
The Villainess's Revenge

“Give me a second chance, give me one more chance to exact my revenge and I promise to never love again.” _ She was on her deathbed. Everything had burnt to ashes. Flames engulfed her castle, all her precious belongings were now ashes. Her parents were dead. She swore that she’d do anything to take revenge on him. The crown prince she once loved but now despised. Melissa had been blinded by love, she’d swore never to fall in love again. But it seemed her mind was easily changed by three certain men. How’ll she exact revenge? Did they manage to get Melissa to break her oath? And who exactly were ‘they’? Read the Villainess’s Revenge to find out more!

Nyxielle · History
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344 Chs

Chapter 22

Lady Melissa woke up to the sound of the birds chirping, and she had the best sleep she ever had in years!

She felt incredibly refreshed. It was as if she was a completely different person.

Nobody could blame her, though. She had slept for 11 hours straight! She looked like a sleeping beauty, sleeping peacefully like a princess.

Though she didn't need a prince charming to wake her up from her slumber, she had herself, and that was enough.

Her maid had knocked on Lady Melissa's door before entering.

"Lady Melissa, wake up!"

The maid shouted.

But to the maid's complete surprise, Lady Melissa was awake and ready.

This was quite the rare occurrence as Lady Melissa usually needed to be awakened by her maid; after all, she had often slept late.

"Good morning to you too, Sophia."

Lady Melissa greeted her maid, Sophia.

"Good morning Lady Melissa; how was your night? Did you sleep well?"

The maid, Sophia, questioned Lady Melissa, hoping that Lady Melissa did have a good night's rest.

After all, Lady Melissa had often overworked herself, and she was highly competitive.

"Yes, I slept extremely well. I feel very energetic now! I could run multiple laps in the whole Shayla estate right now!"

The maid laughed at Lady Melissa's antics; times like these made Lady Melissa look like she had the spirit of a little girl.

A few hours had passed by the day, yet Lady Melissa was still highly energetic, impressing all her lesson teachers.

They could also notice there was something different in Lady Melissa through her attitude and how she had acted with them.

It was different than how she usually would.

Usually, she would give cheeky replies, but this time instead of providing cheeky responses to her teachers, she tried her best in all her lessons be it etiquette or swordsmanship or even mathematics; she tried her best in them.

And without her realizing, the time flew quickly, all because of her attitude.

Too bad she couldn't act like that every day; she just HAD to be an alcoholic.

Lady Melissa had more free time now, as her lessons had progressed more quickly because of her cheerful attitude.

She had almost forgotten about what she was supposed to do today!

"Sophia, can you get me all the invitations I have received from the noblewomen that want to invite me to the tea parties?"

Lady Melissa asked Sophia.

"Yes, Lady Melissa! I will make sure to take them for you. Though why do you need it? You've never attended any tea party invitations in the past before."

Sophia questioned Lady Melissa.

"That was because I hadn't had my debut. I couldn't go around showing my face to anyone who wanted to invite me to their tea party. However, now that I've had my debut, I could go to tea parties."

Lady Melissa answered her maid, Sophia.

Sophia seemed to understand what Lady Melissa meant as her face from shocked turned to understanding in a few seconds.

After a few minutes had passed, Lady Melissa's maid, Sophia, had returned. Sophia was carrying a stack of invitation letters that were all inviting Lady Melissa to a tea party.

Lady Melissa took the invitations and glanced at them before putting them on her desk and shuffling each one of them.

The maid was confused about why Lady Melissa had done so.

"Lady Melissa, may I know what you are shuffling these letters for?"

Sophia questioned Lady Melissa.

"I am shuffling the letters so later you choose from one of them at random, and the one you choose will be the party I go to and the invitation I accept."

Lady Melissa replied to her maid, Sophia.

'No pressure.'

Sophia thought to herself. Her decision would mean a . Whicheverver letter she chose would be the tea party her mistress Lady Melissa would go to.

Which could go in two directions, good and bad, the decision was entirely up to Sophia.

Sophia was, of course, honored that out of all of Lady Melissa's maids, Lady Melissa had chosen her instead of any other maid. But at the same time, Sophia was frightened she might screw this up by accidentally choosing a party hosted by one of the mean noblewomen. After all, there had been many noblewomen already jealous at the rumors spreading about Lady Melissa, saying how beautiful and ethereal she had looked during her debut party.

