
The Villain Who Dreamed

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be born into the most powerful clan and be the son of the strongest king in this era? Well, Marcus didn't have to imagine. He was born into a family where strength meant everything, but he had none. Instead of the life full of roses he was told he would have, he was told he had no magic in front of his father. He still had hope that he could be talented with a sword like his father, but to his dismay, the man who was trying to discover his talent laughed and said, "You have no talent with the sword either, but you do have talent in cultivation. In making pills..." Silence filled the room. Marcus knew he had talent in making pills to make others stronger, but his family already had people who did that, so he was just unneeded. Despite this, he just needed someone to love him, so he went on a journey to find a lover. Finally, he found someone who loved him and he loved her back, and they even started a family. By this point, Marcus was 25 years old, and his siblings had made names for themselves. Although he was unlucky, he was born into a great family and knew that others had less, so he couldn't complain. He decided to help the sick villagers in the village, but to his surprise, someone else was already helping them. It was one of the cadets to become king, known as the hero, who was most likely to succeed. Marcus, who wasn't even worthy to be in the line of succession, couldn't do much but walk away. He returned to his hut and noticed that his wife was gone. She had probably gone to gather herbs to help him make pills, so he went to the castle to meet his father, the king. On his way, he heard moaning and saw that his wife and sister were having sex. He screamed at the sight, but he couldn't do anything. His sister was many times stronger than him, even though she was younger. Feeling angry and helpless, he walked to the largest room in the castle where everyone in his family was waiting for him, except for his sister. To make matters worse, he was told that his own 5-year-old child wasn't even his. He felt like he had been slapped in the face. His son was sitting on his older brother, the only one who had been kind to him and who he loved. They said that his. At the age of five, your own son hit you and said that you were unworthy of him. However, as he struck you again The shock and pain of the moment caused you to snap, and you broke down, cursing the world. You felt a deep sense of betrayal and anger towards your family, who had never appreciated your talents and strengths. This event made you realize that you needed to take matters into your own hands and seek revenge against those who had wronged you. hey this is my first series

ogre_5582 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Marcus left after giving the beautiful man a very kind gift. Marcus was just about to leave school as he did not want to attend class, but then he saw a mean-looking older lady. Marcus wanted nothing to do with her and started running the moment their gazes crossed.

After running into the school, Marcus thought he was safe, but to no avail, the mean-looking older lady was right in front of him. Marcus did not want to cause any more problems as the mean-looking older lady was staring at him with a deathly stare. With a deep breath, she asked Marcus why he was not in class and started a fight, which he knew was bad and not allowed.

"Sorry, headmaster, I must have forgotten," Marcus said. "But I was just about to leave school, so there is no need to get angry, am I right?"

"Whoa, whoa, hold on there Marcus," the headmaster replied. "You do not think you can actually leave school, do you?"

"Uh, duh. I just said so. Are you dumb?" The headmaster was getting angry at this remark, but she kept her cool and said, "Hey, you shouldn't talk to others like that unless you want to end up dead." "Yeah, yeah," Marcus said in a calm tone. "Yeah, yeah," the headmaster repeated in a mocking tone. "For someone so old, you do act quite dumb," Marcus said. This was the final straw that made the headmaster snap. She was winding up to hit him, and of course, doing so never asking a woman her age; they're pansies and will get mad. "Hey, how did you get up here? Wait, I'm not even in this story. Stop breaking the fourth wall, dammit!" "Who's a pansy now, bitch?" she screamed. "Go back to your story!" "Jeez, let me do my job. Cough, cough." So after swinging her hand down and smacking Marcus across the face, Marcus swung his hand to grab his face before it burned off. "Now get to class before I kill you," she demanded.

As Marcus stumbled away, holding his cheek, he muttered under his breath, "Whatever, old lady." The headmaster gritted her teeth but decided to let it go for now. She had more important things to attend to, like the upcoming school assembly.

Later that day, during the assembly, the headmaster took the stage to address the entire school. "Good afternoon, students," she began. "I wanted to remind everyone of the importance of respecting one another. We are all part of this school community, and we must treat each other with kindness and compassion."

She paused for a moment and looked around the room, making eye contact with as many students as possible. "I know that tensions can run high at times, but it's important to take a deep breath and think before we speak or act. Let's strive to create a safe and welcoming environment for all."

"The headmaster's words seemed not to resonate with the students, especially Marcus. They all got mad after hearing her words. Marcus had been made fun of, used, and tossed away many times in his life and previous life. So hearing the word 'kind' wasn't something Marcus was happy with."

The headmaster's words seemed to not resonate with the students as they all got mad after hearing her words, especially Marcus. The headmaster had always been treated like a princess, and she didn't seem to understand the pain of others. This was particularly frustrating for Marcus, who had been made fun of, used, and tossed away many times in his life. Hearing the word "kind" from someone who had never experienced the harsh realities of life wasn't something that Marcus was happy with. He gritted his teeth and muttered under his breath, "What does she know about being kind?" The other students around him seemed to agree, and there was a palpable sense of tension in the air.

Marcus had little patience for anyone who seemed ignorant of the harsh realities of life. The headmaster, on the other hand, was known for being coddled and sheltered from such things. Marcus sneered, his lips curling into a contemptuous grin. "Kind?" he scoffed. "What does she know about being kind? She's just another pampered princess, living in her own little world." The other students nodded in agreement, recognizing the truth in Marcus's words.

After the assembly was over, Marcus walked away with a scowl on his face. He didn't want to deal with the "bitch of a headmaster" any longer, but he knew he had to go to class. As he walked down the hallway, he saw some of the other students whispering and glancing in his direction. He knew they were talking about him, but he didn't care. He was used to being the outcast and the villain.

When he arrived at his class, he took a seat at the back of the room and pulled out his book. He tried to focus on the words, but his mind kept drifting back to the headmaster's words. He couldn't shake off the feeling of anger and frustration that was bubbling inside him.

As the class went on, Marcus remained quiet and kept to himself. He didn't participate in the discussions or answer any questions. He just sat there, seething with anger.

When the class finally ended, Marcus quickly packed up his things and left the room. He didn't want to see any of his classmates or the headmaster again. He knew he had to find a way to channel his anger and frustration, but he didn't know how. All he knew was that he was determined to prove everyone wrong and show them that he was not to be underestimated.

Marcus walked out of class to the cafeteria for lunch they are civil people after all

there he saw a group of kids the prefect target he thought

"Hey, did you hear about the kidnapping at the school?" he asked with a smirk. The students looked at him with concern. "No, what happened?" one of them asked. "Don't worry," Marcus said with a laugh. "He woke up." The students rolled their eyes and walked away, but Marcus couldn't stop chuckling to himself.

That made his mood a little better the next class was combat and he was sure he wouldn't fail.