
The Villainess Changes Her Fate #3

"I thought I told the guard to look after her and guide her outside..!" Eliza thinks while bitting lip,

"Ugh, useless guards!" Eliza thinks while she looks angry. "Um, what do you want?" Zen asks, "Oh sorry to disturb you, but I don't know my way out.." the girl says. "Um I guess-" just as Zen was about to finish his sentence, Eliza interrupted him and said, "I'll do it! I'll show her the way!"

"Oh ok, go on then." Zen says, "Follow me." Eliza said. The girl followed Eliza. "Um, well you had an amazing party.." the girl said. She was trying to start a conversation with Eliza, "Oh, thank you." Eliza says. "My name is Bethany, Princess of Gardenia." Bethany said over to Eliza, "Well my name is Eliza, I'm pretty sure you already knew though." Eliza says while trying to keep her calm.

•With Zen•

Zen was laying on his bed, looking up at his ceiling.

"Hm, the girl looked like that intruder Eliza talked about." Zen thinks, "Wait what if she is? Will Eliza be okay?" Zen thinks while looking cautious.

"Eh? I'm worrying about her? Very weird of me.." Zen thinks. "Whatever, I just hope she's okay.." Zen thinks to himself, he looked worried.

A few minutes later, Eliza came in the room.

"Oh your back?" Zen says, "Of course I am!" Eliza says. "Anyway, let's sleep together!" Eliza added.

Zen looked at Eliza with confusion, "What?" Eliza asks. "Well you said the last time we slept together that it was a one time thing.." Zen says, "Did I?" Eliza says, "Now your just playing dumb." Zen says while he made an annoyed face.

"Whatever!" Eliza said, "Hmph just stay on that side, unlike last time, you hogged the whole bed!" Zen said. Eliza did a little laugh.

But after that, they both went and changed into their pajamas and slept.

•In The Middle Of the Night•

Eliza was freezing. "Hmph he says that I hog the bed? He literally hogs the blanket!" Eliza thinks while he face expression was annoyed, "It's cold.." Eliza thinks. Then she stood up and went out of the room, "Hm? Is she gone now?" Zen thinks, "I took most of the blanket for no reason so this better work.." Zen thinks to himself. She walked back into the room with another blanket. "Man, she's back.." Zen thinks to himself, "Wkwkwk, you think you can make me leave?" Eliza thinks to herself.

But later after they both fell asleep.

}•{ To Be Continued }•{

(Lol jk)

•The Next Few Months•

"Me and Zen are more closer now, I can see that he cares for me more than before. Also luckily I didn't see that Bethany again, she really did listen to me."

Eliza thinks to herself.

•In Zen's Room•

Eliza was humming while patiently waiting for Zen.

After a few minutes Zen cake in the room.

"So did mother agree?" Eliza asks Zen, "Sadly yes, I guess I'm having a birthday party too.." Zen said.

"Hey you look so bored!" Eliza pointes our,

"So? I didn't even want it have a birthday party." Zen says. "Hmph.." Eliza murmured. Zen took a deep breath and said, "Oh come on Liz, you know me..!" Zen said, "I guess your right.." Eliza says.

"I'll go tell mother to cancel then." Eliza said over to Zen, "Okay." Zen said.

Eliza walked out of the room. After that Zen did a sigh. "Maybe I should make friends, having her as my only one is torture.." Zen thinks, "Well not really torture, but a bit annoying.." Zen thinks, then he laid on his bed.

"To be honest, Eliza changed for the past few months. She's more nicer to me." Zen says to himself. "Ah, I hope no one heard me.." Zen thinks while he sat back up.

"Well all I can do is wait.." Zen says to himself while yawning. Then he lied down on his bed and tried to sleep, "Hmph, smells like Liz." Zen thinks to himself. Then after 10 minutes he fell asleep to Eliza's scent.

}•{ To Be Continued }•{

(For real now)