
The Villain Who Dreamed

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be born into the most powerful clan and be the son of the strongest king in this era? Well, Marcus didn't have to imagine. He was born into a family where strength meant everything, but he had none. Instead of the life full of roses he was told he would have, he was told he had no magic in front of his father. He still had hope that he could be talented with a sword like his father, but to his dismay, the man who was trying to discover his talent laughed and said, "You have no talent with the sword either, but you do have talent in cultivation. In making pills..." Silence filled the room. Marcus knew he had talent in making pills to make others stronger, but his family already had people who did that, so he was just unneeded. Despite this, he just needed someone to love him, so he went on a journey to find a lover. Finally, he found someone who loved him and he loved her back, and they even started a family. By this point, Marcus was 25 years old, and his siblings had made names for themselves. Although he was unlucky, he was born into a great family and knew that others had less, so he couldn't complain. He decided to help the sick villagers in the village, but to his surprise, someone else was already helping them. It was one of the cadets to become king, known as the hero, who was most likely to succeed. Marcus, who wasn't even worthy to be in the line of succession, couldn't do much but walk away. He returned to his hut and noticed that his wife was gone. She had probably gone to gather herbs to help him make pills, so he went to the castle to meet his father, the king. On his way, he heard moaning and saw that his wife and sister were having sex. He screamed at the sight, but he couldn't do anything. His sister was many times stronger than him, even though she was younger. Feeling angry and helpless, he walked to the largest room in the castle where everyone in his family was waiting for him, except for his sister. To make matters worse, he was told that his own 5-year-old child wasn't even his. He felt like he had been slapped in the face. His son was sitting on his older brother, the only one who had been kind to him and who he loved. They said that his. At the age of five, your own son hit you and said that you were unworthy of him. However, as he struck you again The shock and pain of the moment caused you to snap, and you broke down, cursing the world. You felt a deep sense of betrayal and anger towards your family, who had never appreciated your talents and strengths. This event made you realize that you needed to take matters into your own hands and seek revenge against those who had wronged you. hey this is my first series

ogre_5582 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

This Is My Story My Story My Dream

She fell to her knees and started to approach Marcus, but he quickly pulled up his pants, dismissing it as a joke. "Loosen up a little," he said with a sinister grin. Marcus began to laugh, a dark and evil laughter that echoed through the cave, as if he had just heard the best joke in the world. The pink-haired girl stood frozen in fear as Marcus, dressed in an elegant tuxedo and a hauntingly beautiful mask, started to walk out of the cave. He commanded the girl to follow, and she complied with little resistance.

Marcus continued to laugh, his laughter sending chills down the girl's spine. Her expression remained plain, broken, and horrified, like that of a shattered doll. She obediently followed Marcus, unable to break free from his grip on her.

With his hair neatly tied back in a ponytail, Marcus appeared more refined than his usual disheveled white hair would suggest. He decided to sit down and indulge in his favorite book, Berserk, savoring every page. Meanwhile, the girl was trapped in a state of paralyzing fear, unable to do anything. Days passed, three to four of them, as Marcus went about his activities. He even took the time to cook a steak, seasoning it with the finest ingredients, relishing in the power he held over the girl's life.

As the days went by, the girl's fear and desperation grew. Marcus reveled in her torment, relishing every moment of her anguish. He would occasionally glance at her, his red eyes piercing into her soul, a sadistic smile etched on his face.

In the darkness of the cave, the girl's spirit dwindled. She felt trapped, like a helpless prey caught in the clutches of a predator. Marcus seemed to derive pleasure from her suffering, his cruelty intensifying with each passing day.

The girl's hope began to fade, replaced by a deep sense of resignation. She knew she had to find a way to escape this nightmarish ordeal, but Marcus's watchful gaze and his iron grip on her life made it seem impossible.

She racked her brain for any possible means of escape, but the cave seemed like an impenetrable fortress. Marcus was always one step ahead, anticipating her every move. He had meticulously planned every detail, leaving no room for her to find a loophole.

The girl's spirit, once ignited with defiance, now flickered weakly. The weight of her captivity crushed her, suffocating any remnants of hope. She felt like a mere pawn in Marcus's twisted game, trapped in his sadistic web.

Every day brought new horrors, new methods of torment designed to break her will. Marcus reveled in her despair, his laughter echoing through the cavern, haunting her every waking moment. She could no longer distinguish between reality and nightmare, as Marcus blurred the lines with his mind games.

Every attempt to escape was met with severe consequences, reinforcing the futility of resistance. Marcus's insidious manipulation and psychological torment left her paralyzed with fear, stripping away any remnants of her former strength and resolve.

Locked in a cycle of abuse, the girl's spirit withered, her dreams of freedom fading away. The idea of defying Marcus seemed unfathomable, the risks too great to bear. The scars he etched upon her body and soul served as a constant reminder of his control, a stark testament to her powerlessness.

As Marcus continued to exert his dominance, the girl became a shell of her former self. Her thoughts, once filled with dreams and aspirations, were now consumed by survival and enduring the next cruel twist in her captor's game.

In this dark and bleak narrative, the girl's fate seemed sealed, forever trapped in Marcus's clutches, her existence reduced to nothing more than a victim in his cruel tale.

A few weeks passed, and according to Marcus, the girl's training was complete. She had been broken and beaten into submission, her defiance crushed under the weight of his relentless abuse.

"Come," Marcus commanded, his voice dripping with sadistic satisfaction.

Emerging from the shadows was a shattered and terrified woman, bearing the visible marks of her torment. Scars crisscrossed her legs and back, a testament to the pain she had endured. While her arms and face remained relatively unscathed, the trauma she carried within was etched deep in her eyes.

Marcus, feeling a sense of triumph, decided it was time to thin the ranks of their surroundings. He was surprised by the sheer size of the arena, allowing such acts of murder and brutality to take place.

In this twisted world created by Marcus, the girl's spirit had been crushed, and her role was reduced to a pawn in his sadistic game. She had become a shadow of her former self, stripped of her agency and left at the mercy of a merciless predator. The darkness of her reality was suffocating, with no hope of escape or salvation in sight.

Marcus ruthlessly eliminated the other contestants one by one. He employed various cunning tactics and unleashed his full dark power upon them. Swift and deadly, he struck with precision, leaving no room for escape. The echoes of their screams and pleas for mercy filled the air as Marcus coldly disposed of his opponents. With each victory, his thirst for dominance grew, fueling his desire to reign supreme in this brutal contest.

Greetings, esteemed readers. I am pleased to address you once again as the author of this tale. I must apologize for the delay in my updates as promised on Friday or Monday, but I assure you that I will resume my regular schedule next week. Your patience and support are deeply appreciated, and I express my heartfelt gratitude to those who faithfully follow this story week after week. Until we meet again, take care and farewell.

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