
The Villain Who Fell In Love

WARNING some chapters may trigger the reader. Emelia Beaumont first princess of the Redodel Empire and known as the Empire's flower. But soon her name was tarnished as the Empire fell onto the hands of the Vivian Empire. The two empires have been fighting for six years however victory reigned on the Vivan Empire, giving them access and power against the Redodel Empire. "I am not someone who would be a use to you," The platinum blonde girl coldly said to the black-haired guy who didn't seem to be fizzled by her words. Instead, it pinned his interest in her. "Are you sure? Because sooner or later you'll fall in love with me," The black-haired man answered with a sarcastic smile. "Fall in love? My frozen heart won't melt for you," She sneered as the two guards that pushed her down to the floor forced her to lower her head. "Then let's play a game, shall we? If you lose you are mine." Emelia laughed pathetically then answered, "No matter what challenge you bring to me I will overcome it." The black-haired man is named, Elliot Lucius Renaud. The current and youngest emperor of the Vivan Empire. Who fell in love with the princess of the Redodel Empire. The platinum blonde girl is named, Emelia Louis Beaumont the princess of the fallen empire. Who eventually fell in love with the Vivan Empire's emperor, Elliot. Is it fate or coincidence that brought them together? ======================================== Cover Art commissioned from: @laylee_hiu Join my server: https://discord.gg/SSvspaDbB2 NOTE: EDITING WILL COME ONCE THE BOOK IS COMPLETED NO STEALING OF THE ART. IT BELONGS TO ME

anlaS0 · History
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123 Chs

Rude Person

"Your Imper-"

"We're both alone. Don't need to be so formal, Air," Elliot said as he was signing a document. Air closed his eyes for a while. As he spoke, he opened his eyes back, asking, "What do you plan to do with the princess?"

Elliot's hand stopped moving, but his eyes were still on the document. A smirk formed on his mouth. He then answered, "Who knows?" Every single move Emelia does interest him. Earlier during supper, it was his first time seeing Lady Malith defeated against another woman. She deserved it, deserved to be ashamed in public.

"What do we do if Lady Malith complains about the princess?" Air asked as he got the document from Elliot. "Let her be," Said Elliot making Air want to complain out loud, but he couldn't. Air didn't ask any further because the answers wouldn't be out either way.

The only thing that will trouble Air is the complaints coming from Lady Malith. He could imagine his ears ripped off by the continuous complaints. He could also feel his week will be much tiring than usual.

Air sighed out loud as he held the documents close to his chest. "What, you're tired already?" Elliot asked, making fun of him as he knew what Air was thinking. "You're extending my leave," Said Air, and before leaving Elliot's office, he asked, "Are you sure with this proposal?"

"Air, are you doubting me?' Elliot asked, and when their eyes met, Air shifted his when he felt a threatening aura from him. "No, I'm not just worried," Air answered, holding the documents tighter but not cramping them.

"Don't worry about me," Elliot said, but Air didn't listen to him. How could he not be worried about him? Every day, his life is in danger. In or out of the palace, wherever he goes, there will always be someone chasing after him. "That's impossible," Air muttered as he left the room.

Emelia sneezed out loud and wondered if someone was talking about her. She shivered as she felt the cold wind passing through her skin. It was a tiring day, but today was one of those few days where she couldn't fall asleep.

The glass door rattled as the cold wind blew. She looked in the glass door's direction, debating whether to open it or not. In the end, she pushed herself to open the glass door and stay on the balcony.

"What a beautiful sight," Emelia said out loud as she inhaled. From her balcony, she could see the whole town. The contrast from dark to light was satisfying to see. She wished to see it forever but then she might not see it again.

Emelia hears a knock on the door and wondered who it was at this time of the night. She closed the glass door, wore a coat over her nightdress, and then opened the door. When she opened the door, she sees Elliot standing with a smile on his face.

"It seems like the princess can't seem to fall asleep," He said, leaning his head on the side of the door. Emelia stayed quiet and did not answer him. Instead, she closes the door, but Elliot's foot prevented the door from closing. "Isn't this a bit rude?" He asked as he pushed the door open and entered her room.

"Aren't you the one who's rude?" Emelia asked as Elliot shuts her room and sat on her bed. He looked at Emelia, patting the bed, telling her to sit. But then Emelia averted ger eyes away, pretending not to see it, and continued to stand. "Follow my orders," Elliot stared at Emelia, staring at her as if he was pleading with her to listen to him just this one time.

But that doesn't mean she would give in to his pleading eyes. Emelia shifted her eyes, then asked, "Why do I need to follow your orders?" Elliot sighed heavily, then stood up, grabbing her wrist and pushed her down on the bed. "Just listen," He whispered into her ear. Emelia tried pushing Elliot away but then when she heard a soft snore from him, and she stopped.

Emelia was lying in the most uncomfortable position. An arm of Elliot was wrapped around her waist, and his head was resting by her neck. She could feel his breath, making her blush slightly. She tried pushing him away, but then his arms were too strong to be released. This man is too carefree. How can he fall asleep in the arms of his enemy?

Emelia forced herself to stay awake, but his warmth was spreading all over her, and at the end, she surrendered, allowing the darkness to take over her.

Sorry for the short chapter. I'll be writing a longer one in the next. See you!

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