
The Villainess Changes Her Fate #1

In the Castle of Cordelia, Princess Eliza was running down the hall towards the Throne Room. She was running from her brother, Zen, he was the current King of Cordelia. Princess Eliza was out of breath when she reached the Throne Room, Zen already caught up to her. She began chanting some words with her last breath, Prince Zen found out what she was doing but he was to late.

•10 Years Before The Execution Took Place•

Princess Eliza woke up, gasping for air.

Prince Zen woke up next to her, "What's wrong?" Prince Zen asked. She looks around the room while trying to breath, "Hah, I remember this.." she thinks in her head.

"Oh, sorry Zen, I had a nightmare. Did I scare you?"

Princess Eliza says, "No, I was just surprised." He says. "It worked." she whispers, "Did you say something?" Zen asks. "Ah, nothing!" she says awkwardly. Then they both got out of bed and got dressed properly for breakfast.

"Ah! My little Eliza! How are you in this fine morning?" Queen Malia asks, "I'm doing good mother, how about you?" Eliza says,

"I'm doing absolutely fabulous! I'm just so exited for your birthday ball tonight!" Queen Malia responds. "Anyway, who will you invite to your birthday ball?" Queen Malia asks, "Oh well I'm inviting Kendall, Leah, Zen, Dory and well basically everyone in the academy." Eliza says, "Zen?" Queen Malia asks. "Yes Zen, I couldn't forget my dear brother." Eliza responds, Zen looks surprised for a minute but went back to eating is breakfast.

"Ahahah, whatever you say sweetie.." Queen Malia says awkwardly.

"Luckily I still remembered what I said years ago, but this time I invited Zen. My plan is perfect!" Eliza thinks to herself, "Anyway Eliza go get ready!" Queen Malia says, "Okay mother! C'mon Zen, your getting ready with me!" Eliza says. "H-Hey! I'm not done eating!" Zen says.

•In The Dressing Room•

"Ooh, what should I wear? They're are so many choices!" Eliza says, "Eh, wear whatever. Also why did I have to come with you?" Zen says, "Oh C'mon Zen! You don't go to any ball unless mother forces you to!" Eliza says, "I-", "Plus I'm your dear sister!" Eliza rudely interrupted. "Ugh, whatever.." Zen says. "Hmph" Eliza murmured.

Eliza gasps, "Huh, what?" Zen said, "This one is absolutely perfect!" Eliza says.

"Oh that's looks decent, can I please go now?" Zen says, "Nope! Remember I need to pick an outfit for you too!" Eliza says. Zen did a deep breath, "Fine, do whatever.." Zen said.

•30 Minutes Later•

"This one is perfect for you!" Eliza shouts, "Yeah it looks good.." Zen says while yawning, "Oh, I now need to get the ballroom set up for my birthday! Come down to see it if you want to!" Eliza says.

"Okay, okay." Zen said, "Alright then, I'm on my way now." Eliza says.

•Later That Night, At The Ballroom•

"Psst, look, Zen is here.." Kendall whispers, "Well he also lives here.." Dory whispers back, "Yeah but he rarely goes to balls like this one.." Kendall whispers, "Maybe Queen Malia forced him.." Dory whispers, "But Queen Malia doesn't really pay attention to him and she wouldn't force him to go here, he also wasn't here last time.." Kendall whispers.

"Hmph, everyone look surprised to see me here.." Zen thinks to himself, Zen takes a deep breath, "I knew I shouldn't have came, but if I didn't Eliza would probably get all teary and whiney.." Zen thinks. "Speaking of Eliza, where is she?" Zen whispers to himself.

A butler announces "Here comes our birthday girl! Princess Eliza!"

Everyone turns to her and saw her in awe. She had a pastel blue dress with pastel pink as her side color, "Just like a dolls dress.." Zen thought.

Eliza was walking down the stairs with her white heels. Everyone but Zen payed attention to her.

She went over to the food table to grab herself a salad, a lot of people went towards her and asked her questions. Eliza tried answering all they're questions, then she saw someone, she looked over at her and her confused face like she was lost.

"Princess Bethany, I remember her, the girl my brother fell in love with... I shall not let them meet. I see through my brother he doesn't care that much about me yet." Eliza thinks to herself while biting her lip. "They met in Zen's room.." Eliza thinks, "Luckily Zen is- Ah, Zen! I need to distract him..!"

Eliza thinks to herself.

Eliza walks towards Zen, everyone was surprised.

"Zen, would you like to dance with your sister?" Eliza asks, "What is she doing?" Zen thinks.

"Um, okay..?" Zen responds, "Perfect! Musicians please play Cordelia Throne Volume 1!" Eliza says.

Everyone was in shock.

}•{ To Be Continued }•{