
The Villain Who Dreamed

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be born into the most powerful clan and be the son of the strongest king in this era? Well, Marcus didn't have to imagine. He was born into a family where strength meant everything, but he had none. Instead of the life full of roses he was told he would have, he was told he had no magic in front of his father. He still had hope that he could be talented with a sword like his father, but to his dismay, the man who was trying to discover his talent laughed and said, "You have no talent with the sword either, but you do have talent in cultivation. In making pills..." Silence filled the room. Marcus knew he had talent in making pills to make others stronger, but his family already had people who did that, so he was just unneeded. Despite this, he just needed someone to love him, so he went on a journey to find a lover. Finally, he found someone who loved him and he loved her back, and they even started a family. By this point, Marcus was 25 years old, and his siblings had made names for themselves. Although he was unlucky, he was born into a great family and knew that others had less, so he couldn't complain. He decided to help the sick villagers in the village, but to his surprise, someone else was already helping them. It was one of the cadets to become king, known as the hero, who was most likely to succeed. Marcus, who wasn't even worthy to be in the line of succession, couldn't do much but walk away. He returned to his hut and noticed that his wife was gone. She had probably gone to gather herbs to help him make pills, so he went to the castle to meet his father, the king. On his way, he heard moaning and saw that his wife and sister were having sex. He screamed at the sight, but he couldn't do anything. His sister was many times stronger than him, even though she was younger. Feeling angry and helpless, he walked to the largest room in the castle where everyone in his family was waiting for him, except for his sister. To make matters worse, he was told that his own 5-year-old child wasn't even his. He felt like he had been slapped in the face. His son was sitting on his older brother, the only one who had been kind to him and who he loved. They said that his. At the age of five, your own son hit you and said that you were unworthy of him. However, as he struck you again The shock and pain of the moment caused you to snap, and you broke down, cursing the world. You felt a deep sense of betrayal and anger towards your family, who had never appreciated your talents and strengths. This event made you realize that you needed to take matters into your own hands and seek revenge against those who had wronged you. hey this is my first series

ogre_5582 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

I Didn't Miss This

Loud heavy steps could be heard as a lean man, 6.1 in appearance, with skin as pale as the moon and dark red eyes as dark and mysterious as blood, could be seen running as fast as he could away from a very large castle. The guard who spotted him would have stopped him if he weren't the son of the king, so all he could do was watch and wonder why he was running from his own house.

"Haha, suckers!" Marcus yelled as loud as he could, wondering whether or not he would die. He breathed heavily as his playful and pompous aura seemed to have disappeared. "I got lucky. He didn't chase me. If he did, I would have died. I let my hatred get the better of me."

Marcus breathed out. He turned his head up toward the clouds and said, "I will gather every treasure I couldn't in my past life, and then when I have gained all I have lost, I will strike fear in my enemies just by them saying my name. Just you wait, world. You haven't seen anything yet. Marcus Chaos Angel is Marcus's full name."

In this story, most of you have forgotten, but Marcus is a villain, and no villain is stupid. But Marcus must play dumb if he doesn't want to be used for his smarts and tossed away like a dirty rag afterward. After all, Marcus has an IQ over 400. To most, it wouldn't matter, but he could create stuff that has yet to be made. Like a smartphone from our world, Marcus could make that if he tried. He could advance this world about 10,000 years into the future, but he does not want to. After all, he could be rich with all the girls and maybe even guys. I don't even know if Marcus likes girls or guys, but seeing as he has a wife, I assume he isn't gay.

We're getting off track. Marcus is the smartest man you will ever meet, but he has a major downside. He is a sadist. He takes pride in others' pain, and he will never say no to torturing a lady if you know what I mean. If one were to tie up a lady in the middle of a battle, Marcus would stop the fight by any means just to torture the lady.

As Marcus walked back to the castle, he couldn't help but feel like he had just made a huge mistake. He had insulted his father, the king, and now he was on edge, hoping that his dad wouldn't come after him with a sword or something equally lethal.

"Note to self," Marcus muttered under his breath, "don't fuck with dad."

Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder and jumped, ready to run for his life. But when he turned around, he saw that it was just his little sister Beatrice.

"What the hell, Beatrice?" he exclaimed. "You scared the crap out of me."

"I just wanted to hang out, big bro," Beatrice said, giving him a wide grin. "Also, why the heck did you talk to dad like that? Do you have a death wish?"

Marcus rolled his eyes. "Look, I don't know what I was thinking. I just get so frustrated sometimes. Plus, I have an IQ over 400, so my brain can be a little wonky."

Beatrice raised an eyebrow. "An IQ over 400? Damn, you must be smart. Can you make me a smartphone or something?"

Marcus chuckled. "I mean, I could probably invent a smartphone, but why bother? It's not like anyone in this world is ready for that kind of technology. We're still using swords and shields for crying out loud."

Beatrice nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, I guess you're right. But still, you gotta be careful around dad. He's got a temper like a rabid squirrel."

Marcus smirked. "A rabid squirrel? Is that really the best analogy you could come up with?"

"Hey, I'm not the genius here," Beatrice said, sticking her tongue out at him.

Marcus sighed. "Yeah, well, being a genius has its downsides. Like, sure, I can invent all sorts of cool shit, but I'm also a sadist who takes pleasure in other people's pain. Not exactly a great combo, you know?"

Beatrice shrugged. "Eh, everyone's got their flaws. At least you're not a total idiot like some people." She paused. "Not naming names, of course."

Marcus laughed. "Yeah, I guess I should count my blessings. I could be like those dummies over there." He pointed to a group of knights who were bickering and arguing over who got to slay the dragon.

"Well, I'm glad you're not a dummy," Beatrice said, grinning at him. "I mean, you're still a sadistic asshole, but at least you're a smart one."

Marcus rolled his eyes. "Thanks, I think. Now come on, let's go do something fun. Maybe we can go torture some peasants or something."

Beatrice raised an eyebrow. "You know, sometimes I worry about you, bro."

Marcus just grinned. "Don't worry, sis. I'm not crazy. I'm just... creatively evil."

Marcus walked away, disappointed that his sister wasn't going to torture anyone with him. Suddenly, Beatrice yelled, "Don't forget about the academy, shit!" Marcus had completely forgotten. He wasn't excited about going to the academy because he was the weakest student there, and was constantly bullied. But this time, Marcus had a plan.

He ran to his room, grabbed a bag, and sprinted out of the castle. The guards sighed, wondering what he had done this time. Before they could finish thinking, Marcus slapped one of them and said, "Make sure to say 'shit' in your head, dick face," before running off. He ran for three days until he finally made it to a mountain.

"Hello there. What brings you to the place where God resides?" a voice called out.

"TIME FREEZE!" Marcus yelled, and everything around him began to slow down until it came to a complete stop. He was on a time limit, as he wasn't strong enough to maintain his power for long. He spotted a pair of gloves and boots, which were some of the world's most powerful artifacts, and ran to grab them. He also noticed a pill with a warning label that read "Do not use," but of course, Marcus took it with him anyway.

As time began to move again, albeit slowly, Marcus sprinted out of the gate. His power was almost undone, and he knew he had to get out of there quickly. The person who greeted Marcus realized he wasn't there anymore, but shrugged it off, assuming he was some sort of demon master who came by for a quick visit.

Marcus ran for another three days until he finally made it to the academy. "It's dick face!" a spiky-haired man exclaimed as he tried to touch Marcus. The hand that almost touched Marcus was now on the floor bleeding, separated from its body. "Hey, don't touch my goons!" a big bear-looking man said as the crowd and paramedics watched them, cheering them on. Finally, something fun had happened, and even the staff seemed to enjoy it.

"This is it!" Marcus exclaimed as he put on the other glove, which soon became part of his skin. Now with the strength of Heracles and the speed of Hermes, along with the boots, he challenged the bear-looking dude. "Who wins, Marcus or the bear-looking dude?"

I didn't miss this Marcus thought .

finally Marcus uses his time powers and his sister know about smart phones that's kinda strange well there families is one of the most advanced whatever who will win my bets on the bear looking dude you guys