
The villain tyrant: What should I do if I use more luck?

Through the book, he became the whetstone boss of the villain's protagonist. Zhao Zheng obtained the villain's tyrant system. Every time he made a "negative" decision, the decline of the dynasty's luck would feed back his cultivation base. Master Xiuwei +99 days, appointing a noble family +999 days, bombarding Xiuxian Zongmen +6999 days... In order to survive the decisive battle three years later, Zhao Zheng was madly defeated by luck, but Hu Meixiu became a fox immortal, and all the teachers of Jiaofang were talented. Three years later, the protagonist of the Realm of Hundred Tribulations went to the Qiankun Hall to take revenge, and saw the ceiling that almost collapsed the book. Zhao Zheng: Author, do you call this a small boss?

DaoistoADzhJ · Fantasy
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203 Chs

Chapter 74 Kill! ! ! !

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The warriors of Qingyunzong just took off, and in the blink of an eye, they saw countless light groups.

Yes, it's the light group.

It was the top-grade primeval stone that was ignited with the brilliant light of primeval stones and was about to explode.

They were accidentally overturned by Zhou Yuan just now, and now they just got up and got up to Yujian.

In a moment.

Those orange-yellow light clusters filled with Yuan Li exploded around them and even in front of them, and some cultivators of Qingyun Sect even caught it subconsciously.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The dazzling orange-yellow light directly swallowed that piece of sky!

Yuan force is mighty, and Zhou Yuan hid aside subconsciously when he realized it was not good.

At a glance, a group of Qingyunzong immortal cultivators on that day became living targets. They were like popcorn that had just been opened, and they were directly blown away!

The powerful and weak warriors were directly broken and blown to pieces. There were warriors with strong cultivation in the innate realm, their bodies were torn to pieces, and there were warriors in the king realm, who were shocked with wounds and almost fainted.

This primeval stone cannon has not been used for too many years, and too many people have forgotten his former prestige, even Zhao Zheng and the people in the imperial palace have underestimated its power! Under the coverage of firepower, there is no way to resist.

Also, who has filled the top-quality primeval stones with the primeval stone cannon! This attack power is directly doubled by a hundred times!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

"Whoosh whoosh—"

There was almost no stagnation, and the artillery bombed three rounds in a row.

The Qingyun Mountain disciples are almost dead and injured, and there are less than five people who can still stand in the air!

Primordial stone cannons are very strong, but strong warriors are not covered.

Sun Qingru was still a little bit slow in his reaction in joy. He had encountered those primordial stone cannonballs, but the terrifying defense of the Hundred Tribulations Realm was also revealed. During several rounds of bombardment by hundreds of primordial stone cannons, he Ren Yuanshi's cannonball exploded in front of him, and in the terrifying wave of energy, he stood still in the air.

Although disheartened, he was not broken!


Sun Qingru was furious.

Zhou Yuan's face was ugly. Looking at the corpses of his disciples, his anger increased to a new level: "Today, it's not over."

You must know that it takes too many resources to cultivate a disciple of the innate realm. Those who can become an immortal cultivator are almost one in 100,000. As the so-called immortal cultivation is difficult, it is as difficult as the sky. Qingyunzong killed so many young warriors at once, which may be the possibility of a powerful warrior fault in the next hundred years.

Sun Qingru gave an order frantically: "Let Di Kun, the mortal imperial palace, be stained with blood, and the entire palace with blood!"


The rest of the warriors agreed loudly.


At the moment when the gun stopped, a loud roar came from Zhao Zheng's mouth.


The imperial palace warriors who were ready to go all rushed out, and for a while, colorful Yuanli rays of light emerged, illuminating most of the dark night.

Zhao Zheng grabbed the hand of Yang Xiaoyou, who was about to rush up. Yang Xiaoyou held a long sword. She glanced at Zhao Zheng, but in the end she didn't insist on going forward.

Ling Yunzi breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing this.

"Fighting, fighting, this is a man's business. If you are not here, you will be the mother of the Great Flame, and you will keep your home for me."

After Zhao Zheng finished speaking, he let go of Yang Xiaoyou, and with one step, thousands of golden light of luck gathered crazily beside Zhao Zheng, this time, there was no huge golden light Zhao Zheng, those golden lights of luck were condensed On Zhao Zheng's body, it turned into a golden armor for him.

"Kill ah ah ah ah ah!"

Song Jingxian roared loudly, he was running frantically and fast, after a few kilometers of run-up, he stomped his feet suddenly, and he was at the peak of the king's realm. With the recoil of this stomping, his body was like a rocket. Lift off, lift off kilometers in the blink of an eye.


Then, the terrifying gravity turned into an impact, and the spear in his hand was raised high above his head, which was a big hack.

A person Wang Jing just said a "yes" word, his eyes are full of anger, it is the mortal who wants to kill the emperor's palace to vent his anger, but an ice-colored spear directly kills it.

It was so sudden.

He hurriedly condensed his Yuan force to form a qi hood to resist, but the master of the ice-colored spear was too powerful, and the master of the Qingyun Sect was shaken to the point of bleeding from seven holes in an instant.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Song Jingxian's teeth were cracked, he roared loudly with wide eyes, his face was distorted because his mouth was too wide.

in the roar.

The sound of "kakakakaka" sounded everywhere, and it was too late to clean up. Between the electric light and flint, the famous king of Qingyunzong was crushed into cracks. In the end, the sound of "bang" exploded!

"Kill ah ah ah!"

Followed by a large group of people who are not afraid of death, they are generally different from the masters cultivated in the Xiuxian sect. They have a whole body of suffocation, and they will fight to the death. , they used all their strength to kill the enemy, not thinking about retreat.

It can be said that the brave are invincible.


Liu Siqi shouted, "Kill!!!"




In the imperial palace, the soldiers were densely packed, and all the roads were filled up by the soldiers outside the dangerous distance of the artillery fire of the Yanlong Palace.

Liu Siqi was wearing a literati purple robe, all holding a long sword, ready to rush to kill.

The generals living in the imperial palace all joined the sequence independently.

Yang Wei, Duke of Zhen Guo: "Kill!!!"

"Kill!! Kill!!! Kill!!!!"

On this side, countless soldiers shouted to kill, their eyes widened, ready to charge at any time, even if there was a sea of ​​swords and flames in front of them.

Under Zhao Zheng's new reward system, such as the military merit system, the honor system, and the benefiting three-generation system, the morale of the Yandu troops of the Dayan Dynasty has condensed to a peak state, even if it is the army commanded by the founding emperor 800 years ago. , it may not be so!

To die for Emperor Dayan is a matter of honor.

Dayan Emperor Kun Zhao Zheng has become a new belief among the various armies of Dayan Yandu.

"court death!!"

Zhou Yuan watched his subordinates die, and he felt distressed at first. Seeing a man Elder Wang was hacked to death on the spot, he was furious and directly killed Song Jingxian!


Song Jingxian ignored it, and then smashed Sun Qingru with a spear in his hand.

"Kill!" Sun Qingru was also extremely angry, he slapped Song Jingxian with a palm in the air, Song Jingxian's eyes were about to come out, and a long spear stabbed directly at Sun Qingru's head.

Sun Qingru quickly stopped, he slapped Song Jingxian's spear to the side, and the spear shifted in Song Jingxian's hand, but in the next instant, Song Jingxian punched Sun Qingru's chest, and Sun Qingru also slapped Song Jingxian's chest.


Song Jingxian gushed blood.