
Brother’s change

What should I do now?

I get the feeling that I'm doing more to solve the problem than the people who have their life in stake. I not only had to deal with the brainless squirrel and the womanizer, but I now also have to chase Fournier...

Sigh, the problem is that it'll be troublesome for me too if he escapes. Being a major influence in the business world, if Fournier talks about my appropriation of Marc's empire in a negative light, it will affect IP business severely.

I wish that I could talk to Father, but he is right now by His Majesty side, and if I go now people will start to speculate what national problem happened so that the Prime Minister had to leave during the Parade. This will cause an unnecessary and undesirable commotion.

I should go to the second best then.


"Nissama, I thought you said you would handle Julia?"

I met Brother who was talking with one of his subordinates. By his face, he probably received the news about Fournier escape.

"Cecile you are here. Sorry, but this is not a good time. Ah, and you can be relaxed, Julia is under the supervision of one of the Royal Knights. She probably already met Albert and they should getting ready to parade"

She indeed met Crown Prince, but this was all due to me and you still have the gall to dismiss me?

Ignoring my Brother, I sat down in front of him. Right now we are in one of the restaurants that has terrace, making it possible to Brother monitor the situation.

"Did the news that you just received are perhaps about Fournier?"

Brother stopped whatever he was doing and looked at me with surprise written all over his face.

"How do you know? Your guys caught him? No... Julia?"

"Plim, plim, plim! You got the right answer! As a reward for it you will receive the duty of helping me catch Fournier"

Nissama's face changed so many times that I wonder how it didn't get cramps. First from curiosity it turned to realization and then anger. Who would have thought that Julia's yes-man in the game would ever do this face for her.

'It seems that the tables have turned, isn't that right Julia?'

After a heavy sigh and a resigned expression, Brother looked like he would resign at any time.

"What exactly happened?"

"Different from what Will and my dear Onissama promised, Julia still met Mayne. She confronted him, and apparently she revealed too much information. He told his Father and deceived Julia into think that he would help us and made her brought him to me"

"To you?"

"Yeah. Some disgusting bulls*it about coming to take his flower"


The pen in Brother's hand split in half. I could see the vein jumping in his handsome forehead.

Gnashing his teeth he asked me.

"Where is that scum?"

"My guys locked him. Don't worry, he can't go anywhere for now"

"Good. What about Julia?"

Ho. Even in situations like this where we don't know with can capture our foe or not, Brother still thought in Julia's safety.

I know I should've expect that, but I thought that he would change, even if it's just a little after going to the border. Alas, it was only my wishful thinking.

"She was delivered to Prince Albert"

"*sigh* you did well Cecile. Now that she is with him, that stupid girl can't hinder our plan anymore"


"What did you say?"

"She can't hinder us anymore"

"Not that. What did you call her of?"

"Sorry I know I shouldn't say something like that about our future Queen"

I immediately looked to the sun. Nope, it seems it's normal.

"...what are you doing?"

"Checking if the sun rise from the right side. But it's all good, apocalypse isn't coming"

"I'm unsure what type of nonsense is apocalypse or why did you thought that the sun would rise from the other side, but I do know that we should think of countermeasures to the Duke's escape instead of be daydreaming here"

Of course the wrong sun rise and the apocalypse would happen because of your remark about Julia, but I'll surely be reprimanded if I tell him that.

"Because I thought that this might happen, I order my men to go to all the exists they knew of and guard. It's unfortunate that the Duke now knows of my collaboration to the Crown and will probably use an exit that's unknown to any of us"

"You are right, I already order the Royal Knights to look for him in the roads that leads to any of the other 3 countries, but I'm not confident in catching him"

"Seriously, Julia's amazing in her own right. We should check Mayne, I get this feeling that the Duke wouldn't let him alone here without any plan"

I couldn't predict on his right my words were. Being a crow's mouth must be a gift.