After a few more minutes of shuffling, Lady Melissa decided it was enough.

"Sophia, I want you to choose one of the letters from here."

Lady Melissa spread out the letters her maid Sophia had given to her earlier; Lady Melissa had spread all of the invitation letters across her desk.

Lady Melissa's maid, Sophia, had quite the tough time which letter to choose.

All of them looked similar after all the letters were on their backsides, so Sophia couldn't even spot a single difference between them.

After a few more minutes of Sophia pondering over which letter to choose, she decided to close her eyes and deal with it. Besides, it couldn't be that bad, right?

Sophia slowly closed her eyes and sighed; she had to believe in herself; she could do this!

While Lady Melissa, on the other hand, was watching Sophia with curious eyes, wanting to know which letter Sophia would choose.

Lady Melissa had thought that Sophia was being a little overdramatic with the whole situation, but who was she to talk?

Lady Melissa was also quite the drama queen sometimes, so she couldn't say anything about Sophia.

After much anticipation, Sophia's shaky hands went into the left side of the stack of letters Lady Melissa had spread all over the desk.

Sophia shuffled a bit in the stack of letters before finally choosing one of them.

Sophia opened her eyes.

"I-I choose this letter, Lady Melissa!"

Sophia exclaimed to her mistress Lady Melissa.

"Okay, give it to me, and I'll open it up."

Lady Melissa spoke to Sophia.

Sophia handed over the letter she had chosen to Lady Melissa.

Lady Melissa took the knife cutter she had on her desk and opened up the invitation.

"Greetings, Lady Melissa!

I am Lady Celine Candice Mendora from the Mendora estate.

I would like to invite you to my estate, the Mendora estate, for a tea party if possible.^^

I would be delighted if you could come, however, if you could not that would be fine as well :D

I hope you can attend my tea party!

-Much Love

Lady Celine Candice Mendora from the Mendora estate."

That was what the letter Lady Melissa's maid, Sophia, had chosen.

Now Lady Melissa wasn't an expert or anything, but she was confused as to why the handwriting was so messy; after all, didn't the Mendora estate have butlers or maids to write letters for them?

Lady Melissa's maid, Sophia, saw Lady Melissa's puzzled face before figuring out what she was so puzzled about.

"Ah, if you are wondering about the handwriting, then I think it was Lady Celine Candice Mendora who wrote it herself! She must've wanted to write a letter all on her own."

"But doesn't the Mendora estate have butlers and maids to write letters out for them? Why did Lady Celine Candice Mendora have to write one personally? It would just be a waste of her time and effort."

"Lady Melissa, I believe that Lady Celine Candice Mendora had written out such a letter for you because she wanted to; she wanted to show how much she looked up to you, thus writing the letter all by herself. After all, Lady Celine Candice Mendora is still young. She's only 14 years old."

"That's also probably why the handwriting was so messy."

Sophia answered all of Lady Melissa's questions that she had in her head.

After a few more seconds, Lady Melissa had finally understood what Sophia was implying.

"OHHH, I get it now; thanks for explaining to me, Sophia. Does this mean that Lady Celine Candice Mendora looks up to me? Though I don't think I've ever met her before, and I don't think she was invited to my debut either."

Lady Melissa was confused as to why Lady Celine Candice Mendosa had looked up to her when Lady Melissa herself had never even met Lady Celine Candice Mendora before.

"You are welcome, Lady Melissa; if I recall correctly, you and Lady Celine Candice Mendora did meet up once before. It was during a family gathering, she had tried talking to you, but I think you didn't get the hint.

However, after a few more tries, Lady Celine Candice Mendora had given up trying to talk to you. Perhaps she's giving another shot at this? Now that you and her have both grown up."

"Ah, is that so? I must've forgotten about the event then."

Lady Melissa couldn't seem to recall ever meeting Lady Celine Candice Mendora, but she decided to brush it off completely.

"I'll write a reply to her invitation letter then regarding the tea party.

Please bring me some paper and ink, Sophia."

Lady Melissa asked her maid, Sophia, to bring some paper and ink, to which Sophia complied.