are rich people.

Eliz has a little sympathy for them, but she is not someone who goes around doing charity. Nor does she intend to do so. But she feels it is a shame. These people are untapped human resources. How many have hidden potential and can never show it because they are just unlucky? Eliz thinks of her ability to see people's potential. Maybe she could try to recruit some poor people who have good potential. There is a good chance she could earn their gratitude and loyalty just by doing that. But not now and not here.

For now, she filed these thoughts in the back of her mind with other ideas she might pursue in the future.

It is not long before they arrive at the mercenary guild. She looks out the window at the building.

The building was in the shape of an inverted V. The shape was created by constructing two connected nave buildings, but other square buildings were at each end. Eliz could see that these had been added later and wondered if perhaps this had once been some church or temple. The building had numerous doors with people constantly entering and exiting. They were definitely not nobility. Although some were well dressed, and the fabrics looked expensive, they were dressed for action rather than some ceremony.

Men, women, individuals from the Cat Race, wolves, raccoons, and she even thought she saw someone from the Lion Race. All sorts of races mingled here. Her protector opened the door and helped her out of the carriage. Naturally, she and the carriage with the family crest attracted attention, but Eliz paid no heed.

She looked at her protector, who had the expression of someone who had given up trying to understand anything.

Eliz said nothing and, reassuringly, patted his hand before making her way into the building.

The Guardian was right on her heels, as always. Eliz didn't hesitate much as she walked through one of the doors. She found herself in the midst of one of the nave buildings and looked around. The walls were adorned with bulletin boards displaying requests and notices. Every few feet, there were reception counters with two or three individuals standing to process orders. And there were people everywhere. Eliz felt like she was in a bustling marketplace.

She was particularly fascinated by the shouts she heard from some people.

"Group of four looking for a healer for the goblin raid!"

"We are seeking a Rank 2 mage specializing in the fire!"

"A carrier from the Raccoon Race! One gold per day!"

"Group of six need a defender for a Rank 2 Hummir hunt!"

Eliz felt as if she had stepped into a live MMORPG game. "This is insane..." She shook her head. How did this come about? Was it normal?

She sighed and approached the front desk to inquire about her appointment. Eliz found a place where it was less crowded and headed there.

"Good day... um, my lady. How may I assist you?" The young woman appeared taken aback when she saw Eliz dressed in an opulent gown that exuded a noblewoman's aura. Eliz stood out amidst the surroundings, drawing curious glances from those around her. She even thought she heard a few whistles but couldn't pinpoint their source.

"I am Elizabeth Von Roseblood. I have an appointment with the Boulders team," she stated, causing an abrupt silence around her.

Eliz looked around and noticed people openly staring at her. Ah, so the Boulders had quite a reputation.

"That... yes, my lady," the woman replied, looking as astonished as the others. "You are expected on the second floor in a private room. But, my lady..."

Eliz nodded her head. "Thank you," she replied, not waiting for the woman to finish. It could have been perceived as rude, but Eliz knew what she was trying to say. She did not need to hear if she was sure of her decision.

Eliz continued toward the stairs.


Raiana entered the room and closed the door behind her. She stood outside, leaning against the railing, watching for their client. She was impossible to miss—a young and beautiful woman wearing a dress that could sustain them in luxury for weeks, with an air of authority. Even in a sea of heads, she stood out.

"She's here," Raiana announced to her two companions waiting in the room.

Alarr leaned against the wall, arms crossed, one leg tapping impatiently on the floor. He scowled even more than usual.

"This is going to be a shitshow," he grumbled, clearly unhappy with the situation. But they needed the job, and he reluctantly resigned himself to catering to the whims of a high-maintenance lady. Such people were nothing but trouble. However, he would tolerate it for the team's sake, at least for a while.

"Take it easy, Alarr," Holm interjected, the only one sitting on a chair that strained under his weight but stubbornly held its ground. Despite appearances, Holm remained the calmest among them. After all, he was of the Bear Race. "We discussed this."

Alarr snorted and turned his gaze towards the window. "Just saying."

Raiana sighed and positioned herself behind Holm. As the door swung open, everyone's attention shifted to the entrance. Their client walked in.

"Greetings to you all. I am Elizabeth Von Roseblood. And you are Team Boulders, correct?" the woman greeted them with a smile, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

Neither Alarr nor Holm uttered a word, so Raiana promptly took the lead. "Yes, it's us, my lady," she replied, violet eyes fixed on her. Raiana winced and shifted her gaze uncomfortably to the side. She wasn't shy, but she knew what was coming.

"Oh. I read that you were part of a hybrid team, but I didn't know you were a demon crossed with... um... what? An elf? I've never seen a half-demon before."

Tension filled the air as Elizabeth made this remark. Alarr straightened up, letting his arms hang by his sides. His hands clenched into fists.

"If you have a problem, scram." He growled roughly.

Raiana shot him a warning glance. "Alarr, please. It's fine," she hissed at him.

The lady looked at Alarr, who tensed even more, waiting for the triad. But the young woman said something that almost made him fall over.

"Wow, you have such a sexy voice. Say something else."

I'll put the pictures in the Thread.

SalivaSpittingWormcreators' thoughts