
Chapter 1

The sky was filled with dark clouds and thunder roared in the distance. A black-haired beauty by the name of Lilith, the adopted daughter of Marquess Bailey, was kneeling in the throne room and was surrounded by nobles along with the Emperor and Empress.

Lilith previously raised in the Bailey household with luxurious items and taught by the best tutors, was now wearing rags with a disheveled messy look, which was humiliating for her who used to be adored with dazzling jewels.

"What do you have to say about what you did, lady Lilith...?" The emperor said with a cold expression on his aging face. One couldn't tell whether if he was sorry for the victim, or sorry for the accused...

Lilith was confused about what was going on. She suddenly was arrested, beaten, and brought to the palace, where she faced trial. During the trial, Lilith didn't know what to say, she had no idea what's going or what words to use to defend herself, but she saw Chase, her former fiance, claiming Lilith had committed all kinds of crimes and Evelina, her greatest rival, wearing a scared, pitiful, and pale face.

Lilith pleaded her innocence but no one believed her, not even her family. In the end, Lilith was charged with attempted murder and many more horrible crimes, and she was sentenced to burning.

"No! Your majesty please! I swear I'm innocent! I never did those things!" Lilith was dragged out of the throne room by the guards. "You still dare lie! Stop lying! Your only making yourself look worse!" Chase's words stabbed Lilith in the heart as he used to be her fiancee and childhood friend.

"How humiliating..."

"Pfft...look at the almighty Lady Lilith Bailey...or should i say miss Lilith!

"How could she do such a thing to lady Evelina!"

"What a witch!"

As Lilith was dragged out of the room, she could hear the nobles whispering to each other. 'No. what did I even do...!?'

Lilith was taken to the underground prison where she was tortured and beaten by the guards again. Three hours later the Bailey household came to visit Lilith. The Marquess, Lilith's adoptive father, the Marchioness, Lilith's adoptive mother, and Christopher Bailey, Lilith's adoptive brother, came to visit Lilith as the next day Lilith will be facing her death sentence.

"Father, mother, brother! I swear I'm innocent! Please let me out! didn't try to kill Evelina!" She pleaded her innocence once again, but her family still didn't believe her.

"Stop humiliating yourself Lilith! Your such a disgrace to the Balley household!"

"I regret adopting you Lilith! You have humiliated the Bailey household!"

"Mother, father... you don't believe me!?"

After Lilith said that, Marchioness Bailey grabbed her hair through the prison bars and yelled, "Shut up you unruly girl! You don't deserve to call yourself apart of the Bailey household! You are no longer our daughter!"

Those words were like daggers to Lilith's heart, but it was kinda true as Lilith was stripped of her title as the adopted daughter of Marquess Bailey. Soon after the many hurtful words, they finally left. Lilith crawled to the back corner of the cell as she was badly injured from getting beaten and torture by the guards.

In the corner of her cell, Lilith curved up into a bail and cried. Her emerald green eyes filled with tears and sorrow. She can't believe she'll be facing death soon.

"This isn't fair! No one believes mel Not even my family! No, their not my family anymore. They were never my family..!"

The next day, two guards escorted her to the spot she will be burned. She was tied to a wooden poll, that was surrounded by sticks and wheat.

"Burn the witch!"

"She will curse the empire!"

"Witchi How could you do such a thing to lady Evelinal"

Many people, including commoners and some nobles were all cursing Lilith. However she couldn't hear what they said, all she could hear was the sounds of muffling shouts and her loud beating heartbeat. Then she spotted a familiar pair among the crowd, it was Chase and Evelina. Chase's face was cold and expressionless. But she couldn't see Evelina's face, her head was lowered, and her shoulders were shaking.

"Lilith Esther Bailey has been charged with attempted murder and many more unspeakable crimes, she has been found guilty and is sentenced to death by burning!"

Unfortunately Lilith didn't have a chance to look again as the flame was lit shortly after the Emperor's aide stopped talking.

"Hehehe..." Lilith giggled in a low voice, while tears form on her eyes, and sweat covers her face. Life is very cruel indeed.

"Evelina Skyler, even if I die, life won't let you be in peace! One day you will feel the pain and sorrow I feel at this moment! I swear by it!" Lilith's words echoed through the crowd and it soon reached Evelina's ears.

"Wwhat" Evelina raised her head and stared at Lilith with dumbfoundedness

With pain and regret, Lilith took her last breath and she didn't say anything more. She wanted those words to be her last. After being buried with the bright blazes of flames and smell of burning flesh, she died.

"You are right, life is unfair and cruel. It would be a pity if I let you die like this. I don't think it's your time yet. I will bless you with two blessings. One would reincarnate you and the other will allow you to possess someone's body. Use them wisely, I hope you will be able to get your justice. Good luck. A woman's gentle voice muttered in her ears

Lilith couldn't open her eyes, but she felt calm, relaxed, and cold. The complete opposite of what she felt during her last moments alive. Then suddenly the cold and calming air disappeared and instead became replaced with warmth.

"H-huh?" I finally had the energy to open my eyes and when I did, I found myself laying on a large soft bed. 'Didn't I die? Did I somehow survive?No. That's impossible, I definitely died...

A door's creak interrupted my thoughts and the sound of a glass shattering ringed in my ears. I quickly got up to see what had happened. Then I saw a maid with a stunned face and teary eyes in front of the door.

"O-oh my lord! Miss....!?" The maid stared at me with shock and excitement.

"Yes?" I responded.

"This is really happening!" The maid suddenly dropped to her knees and started crying. I rose to my feet and approached her. As I got close, she started crying more

"This...this is a miracle!" She covered her mouth as tears streamed down her flushed cheeks

"W-what?" I uttered in a weak and hoarse voice.

" It must be a miracle! Miss hasn't woken up for three months and I almost lost hope..." She sobbed.

"What are you talking about!?" I began to lose patience and questioned with uncertainty in my voice.

Where even am I!? And...this isn't my hair!" I thought to myself after looking down at my chest that had long silver hair draped over it. I saw that there was a mirror in the corner of the room so I quickly ran to it and this isn't me...!