
Chapter 3

"What do you mean, Marie...?" I feigned ignorance and asked.

"Well miss seems to know so much about dresses, but miss has never picked out her own dress before." She pondered curiously.

"Oh... Well I just read some books." I lied, of course.

"Oh! That makes sense!" Marie thought nothing more of it and threw the suspicion out of her mind.

I was relieved but it seems Marie is a bit too innocent for her own good. I merely said one sentence and she believed me without further questioning. I could just teach her to be more wary in the future. Though silly as she can be, she seems reliable and undoubtedly loyal. It wouldn't hurt to keep her my my side

Soon the shop lady came back with many options of dresses and gowns to choose from. I picked three of the ones I liked best and paid for them before leaving the shop.

In the carriage, I stared out the window to enjoy the pleasant view around whilst Marie was sat directly in front of me. With her eyes shining brightly with joy, she asked me,

"Miss, aren't you excited?"

"Hmm? What do you mean?" I turned my head to her and asked calmly.

"Well we're on our way back home! Miss will be able to reunite with miss's family!" She seemed to be extremely happy for me but I felt as though she was reminiscing of something. Something like a tragic memory perhaps.

"Oh. Yes, I'm looking forward to it...!" I replied with a joyous smile, but I felt no such excitement

"Miss? Is everything alright?" Though I wore a cheerful smile, it did not hide my not so spirited tone that I forgot to disguise.

"Oh yes, of course. Merely tired is all..." I coughed.

"Oh! Miss should rest more! Miss has just gotten better!" My heart couldn't help but feel tickled Marie's pure concern and care. Though I appreciated her presence very much, I couldn't help but miss Emma. I used to treat Emma a bit poorly, but she was still very loyal to me and continued to stay by my side without harboring any intentions of leaving me. I wish I could see her again.

It took us a few days to arrive at the Skyler estate, but we're finally here. The carriage stopped in front of the Skyler mansion. Outside waiting to greet me are the servants, and my new family.

"Welcome back youngest miss, lady Angelina!"

The servants respectfully greeted me as I stepped out of the carriage. Shortly after I saw a familiar figure run towards me with her arms open.

"Sister! Sister! Welcome back!"

Her long silky and beautiful blonde hair flowing in the wind, her sparkling blue eyes filled with innocence and sweetness, it was non other Evelina.

She quickly ran to me and gave me a big hug, I was kinda uncomfortable but I had to act like I was also looking forward to meeting her, even though at the moment the hatred in my heart were beating out of my chest.

"I missed you so much sister! It's been years since we met!" She whispered sweet words in my ears. Her tone was very pleasant but I had strong urge to grab her by the neck and suffocate her till her face turns pale with fright.

"...I missed you too sister" But I had no choice but to swallow my resentment and hug her back.


The person running to me with tears of joy was wearing a very fancy dress, decorated with jewels. So she must be the Duchess.

I don't know much about the Duchess's character, but judging by Duchess should be the most decent person in Angelina's memory, the this family. Both Evelina and the Duchess hugged me but even though I have received more of Angelina's memories as more time passed, they were more like information, I don't feel any connection with this family. Shortly after, me and Marie were escorted by the head maid of the mansion to Angelina's bedroom.

"Please call me if there is anything you need my lady." The head maid acts polite to me but I can feel a sense of hostility coming from her. What did the previous Angelina do to her? According to her memory, Angelina and the head maid barely even interacted. Well, whatever the reason was, I don't really mind. If the head maid doesn't do anything, I'll leave her be. Angelina's room is quite nice, the bedroom is big and elegant, and it's also quite clean. Marie headed to the the windows and opened the curtains.

"Ah! That's much better! Wow, those servants did a pretty good job cleaning the room while we were gone miss" Marie exclaimed.

Yeah I was quite surprised, this room has been empty for years, yet it's quite clean....

"Mhm..hey Marie."

"Yes miss?"

"You could go look around the mansion and maybe rest, we've been traveling for days."

"But I can't leave miss alone!"

"Im not gonna die Marie.."

"But-well...okay... but! Miss must be careful and..if miss needs anything just look for me!"

Marie left the room with a big smile. It seems she missed the mansion. She always treats me as a delicate snowflake that could shatter at anytime, she cares so much about Angelina, I'm felt guilty that I wasn't Angelina.

What was that power called again..? Should I try it out...? But I don't even know how to use it. 'After a couple of minutes laying down on the soft bed thinking about what that mysterious voice said, I decided to come out my room to look around the mansion. Perhaps I could refresh my mind by doing so. If only that skill came with an instruction manual... if it was supposed to be a blessing, then my must it be so difficult as well?

This body's original bearer didn't hold much memories in this mansion, and if she did, then those memories must've faded after a long period of time being separated from her true home. Due to this, the memories. I had attained about the estate was quite vague, it would useful to look around and get a grasp of the layout.

After wandering the halls, Angelina came upon the garden. The mansion's garden was beautiful and extravagant looking, It reminded her of the garden in the Bailey household. The garden was filled with blooming flowers, the soft breeze blew through Angelina's silver hair, and most of the servants couldn't help but admire her beauty and elegance. In the past, though Angelina was extremely beautiful, she always had a pale and sickly look. But now that Angelina had recovered, the mask covering her natural beauty was torn. They can. all now see that she was born with a rare beauty and had a graceful, elegant, and mysterious aura around her.

Spending time in the garden made her heart feel calm. Things haven't exactly been in her favor, It all happened so quickly, to think all would change in what felt like a blink of an eye. Therefore this peaceful moment in the garden, breathing in fresh air and feeling as the soft wind blew through her hair, it eased her heart.

I wish all the days can be this peaceful, but I know that is impossible. Angelina Skyler has yet to enter the real world of nobility, the begining period is always one of the most difficult 'She holds a deep grudge against Evelina, and Chase. She has a score to settle with them. Once her plan of vengeance has begun, they'll be yearning for death and detest every second of living. Being burned alive is not painless so how could she let them get away?

Thinking of the people she hated suffer brought an evil smirk upon Angelina's face. With a scheming grin on her angelic face, it brought a sinister appearence.